Written by Magda Kay, Intimacy Expert
Magda Kay is an intimacy expert, certified Tantra teacher, speaker, and author on a mission to help individuals around the world experience more love, pleasure, and intimacy. For almost a decade, her advice on relationship dynamics has helped countless singles and couples alike live more fulfilling and authentic lives in and outside of the bedroom.

In the thrilling beginnings of a relationship, everything seems to sparkle with excitement. Sadly, as time passes, you find that daily responsibilities like managing a household or raising children start to take priority over intimate moments. What was once a passionate partnership may now feel overshadowed by dull but necessary logistics. When intimacy fades and energy for each other seems drained, it's crucial to inject life back into the relationship.

But how do we even start to rekindle romance amidst life’s neverending routine? Read on as I guide you towards rediscovering each other, not as housemates, parents, or friends, but as lovers. These are seven potent tips that will nurture this vital aspect of your relationship.
1. Quality over quantity
It’s not really about the amount of time you spend together, but about the depth of those moments. In the hustle of everyday life, even limited time can be bonding if spent fully engaged with your partner. Instead of worrying about time limitations, focus on being completely present in that window. Whether it’s a morning coffee together, a short walk or reconnecting over dinner, these moments can strengthen your bond if you actually give them your all.
2. Establish weekly date nights
Commit to setting aside one evening per week that’s dedicated solely to your relationship. This might seem too little at first, but being consistent with this ritual can significantly rekindle affection and passion. Date nights are crucial for maintaining and deepening your connection, so take them seriously.
3. Keep date talk focused
During your dates, make it a rule to avoid discussing household chores, work stress, or family issues. Use this time to connect over your relationship; your shared dreams, memories, and common interests that draw you closer, reminding each other why you fell in love.
4. Venture beyond home boundaries
Home is a place of comfort, but it’s not always the right setting for romance – especially when it serves as a constant reminder of chores. So make sure to take your dates outside the confines of your home. Stepping out encourages you to break out of your routine roles and into those of attentive and attractive partners. A change of scenery can seriously reduce everyday friction and refresh your relationship.
5. Dress to impress
Putting effort into your appearance isn't about superficiality; it's a signal to your partner that they are worth the effort. Dressing up for your dates will also boost your self-confidence and reignite physical attraction, which is an extra perk. Show your partner they are still desired by putting in the extra effort.
6. Start flirting again
Return to the basics of courtship: flirting. This is about reviving the exciting energy that sparked your initial attraction. Compliments, playful texts, and suggestive touches are all powerful and fun ways to revive desire.
7. Embrace physical intimacy
Physical touch is so fundamental to a relationship. If intimacy has faded, you can start with simple gestures like holding hands or hugging.
Remember, the more physically connected you are, the more you will want to be intimate. And the opposite is true as well; the less you connect, the less fluid it will feel. So don’t let it discourage you if reconnection feels awkward at first if it’s been a while. It is still essential for reviving the physical passion between you.
Commit to revival
Saving a dying relationship requires a lot of dedication and effort. Remember that the journey of reconnection is continuous and requires mutual commitment. So take these steps together, be patient, and enjoy the journey back to a fulfilling, passionate relationship.
Magda Kay, Intimacy Expert
Magda Kay is an intimacy expert, certified Tantra teacher, speaker, and author on a mission to help individuals around the world experience more love, pleasure, and intimacy. For almost a decade, her advice on relationship dynamics has helped countless singles and couples alike live more fulfilling and authentic lives in and outside of the bedroom. Magda embarked on a journey of sexual healing that led her to Bali, Nepal, India, and Thailand. She studied Tantra, conscious sexuality, yoga, bodywork, and energy healing, and today she helps to spread these vital Tantric teachings around the world. With a degree and background in business, Magda has a natural gift for translating esoteric concepts into practical,