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How To Transform Your Life With The Heartspace ‒ Exclusive Interview With Kelly Keefe

Kelly Keefe is an innovative leader, empowerment mindset coach, speaker, best-selling author, and reiki teacher. She is the founder of The Heartspace established in 2016 helping individuals and groups find their inner peace and elevate into states of thriving. She has worked with thousands of people around the world, including C-suite executives and entrepreneurs helping them create fulfillment in their lives and exceed their goals while doing so. Kelly is a Frequency Therapist and multi-disciplinary artist. She uses her certified training and experience to bring a fresh approach to traditional therapy allowing for faster results and true resolution of problems and challenges.

Kelly Keefe, Frequency Therapist & Reiki Master Teacher

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

My name is Kelly Keefe and I am the Founder of The Heartspace. My life path and career have been far from the traditional route, beginning with delving into the healing arts in 2012. Over the last eleven years, I have traveled the world while choosing to experience living in New York City, Costa Rica, and Texas. My travels have brought me throughout the United States, India, Europe, Canada and more. I’m fueled by the exploration of what this world offers and what we can discover within ourselves. I also deeply love people. One of my deepest passions is passion. I am fueled by hearing and learning what lights other people up. Being able to witness that light is so beautiful to me. And whenever it aligns to support them in amplifying that light ‒ whew! So much joy for me.

I’ve always been passionate about creative expression since I was a child. At six years old, I told my first stand up comedy joke to my entire school (reach out to me on IG if you want to know what the joke was, I still remember!). I wrote my first novel in third grade and at all times I was playing school with my sister, playing sports, at the dance studio, or creating some sort of artistic expression project. This is still pretty much how I live my day-to-day life. Creation is life to me, and creativity and liberating myself into my authentic expression has supported me in overcoming binge eating disorder, victim mentality, and grew my confidence to insurmountable levels.

When I’m not working, you can catch me out in nature, being in student mode, spending time with friends and family, spending time with myself, or off on some sort of adventure. This life is to be experienced is my philosophy and I love to have it be an experience full of laughter, love, creativity, and impact. I have a novel coming out with Pegasus Publishing later this year. We will do events in the UK and US for the launch, so really enjoying getting to bring the community together to create epic memorable experiences!

What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

I began The Heartspace because I could hear the inner guidance to do so. I wanted to provide a place for people to know it is safe to dive deep within themselves, rewrite their stories, and thrive with the tools, support, and know-how to do that. The business has grown over the years (began in 2016), because I have grown so much too. The Heartspace provides Transformational Coaching [Sub-conscious rewiring, NLP techniques, empowerment programming, energy healing], Reiki training and experiences, self-led courses catering to personal development and spiritual growth, and group programs. We have our next group program kicking off at the end of March, which is really exciting.

Our clients leave their time working with The Heartspace confident, leveled up in their mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational life. I know it’s a big statement to say, but I’m blessed to say it has been the truth time and time again. God is good and we are so fortunate to have the tools, support, and grace of God walking with us to help people truly learn to access their heart and live from this powerful place. And when we can live from The Heartspace, we can live with abundance and grace.

Got it. And can you tell us a bit more about subconscious rewiring and energy work? What exactly does that mean?

Ha, yes. For sure. So about 80-90% of our day-to-day actions derive from the programming that we have operating in our subconscious mind. This means the different habits, beliefs, thought patterns, emotional reactions, etc etc etc that we develop from the day we were born until about age 11 are the key aspects running how we live our lives. Until we learn how to bring awareness to this and rewire it. There are many techniques and tools out there ‒ I went down the training and study routes of subconscious rewiring where we learn how to return to the moments of patterns and imprints we can call them, and change the program. I found a passion for NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) as well, which is the study of our language. It’s the study and practice of looking into why we say what we say, and how we can transform our language to transform our lives. As a writer and loquacious person from day one, it makes total sense to me why I love this so much. Haha. This is like going into the switchboard and turning off things that no longer need to be there and turning on the things we would like to have turned on.

Energy work is consciously working with our energy field and higher frequencies available to us to release stagnant energy that we are carrying within our physical and energetic bodies and to elevate our state of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. This is an extremely high-level answer to both… but we will be here all day if I go into a full rabbit's hole discussion with you at this moment. Again, happy to discuss all of this with anyone further, just reach out.

What are your current goals for your business?

Love this question. The current goal is, impact the lives of a thousand people in 2023. That is to be in the various channels and options that we have available such as the self-led courses, direct 1:1 work with myself or the other amazing practitioners we have on team, group programs, or simply receiving the free bi-weekly newsletter we send out that carries so much value and teachings that can support in changing one's life for the better. We are here to be of service and know that it is only together we can truly thrive. We know if we keep our goal focused on the impact and people we are here to touch and support, the financial goals and greatness follow, which will pour back into the mission to expand our reach even further.

What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

Oh, juicy! The long-term vision we are moving towards with The Heartspace is grand. We are steadily making our way towards having properties (I hear sanctuaries in my head) around the globe that work together in a global community to bring these teachings, ways of being… essentially health and happiness to the global family. For myself? I see myself getting to be in the trenches with my team building this and getting to have so much laughter, creation, and fun along the way. We are also working towards achieving the position where our team of practitioners has expanded, so we have both in-person and distant healing work readily available for anyone who is hearing the call for that support.

On a personal level, I’m looking forward to achieving a healthy partnership to experience all this great life with, continue to write my novels and books and enjoy sharing those with the world, and also continue to enjoy my passions of all the various creative expression projects I have going on that are created from my heart.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

The coaching and transformational industry, hm. Where do I begin? I’ll start with saying I’m grateful to see we are in a time and place on this planet where so many people have devoted to doing their inner work and understand the importance of sharing this information with others so that we can all thrive together. What I’d like to see change within the industry is the caliber of integrity that I witness among many coaches and companies. From charging exponential rates simply because there is a knowing that people are so hungry and desperate for help, to teaching things before having truly embodied them themselves… of course, this is NOT everyone by any means. There are so many incredible people out there, many of which are dear friends and collaborators. My tolerance for lack of integrity and lack of compassion is so small these days that it rubs me most when taking a moment to focus on things that could use improvement to make the whole better.

And why? It is a delicate balance of yes, of course, making sure we are financially stable and even thriving (I’m here for it!), and then taking advantage of people when they are feeling helpless or hopeless. And integrity is everything in my eyes. When we are walking with integrity, we are in alignment with God. And whoever reads this they might not resonate to walk with God and what not, and that's okay! It’s simple how I view things and how I choose to walk. I know when I move with integrity, and operate my business in a way that is fairly priced and available to those who will stretch themselves a bit for their growth, but not put themselves into detriment, we all win. As the human spirit rises and the quality of life improves for someone through the services and products we provide, we become far richer than any of us can even imagine.

What is the best way for people to reach you?

Our contact page on The Heartspace website, or reach out to me on our Instagram to learn more about upcoming programs and training. Full details for the upcoming Permission Granted program are live now on the site so you can learn much more there too.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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