Written by: Jamie Dooley, Senior Level Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As female entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get lost in the masculine world of doing. We bury our nose in web design, strategy, refining, rebranding, recording, and pray to see new subscribers come in.

Other days, we can barely work at all. We feel so overwhelmed with all of the coaches who want to show you how they made $100k in 5 days on Clubhouse, plus the 500 similar but different methods that live in the world of social media that we crumble under the sheer number of choices to make. We tell ourselves time on Facebook is helpful for connecting, but we end up going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, chasing people to follow, instead of meeting new, qualified clients ourselves.
Darn it! Here we are the lead again, instead of the one attracting them.
Why does this happen? You can’t be in scarcity and abundance at the same time. You can’t be in both contraction and expansion. You are either learning or leading. You have to choose one, and put all your focus there. Indecision kills more dreams than action ever could.
How many times have you said, “One more masterclass or lead magnet then I’ll have what I need to move forward.” All that outer learning from other people is helpful until it’s not. You have to know when you have gotten off the path. You have to trust your own inner knowing more than a coach who is in lack herself and needs your business to pay her bills that month.
It’s ok to spend time learning from others, but don’t think you’re going to piecemeal together a bunch of free content and have clarity! Invest in one coach or mentor at a time, and do what they suggest until you get results. Learning doesn’t cause new financial outcomes. Leading does.
Once you’ve taken the time to learn something new, share it with the world! Don’t get lost in that “learning without earning” loop. Let the inner work and outer work naturally ebb and flow. Leaders are humble enough to learn from others, but they also teach. They share and inspire in their zone of genius and use their intuition to take intentional action that leads to a specific result. If you are not earning, you don’t have a business; you have a hobby (ouch!).
For new solopreneurs, intuition is everything, but it often flies under the radar as you don’t have any coworkers or supervisors to check you when you get off task. You can accidentally become the lead instead of the LEADER in your industry.
You have to remind yourself of your unique gifts, skills, and mission and own them every morning. If your daily work isn’t attracting new customers, you are not in alignment with your
higher self. SHE knows self-sabotage versus genius zone work. SHE knows when you are trying to be everything for everyone, copying others, or playing safe and small. SHE knows your authentic path that NO ONE can walk but you.
How can you learn about your authentic path from someone else?
You can’t. It’s impossible.
All they can teach you is what worked for them. It can work for you too, but it will never work as well as you following your own inner knowing, which comes to you via your heart. Following someone else’s map is the long way to get there. Creating your own map is the quick, easy, painless way. That is where your magic lies. So few female entrepreneurs find their path because they don’t know-how. The map to it lives within and requires you to embrace the divine feminine energy of an open heart.
We are in a relationship with so many things. It’s not just about other people, but also money, your body, your home, and rest. When your business is not flourishing, it can be tempting to look outside of ourselves for a quick fix. Even the free stuff costs you. It costs you your time, focus, and clarity, which is invaluable for entrepreneurs! What you focus on grows. Leads are focused on their problem. Leaders are focused on the solution.
So what should you do to avoid being a leader when you feel called to be a leader?
1. Embrace the divine feminine energy within you.
Take a moment to drop your energy down into your heart and allow it to open fully. Set an intention for God/The Universe to show you your next steps. Connect with the emotion of already having a solution to your problem. See yourself as your expanded self. What are you now able to do or be because of finding this solution?
2. Choose a service or program in alignment with your energy and integrity.
If what you need next is not your genius zone, interview 2-3 people that specialize in that area, then hire one. Time is money! Don’t get lost in a bunch of other people’s funnels. You’re supposed to be filling your own pipeline, not stuck in someone else’s.
3. Commit to one new thing at a time.
Unsubscribe from all of the other email lists. Take one course or program at a time, and trust that it is exactly what you need to expand into the next level in your life or business. Following more than one person at a time is self-sabotage, protecting you from the very change you seek. Spend time daily opening your heart and seeing your solution in full effect. You and your focus are what causes change, not the leader you choose. See them as your equal. Allow yourself to rise up to their level.
4. Share what you learned with an open heart.
Leaders share and give, detached from any outcome. They understand that when they do, they are always provided for. What we put into our quantum field can come back tenfold when we don’t block it with our expectations. Offer a few free sessions about your new skill set in exchange for a testimonial. It’s great practice for you and will build your online presence and authority.
Expanding into the next version of you is supposed to be a natural part of life. All that it requires is heart wide open. When you master your heart, you can finally work and love without resistance and find the state of flow that is so talked about right now. Homelife and work-life harmonize. Ideal team members and ideas show up. Your money stories heal, and you move permanently beyond lack and limitation. Time for rest and FUN is available.
Leads waste time. Leaders don’t. Open your heart, trust your intuition, pick someone, and move on. Once you master your heart, you will no longer find yourself in anyone else’s pipeline. You will have fully embodied the leader within.
If you find yourself stuck in indecision or often overwhelm, check out The Expansion Method. Click HERE to learn more about it and all the programs we offer at The Expansion Group for Women.
Learn more practical concepts for heart-based living from Jamie and her sister Lisa (also a Master Coach & Healer) on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, or their Expansion Coach Academy website where you can learn more about becoming a Certified Expansion Coach ™ , or working with a coach they have trained.

Jamie Dooley, Senior Level Executive Contributor Magazine Jamie Dooley is an international award-winning coach and healer, spiritual teacher, expansion expert, and founder of Expansion Group for Women. In 2021 she was named one of the Brainz 500 Global influencers to watch for. She is the author of Self-Coaching Mastery and co-creator of Expansion Coaching ™. She, and her sister Lisa Freitag, have dedicated their lives to building a community of heart-based coaches who will assist them in impacting the growth and expansion of women worldwide on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, and their robust hybrid training and community, Expansion Coach Academy ™.