Written by: Eva Maria Hunt, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Solopreneurs and The Law of Attraction
Whether you believe in science, spirituality or both, there are certain laws in the Universe, which shape your life in every second. One of them reached a “celebrity status” amongst these laws… You got it, I am talking about the Law of Attraction.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein
It sounds like a lot of responsibility for anyone, doesn’t it? Let alone for a solopreneur, when you are your own business, with all of your emotions, thoughts, hopes and visions. Therefore sometimes the Law of Attraction works to your advantage, other times it goes against you. You are human after all! But the good news is, you are not just human! You are energy and you can learn to align with the Law of Attraction and create by design, rather than by default.
I know it far too well, spending the last decade in the holistic healing arena with my clients, as an Energy Therapist, Law of Attraction and Consciousness Coach and Numerology enthusiast.
The energy of numbers and how to take advantage of them?
As someone, who feels at home in the world of energy, which may seem chaotic and unpredictable at times, I like to fall back on esoteric approaches, like Numerology, which is explaining the energies of the Universe through the meaning of numbers. Every single number has certain attributes, both positive and negative ones. Just looking at the number 2022, 2 stands out, also showing up as 4 (2+2) and 6 (2+0+2+2)…
First let’s rewind to 2020 to gain perspective on where we are heading energetically.
2020 pushed the reset button for many solopreneurs, including me, and challenged us to stand up for what we truly believe in, creating countless lockdown success stories and financial stability (No 4).
2021 was the year of true change (No 5), asking you to shred outgrown patterns and situations, preparing you to truly become who you meant to be in your business.
I believe we can all agree that it can be hard at times to keep your private life at bay, not letting it affect your business. The question is:
How can you separate your private and business life, i.e. your mind and heart, as a solopreneur? And should You?
As I am writing this article, I am dealing with the grief of my father’s transition to the light. His death was sudden and in the last few weeks I had to allow myself space and time to process it all.
How it affected my business?
Financially the last month of the year was a complete write off. Emotionally though it has been not only challenging, but very empowering too. What it has to do with the energies of 2022? Quite a lot, actually.
3 steps guiding you towards a Magical 2022:
Step 1 The wisdom of the No 2 – Honour the value of relationships
Your life, as a solopreneur giving you no chance to escape interacting with others. You are a walking, talking advertisement of your business. People connect with you and your energy, doesn’t matter what you do. When you are sad, happy, anxious or really relaxed there are people receiving your vibes at all times. So what can you do, when it is impossible to hide how you feel? The answer is simple: Show it!
Expressing my grief, letting my fellow solopreneurs and clients into my most sacred private place and pain, allowed me to strengthen existing bonds and build new connections with clients and subscribers.
Let’s not forget about the relationship with your own Self, whilst on this subject. The level of self-worth is the base of your success. Allowing your inner feminine to have a voice is empowering. Using your intuition is essential!
Pitfall: Being indecisive.
Step 2 The counsel of the No 4 – Build a firm foundation, whilst re-enforcing your vision
With my dad passing, nothing felt meaningful anymore. This came, as a shock to me, as I love my work, helping strong women to understand their energy setting and potential.
During the grieving process I have found de-cluttering, giving or throwing away what is not needed created fresh energies in my living space and a sense of security. It also felt like I have been making a strong, new energetic foundation, as I am working from home.
On the emotional & mental plane I have found myself questioning everything that was too much work, too much struggle, unnecessary waste of my resources in my business. It led to creating a new action plan, which meant working smarter, rather than harder, combining wisdom and practicality.
Pitfall: Being rigid.
Step 3 The Magic of the No 6 – Put your heart & soul into everything you do
Seemingly my dad and I were very different. He was taught that showing emotions is weakness, and I am an empath feeling my way through life. He believed in mind power and my mission is connecting people with their soul. It took me a bit of soul searching to work out how I can continue his legacy, which was the only way I could soothe my soul.
There is one thing in common, I have found, which I felt in my entire life, even when we were clashing whit each other, even when I moved to live in the UK: the amazing, warming, heartfelt LOVE that radiated from his heart. He did put his heart and soul into everything he did, whether it was to do with family or work, and the desire to serve others we shared too.
No 6, is all about the connection to your heart and soul, compassion, empathy, support, nurturing and healing.
Pitfall: Self-sacrifice.
Use the energies of the above numbers wisely along with the principles of The Law of Attraction. Beware! Your mind is involved in your decision-making, at all times. The question is what vibrational ground you are standing on:
the platform of fear, low frequency, which ends in manifesting lack or
the base of your energetic heart, aiding in creating prosperity?
Now 2022 is here to help you find a new sense of equilibrium. And yes, that means to implement a new way of leading, with your heart and mind in alignment.
Have a Prosperous New Year!
Need help in implementing these steps, or working with the Law of Attraction, etc.? Get in touch!

Eva Maria Hunt, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Eva Maria Hunt is a multi-passionate creative, consciousness coach helping people to connect with their soul to love and thrive in life.
After successfully beating depression, Eva's mission became to help mainly strong women to connect within, in order to move forward. For more than a decade she is combining her intuitive skills with Law of Attraction principles, energy healing and spirituality to guide those in need and empower them.
She hasn't always been working in the holistic healing arena though. Her original profession is commercial economist, which is as far away from being an energy healer, as her native country, Hungary, from her adopted one, the UK.
She offers one to one coaching sessions, along with courses and workshops, such as, Read Oracle Cards Knockout, Find your way to Meditation, The Art of channeling, to help her clients uncover their full potential. Her channeled paintings are emotionally moving and perfect for meditation. A few of them recently were published in Vibe, a coffee table book, to which she also contributed, as one of the "colour experts".
Her You Tube channel, "Moon Goddess Oracle, Journey to 5D" is aimed to provide guidance in love to those in need.
Her V.I.P., 3 months coaching programme, Accelerate to Divine Living offers a 6 step process to switch from mind power only, to soul power. Eva believes that life is magic, she helps you to become the Magician you meant to be.