Written by: Jamie Dooley, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Women (especially) seem to get bombarded by the media message of “not enough.” As many of us consumed more media than usual in the first few months of the pandemic, something magical happened. We saw through the cracks. We began to question our daily habits and look within for answers.

For some, time spent within was so uncomfortable that they distracted themselves at higher levels than before. But the brave ones saw past the cracks and found their inner light. Many women realized this past year that they aren’t just “enough” physically, but mentally, energetically, emotionally, and spiritually as well. Those same women are now looking for coaches who can guide them in all dimensions. We know this because as we unplugged from mass media and social media more and more, we began to live in an expanded state that was so beautiful, whole, and full, that our desire for our old life of physical and emotional hustle faded away. Little by little, our daily thought patterns were replaced by heart-centered moments of gratitude, needing nothing extra outside of us to feel amazing. Some call it an awakening, but we prefer to think of it as remembering. Once you see yourself as a multi-dimensional being, the physical 3D world no longer holds the same weight. All you want to do is help other people feel it too. Many wise women saw the extra time at home as a way to challenge the status quo in all areas of life. They questioned why they did things at all, and who they had become in spite of who they came to be. These brave souls did not distract themselves. They got to KNOW themselves at a deep, vulnerable, heart level. They allowed what no longer served them to emerge in their consciousness so that they could say thank you and goodbye. They created opportunity out of chaos, and are now sitting at a higher vibration because of it. If you were one of these women, you know that we’re meant to be constantly expanding, and that comfort buries the very dreams we came here to live. You know that life starts at the edge of your comfort zone, and you now feel ready to take risks you would not have considered a few years ago because you are resonating with a higher frequency. As more and more women are looking for a coach to guide them through these home, career, relationship and health changes, they are bringing with them the awareness that they are
multi-dimensional, and they are also looking to embrace their divine feminine energies in exchange for the very hustle that they left behind.
If you are already coaching, ask yourself how you can bring more feminine awareness into your programs. Guide your clients to practice the art of beingness with other dimensional awareness and creative stillness.
If you are a natural-born coach, but haven’t taken the leap to enroll in a certification program, look for one that addresses our energetic and emotional bodies. Look for one that is as process-driven from an enjoyment standpoint, as it is goal orientated. As it turns out we don’t need all the things before we can feel good. We just have to decide to feel good and remember to tune into the love that is already here for us.
Past COVID, women are waking up at crazy high rates and no longer feel aligned with the old masculine way of achievement over peace. They want results, but they want to deepen their ability to enjoy the steps along the way too.
We used to think self-discipline was self-love. We were fed that by big box marketers to get us to buy their goods and products that we routinely slathered, had implanted or injected, and consumed at high rates. As we awaken, we see so much more beauty in our natural state than ever before. We realize that self-love needs nothing from the outside world. It flows from within, and is always available to those willing to remove the barriers to it.
When divine feminine energy has a chance to emerge, it’s normal to leave behind masculine themes of competition and comparison. Women are designed for connection and collaboration.
By injecting these themes into your coaching programs, services, and offers, you’ll have a full roster from referrals, and you’ll enjoy helping these women at the greatest level you’ve ever known.
We still wake up daily to “thank you” texts from women we’ve coached utilizing the multidimensional modality that we call Expansion Coaching ™ and say to each other, “Can you believe we get to do this for a living? It’s the best purpose on earth!”
Learn more practical concepts for heart-based living from Jamie and her sister Lisa (also a Master Coach & Healer) on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, or their Expansion Coach Academy website where you can learn more about becoming a Certified Expansion Coach ™, or working with a coach they have trained.

Jamie Dooley, Senior Level Executive Contributor Magazine
Jamie Dooley is an international award-winning coach and healer, spiritual teacher, expansion expert, and founder of Expansion Group for Women. In 2021 she was named one of the Brainz 500 Global influencers to watch for. She is the author of Self-Coaching Mastery and co-creator of Expansion Coaching ™. She, and her sister Lisa Freitag, have dedicated their lives to building a community of heart-based coaches who will assist them in impacting the growth and expansion of women worldwide on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, and their robust hybrid training and community, Expansion Coach Academy ™.