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Interview With Stephanie Reh – Accountability Evangelist

Years ago after spending her entire career in a corporate setting, Stephanie Reh transitioned to a leadership role at a non-profit organization where she found herself for the first time in a culture where accountability was at best, noticeably absent and at worst, actively opposed. She seized the opportunity to win them over by encouraging and modeling transparent, authentic, impactful communication.

Long before the transformation was reflected in the organization’s bottom line, Stephanie’s influence was gaining traction via one-on-one conversations and in group settings. To attract attention to this important work in a relatable and non-threatening manner, she adopted the persona of Accountability Evangelist. She donned a cape and wore it each month when delivering leadership training to new employees, and on any other occasion where a gentle yet assertive reminder about accountability was warranted.

And thus, her persona and passion emerged: to spread the empowering message of accountability and the wonderfully positive impact a person can have when it is embraced.

Stephanie Reh, Accountability Evangelist

Why are you so passionate about accountability?

Accountability is awesome yet often has a negative connotation. What could be more empowering than recognizing your ability to influence every interaction you have with another person; to alter the trajectory of your day, year, life by owning your decisions and actions? Wow! Instead of viewing accountability as a restriction or punishment - as people often do - I want people to embrace it as a tool for expanding personal potential to live a life of fulfillment and make the biggest and best impact on the lives of the people they choose to serve.

What personal goal are you most excited about?

My personal mission is to help more people to serve more people. The specific goal that gets me the most excited is writing big checks to charity. I have a targeted list of causes I support and I dream about the day when I get to weep as I write 5- and 6-figure checks that enable these wonderful organizations to serve people in the best way possible.

What about you inspires people?

I’m courageous and determined. I don’t shy away from difficult challenges and I’m always thinking of ways to be better and do better - and then I put the ideas into practice. I am resilient and undeterred by circumstances. I may pause to gather myself but then I get moving again. The world needs what I can give and I want to give it!

Through my Ambition Ignition exercise - featured in my Focus & Momentum Goal Mastery course - I learned about my superpowers from the perspective of people who know me well. Here’s what they told me:

  • I “bring calm clarity to charged situations”.

  • I’m good at “breaking down complex jobs into manageable tasks”.

  • I am “a force”.

  • I am a “super connector” - an amplified version of what Malcolm Gladwell described in his book, The Tipping Point.

What about you frustrates people?

I hold/hug people accountable regardless of their affiliation with me. For example, it drives my younger daughter nuts when I always ask her about what she did and can do in a situation that is frustrating her. She wants me to side with her unconditionally, and I don’t do that. Instead, I love and support her unconditionally while objectively addressing the reality of her role and opportunity in the situation. You can control your own behavior and influence others so really, nearly every situation is within your power to impact.

I am also a rule follower. My original career was in Human Resources and I’ve also been a Compliance Officer. The roles suit me well because I do not consider myself or anyone else an exception to established rules that are put in place for a reason. At the same time, I recognize every situation is different and needs to be considered on its own merit…but that is not an excuse to excuse people from accountability. Scruples matter!

How has your business evolved over time?

I opened my business in January 2015 in order to serve my first coaching client. At the time, I was working 4 days/week at a non-profit organization for a visionary leader who gave me the flexibility to have my own business in order to make up for the difference in salary compared to what I’d enjoyed at my previous corporate job. My main focus 1 day/week was to provide business and career coaching to private clients and to create and deliver leadership development programs to corporate clients. In addition, I co-founded the business with my sister who led our professional organizing segment, which is still alive and well under the original business name, Kidden Prep.

Fast forward to 2021, when my business became a full-time endeavor and my primary offering was online group coaching for individuals and organizational development consulting for organizations. I’ve since decided that my heart and best service lies in a return to non-profit, executive leadership, so I’ve converted my main coaching and consulting offerings to online courses: Focus & Momentum Goal Mastery and Succession Planning: Prepare Leaders for Tomorrow.

What are three career lessons you’ve learned thus far?

  1. Take the opportunity when it comes to you, even if you think you aren’t ready...because if you wait until you are ready, the opportunity may be gone.

  2. Focus on the impact you want to have, not on a specific job you think you want. If you do the latter, you may miss out on opportunities that are much better aligned with your purpose and energy.

  3. People aren’t always ready for the change you are ready to ignite. For this reason, I established the mantra: Go where you are needed. There are always people who want what you can provide – now. Find them and focus on them; don’t chase those who are resistant. They will come around in time…or they won’t. Either way, YOUR time will be spent where it is most needed AND valued.

Please share one of your favorite quotes.

“You can have no dominion greater or less than that over yourself.” - Leonardo da Vinci

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!



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