Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview Written By Julie Lokun
Sitting down with Gary Vaynerchuk is like sitting down with a friend you have not seen in years. Everything falls into place with a sweet nod to nostalgic times. The 1980s is clearly his happy place. Vaynerchuk’s brand pulls towards the brightly-hued colors of the decade and a deep appreciation of the cultural delights the ‘80s offered. His energy pulls you in close, which commits to a conversation that is unfiltered and unflappable. He gives away his heart, and his secrets to success, and wraps it up with a tightly knit bow of earth-shattering perspective. Just like Jerry Maguire, he had me at “Hello.”
One conversation with Gary gives a concrete understanding of why he commands stages and is labeled a thought leader. The underpinnings of his life began as he and his family immigrated to the US from Belarus in 1978. This tightly bound family huddled closely into a studio apartment and was tethered to a vision of living a better life. The end game was not clear at all times, but their core values drove them to a rich experience never dreamed of in the former Soviet Union.

What was the inspiration behind starting your own event, like VeeCon?
"It probably goes back as far as 10 years, which would be 2013, about four or five years into my speaking career. I was doing a lot of speaking, and attending conferences, and, as an entrepreneur more than an author or influencer, I thought, 'I need to do one of these myself.' When I launched VeeFriends, I wanted there to be real-life utility tied to the NFT smart contract. It felt obvious that a high-impact conference was the right move."
His distaste for blamers and excuse-makers is palpable. People who blame and make excuses for their life circumstances are not allowed in his ecosystem. In fact, he is vocal in his pursuit to eliminate the entitled and the shamers. Yet, he continues to teach those who build their lives on excuses. Vaynerchuk’s precise dislike for unhappy people seeps into his words, his social media, and his business. Because he is the guru of gratitude, Gary is all about gratitude and executes gratitude every day. He shouts out to the world with his signature intensity that we only get one shot at life. And Vaynerchuk knows happiness is an inside job. Everything we do as entrepreneurs, professionals, parents, and people centers around the ability to tap into what brings us joy and create a platform to do it in powerful ways.

What advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs starting their hustle?
"The game is based on self-awareness and kindness to oneself. My advice is not to beat yourself up over early misses. Losing is an incredibly important part of the process. Fall in love with the losing and don't judge yourself. Stop complaining and start making a remarkable life for yourself. We all have the opportunity to win life’s lottery when we stop blaming others. We have the keys within ourselves to start choosing to be happy."
Gary’s no-holds-barred approach to thought leadership has you rethinking your approach to life and gives you the tools to manifest the life you want. Spending a weekend with Gary Vee is a masterclass in doing things well and reinventing a well-executed experience in a bigger way. If you have been a super fan of Vaynerchuk, you know his intensity. Sitting nose to nose with this business legend was no different. As a student of vibrational energy, Gary’s energy was high. As we made ourselves comfortable in front of 20 cameras and the backdrop of his iconic stage lit in neon lights, his focus was on the conversation.
“I have made a lot of mistakes,” Vaynerchuk admits. “In fact, I made 4 this morning.” His candor proves authentic, drawing you in with a thin veil of vulnerability. Vaynerchuk explains his regrets and his failures.

Do you have any regrets or feel like you’ve made mistakes in building your business empire?
"I don’t really have big regrets, but if I had to pinpoint something, it would be that candor came late in my career. There were sloppy exits in my 20s and 30s where I didn’t give critical feedback. Those moments led to relationships I could have preserved if I’d handled things better. But I see mistakes as part of the process—I’ve made four today alone."
Gary Vaynerchuk is just like us. He is a business person, a friend, a partner, and a son—yet his focus and commitment to doing things right and executing with excellence set him apart from all the rest. Excuses, transparency, innovation, and authenticity propel him to create a brand and life that ebbs into the consciousness of millions. We all have the opportunity to connect with our best selves, and humans like Vaynerchuk offer us the ability to be inspired.
Four Lessons I Learned From Gary Vaynerchuk:
● Perfection is not the answer. Learning from failure is the cornerstone of improvement.
● Our past does not define our future.
● Excuses are the antecedent to success.
● Do what you love and do it better than anyone else.
Link to interview with Gary Vaynerchuk "Crushing It With Gary Vee"
For more info about Gary, visit his webpage