Written by: Jillian & Jan Yuhas, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Your greatest performance isn’t based on a number. While your monthly profits may be a direct correlation to the number of deals you close, it doesn’t necessarily create long-lasting revenue for sustainability. The endless numbers of calls and meetings you set-up on a daily basis can leave you high and dry if you are only focusing on how many calls you book on a given day.

What makes a lasting impression for longevity is the relationship you create with your clientele by providing exceptional service and solving their problems. This is ultimately what fuels unlimited amounts of revenue and exponential growth in your firm and skillset.
Relationships are your greatest asset to sealing the deal.
Building trust from the initial interaction is the most valuable determinant to any relationship, yet often goes unbuilt when money becomes the driving factor. Money is a short-term gain in business and can often leave the buyer feeling like another number if the transaction is financially driven. However, when the relationship is cultivated between you and the buyer, then the money no longer becomes the number one factor in the sale. It's about the value you provide that makes them want to work with you and only you.
Without trust, the relationship will bust.
The greater alignment with your prospect, the better the relationship's outcome and the easier it is to close the sale. Alignment makes your prospect feel understood, valued, and heard, which is an innate human need. Meeting your client’s needs and producing results is worth more than the value they purchased it for. And, the more value you provide for the price they paid, the more they will tell others about you.
3 Ways To Build Relationship Capital
1. Serving Their Needs Versus Selling Yourself
It’s quite common for driven professionals to attempt creating growth through sales using fly-by-night tactics, but over time you’ll be working harder than you need to. In fact, you’ll be on a never-ending hamster wheel spinning new strategies to land deals when the old tactics begin to fall flat. This is what selling yourself looks like. You’re only focused on your financial gain by doing whatever it takes to land the client.
You can’t serve until you understand your client’s needs.
Cultivating connections comes with understanding your client’s problem and offering a solution that solves it for them. Individuals are more likely to commit to your solution when you can fix an emotional pain point by eliminating it from their lifestyle. Uncovering their pain and desired need is key to positioning yourself as an asset to them.
2. Building Value Versus Strongly Focusing On Monetary Gain
Talk is cheap until you make your client think about how your solution will transform their life. By providing your prospect with more value than they are investing in, they will feel appreciated and more inclined to do business with you. And, when you deliver on that value, then you are building trust within the relationship. Ultimately, your solution becomes an invaluable asset to where they can't say no.
Whether you are selling stocks, homes, services, or products, the greater the value received, the more likely your client will value your service and refer you to close friends and family. Providing endless amounts of value defines your credibility, level of respect, and your business and services' reputation.
Referrals generate revenue streams.
On the contrary, focusing on the monetary gain is the quickest way to lose a valuable client. Now, not every client will be your ideal client, but if you fail to create the connection, it's almost a guarantee they won't become one. Clients thrive on transparency, realness, and trust within the beginning of the relationship to know you have their best interest. They want to know you aren't going to take their hard-earned money and fail to deliver on their wants and needs.
3. Assertive Communication Versus Aggressive Communication
A lot of sales strategies can come across as an aggressive approach. At some point in your life, you have probably experienced a sales professional contacting you one too many times within a short period of time or had someone try to get you to do business with them out of pity with pain-staking an emotional story. This is the quickest way to turn someone off, and more than likely, they will just delete your email or not return your call.
A lack of genuineness screams through the screen when someone is focusing on a numbers game versus creating value. Sneakiness, false promises, bombardment, and manipulative language well close your business faster than it started.
Communication is essential for your professional relationships.
Taking an assertive communication approach is the most profound avenue to growing your relationships so they can thrive long-term. This style of communication allows you to clarify your client’s needs, empathize with understanding, and define the value you will provide by resolving their problem. It is best to use the 3 C’s of communication when delivering your message: a Calm tone, Concise messaging, and strive towards Constructive language for win-win outcomes.
Lastly, following through after you have made the initial interaction is very crucial to building the relationship. More than often, this is the number one step we see forgotten in doing business. Business relationships cannot achieve growth if there is a lack of consistency in communication. A sale cannot be closed, a contract will unlikely get signed, or a failed relationship will occur without building value through communication.
Final word, your performance is the exact value of your relationship capital.

Jillian & Jan Yuhas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jillian Yuhas and Jan Yuhas, MA, MFT, CPC.
When their needs with past romantic partners fell on deaf ears and clients requested services beyond their contracts at their first company, they knew there had to be a better solution to resolving differences in their relationships. Being empaths came with some hard lessons, which fueled their passion to create a method on how to resolve opposing views and evolve relationships to the next level. With Masters in Psychology, Certificates in Professional Coaching and Mediation, their professional and personal transformation led to them developing their signature coaching programs, Relationship Intelligence Method and Boundary Badass Program. Today, Jan and Jillian are International Relationship & Lifestyle Coaches and Boundary Specialists at Entwined Lifestyle who coach driven men and women on how to cultivate personal and professional relationships throughout their lifestyle. They guide their client’s on a transformational journey by overcoming relationship challenges in love and business, conquering fear-based thinking, eliminating self-sabotaging habits, setting healthy boundaries, utilizing assertive communication, living a balanced lifestyle, and most importantly, achieving relationship results for success.