Written by: Patricia Renovato, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Change is inevitable. We can be the catalyst of our own transformation. Or something or someone can inflict change onto us. Change can be small and insignificant. We can experience it with fluidity or it can feel like a punch in the gut. It can be anticipated like the first day of a new job. Or it can show up, without any warning and shake your entire world.

The resistance to change amplifies its impact on our physical body and our mental state. It keeps us in purgatory, living in a new reality but functioning as if still in the old.
It’s possible to improve your relationship to change. If it’s an expected change, you have the opportunity to prepare for it. Regardless of the situation or its magnitude, your first step is to accept the transition. This first step depends largely on what this change means to you and how it will impact your life moving forward. Before you can look forward, heal, or plan the next steps, you need to accept the change. This process can take minutes to days or years. Until you accept what has happened, your resistance will make you unwilling to adapt to your new reality. Your life will keep moving but you will stand still.
What does it mean to accept change? It means that you have to acknowledge it in the context of your life. You have to make adjustments to adapt to your new reality. Small changes often require small adjustments that could be categorized as an inconvenience. This could be a change to your daily routine like a diet or a shift in your schedule. When it comes to significant changes, you can expect grief to add complexity to the remodeling of your life. It’s important to remain self-aware and vigilant of feelings as they arise. If you are having a difficult time processing the change, it’s recommended that you seek professional help from a therapist so that they can guide you through this life-altering experience. The more help you seek (therapist, life coaches, energy healers, friends and family, etc…) the more equipped you will be to evolve with the change; stronger than ever.
No matter the significance, the reality is that any type of change is a disruption. It’s human nature to want to be in control and the truth is that we feel stable when we feel in control. Change is the anthesis to our sense of security, which is why we are prone to resist it.
I compiled a list of actions for you to consider when embracing change so that you can be clear-headed when you start planning your next step.
1. Stick to a routine
Depending on the gravity of the change, you may not have the option of slipping back into your old routine. As soon as the dust settles, it’s important to develop a new routine to add stability back into your life.
2. Invest in self-care
Loving and taking care of yourself is non-negotiable during times of heightened stress. It’s important to incorporate time to relax, to take care of your body and mind. Make sure you that you rest so that you can be functional as you move through the day. Don’t confuse rest with depressed sleep, which is just life avoidance technique.
3. Accept help. Ask for help
A lot of people got into a cocoon when they go through undesired change. They don’t want to invite people to the rollercoaster of their feelings, they don’t feel relatable to anyone or they simply lack the energy to share. But seeking help from loved ones or professionals is the most pivotal action you can take. Depending on the severity of the change, you may need guidance to help you cope and to re-design your life.
4. Don’t resist change
The most important step is to acknowledge, accept and adapt to your new reality. Most people get stuck because they don’t want to accept what happened, they stay angry and resist the change. And they create their own purgatory and don’t realize they hold the key to the exit door.
5. Seek growth
Once you’ve processed and learned how to live with the change, you will be able to detach yourself from the situation to find the wisdom buried inside of it. Every experience is an opportunity to learn something about ourselves. You get to ask yourself again: Who am I? Who do I want to be?
Change doesn’t have to define you but it gives you an opportunity to redefine yourself.
If you want to learn how to implement these ideas and be coached by me, you can email me at truepassioncompany@gmail.com.

Patricia Renovato, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
For over a decade, Patricia kept ignoring the growing sensation that she could do more to serve the world. It was daunting to think about dramatically changing her life without direction. After spending some time searching for the answer, Patricia found her calling as a Life Coach. This became the vehicle for her to facilitate the transformation of people who felt stuck in their life, not knowing how to begin a new journey. Patricia dedicates her time to connecting people with their genuine passion for living a passionate and purposeful life. Patricia’s innate ability to see people’s potential beyond their purview inspires clients to work through the inner blocks preventing them from living their dream.