Written by: Aden Eyob, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Creativity and time management are words of opposites, especially for the creative soul. However, all is not lost, for it's possible to channel your imagination with good time planning hacks.

The concept of 'time' is paramount to how we perceive the world. Since time is ethereal, it can't be seen, heard, or felt; and thus, we defer to metaphors to describe, talk or think meaningfully about time. The secret sauce lies in your ability to understand your perception of time.
In the world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the concept of 'time' can be conceptualized as 'in time' and 'through time.'
A person who imagines time as the future ahead of them and the past behind them, and with the moment being their current state, would manage their time 'at the moment' as they are embedded 'in' their timeline. Moreover, since 'in-time is a journey or expression of their current state of mind and mood, they can face challenges with set timelines (e.g., turn up on time, meeting deadlines and diary item) because they are involved in their 'in' time activity.
Conversely, someone perceives time as 'through-time,' has the past to one side (usually the left) and the future to the other (usually on the right) while 'now' is just in front of them, and thus, can see their timeline overview from left to right in front of them. Such individuals would be 'through time' because the person is 'looking through' their timeline. As such, conventional time management practices such as to-do lists and checklists come more straightforward because they have a linear view of time and are detached from the feeling of time.
With that said, it's important to note that there are no right or wrong ways to view your timelines. It's normal for individuals to switch between the two timelines or even operate simultaneously. The key lies in understanding your general tendencies and applying suitable time-keeping tools to work alongside your timelines.
Now that you know the timeline concepts, the next step is understanding time chunks. The brain has peaks and troughs of activities throughout the day, with a particular time zone optimal for specific tasks. The three-time zones of activities include:
Analytical - early morning when the brain is fresh and in full alert mode; this is the best time to schedule meetings, research, plan or make critical decisions.
Administrative - the lunch hour is the lull period where there is little brain activity, and thus, best served by doing tasks that require little brainpower. Administrative tasks, running simple errands, or auto-pilot tasks would be suitable.
Creative - late afternoon until night time is ideal for creative work as the brain is in the theta state; a perfect time for mind mapping, brainstorming, or innovative content creation.
Key Point:
Identify your timeline - are you an experience or viewer time, or both?
Map out your day, weeks, and months using the time chunks
Have fun with your time planning for a happy mind is a happy life
For more mindset tips, tools and inspiration, check out my book, The Book on Mind Training: The Secret for Positive Living on Amazon.

Aden Eyob, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Aden Eyob is a leader in mindset. She is the clinical neuroscientist and author, The Book on Mind Training: The Secret for Positive Living. She is the founder and CEO of Mind Medication, a fusion of neuroscience-psychology and spirituality-based mindset consulting and speaker service that helps you uncover your why to unlock potential and free limiting beliefs to achieve the impossible. Her clients include CEOs, entrepreneurs, and celebrities and her mission is to have a world free from limiting beliefs.