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An Interview with Business Coach Jacqueline Rhule

Jacqueline Rhule is a Business Coach who helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses with much more ease and flow and turn their passion to prosperity faster. She also coaches you in the other areas of your life to ensure an optimum work-life balance, all within the realms of personal growth, spirituality, and the law of attraction. She believes that the majority of the work lies in improving the mindset and clearing any negative thought patterns that are holding you back. When coupled with practical business steps and advice, an unstoppable momentum to success and greatly enhanced overall happiness levels can be achieved.

Jacqueline Rhule, Business Coach
Jacqueline Rhule, Business Coach

Who Is Jacqueline?

I was born in the UK and currently live in East London. The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (home of the 2012 Olympics) is my local playground. It’s been my savior during the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns.

In my spare time, I have loved writing poetry and now have a small stash of poems that I’d like to debut at some point. I’m also a massive “Italophile” and have been learning Italian on and off for the past 4yrs. Also, I can’t live without cake, especially Victoria Sandwich cake, and West Indian rum cake, naturally, having Jamaican heritage.

Since I left my secretarial job, I have been an entrepreneur, working for quantity surveyors, way back in the late ’90s. I built my complementary health, teaching, therapy business, and corporate on-site massage agency, and now I’m a Business Coach. With the wonders of the internet and Zoom, I can coach international clients too.

During those 23yrs I’ve experienced much success, but also some of those dreaded burnouts! It’s because of those “hitting the wall” moments that I was determinedly spurred on to coach other entrepreneurs so that they wouldn’t reach those dark moments I went through.

However, I can honestly say that my spiritual philosophy of believing in a higher power helped me tremendously during those challenging moments. I was also blessed with amazing friends and family who supported me fully throughout those times.

That’s why I’ve felt so passionate about coaching my clients on their entrepreneurial journey with the benefit of my experience, successes, and challenges. Holding their hand every step of the way and being one of their biggest cheerleaders. Importantly, coaching them to their own empowerment.

I found that lots of people looking for a business coach also wanted someone who coached within the philosophies of spirituality, personal growth, and the law of attraction. Some were interested in those topics, wanting to explore further whilst starting or growing their businesses, and others came to me already fully immersed in them.

Why Should People Hire You?

I offer an x6 month and x12 month, one to one, coaching program.

My program is for you if:

  • You want to grow your business quicker, minus the burnout.

  • You want to change direction within your existing business, develop another idea within it or grow your side hustle.

  • You want to ensure your business aligns with your purpose, core values, and highest life vision for yourself.

  • You’d appreciate “hand-holding” every step of the way and accountability to help you take consistent action.

I’m so passionate about helping businesses succeed in a way that perfectly expresses their creativity, business, and life vision.

I care that clients are happy and that they know I totally believe in their dreams and know that they can be, do, have their hearts desires.

How Do You Help Your Clients?

I help my clients grow their businesses with much more ease and flow – turning their passion to prosperity faster.

I’m here to assist them in creating that delicious, much sought-after work-life balance.

So, although I lead with the business coaching, it is vitally important to coach them in all the other areas of their lives too. It doesn’t make sense to be flying high in one area but crashing and burning in other areas of their life. That doesn’t give full life happiness and satisfaction at all.

What Is Your Coaching Style

It’s loving but firm when needed. I’m a big lover of people and life. You could say it’s my mission to “love you to success.”

Over the years, I’ve found it essential to attend to my own personal growth, studying and living the knowledge. Along with my spiritual beliefs and law of attraction teachings, I coach from those viewpoints.

I’m a firm believer that you cannot scold someone into flourishing. It’s so much better to love them into flourishing. When we feel loved, cherished, and heard, we feel like we have wings and can conquer the world. However, I coach you into feeling loved and valid, within yourself, first, so that you don’t need to rely on external factors.

What Are Your x3 Top Business Tips For Entrepreneurs?

1. Decide who your ideal customer/client avatar is.

Know them inside out, e.g., gender, age group, interests, location, etc., to the point that if someone asks who your target audience is, you’ll automatically conjure up a vision of your avatar and can quickly describe exactly who they are. This will keep you on point with your marketing so that you don’t veer off, confusing and watering down your marketing message.

2. Invest in upgrading your skills.

There will nearly always be a need to undertake further training. You want to keep your skills up to date to give your customers/clients your very best expertise. It will also help you remain confident within yourself not to entertain this bogus thought, the “imposter syndrome,” that can sometimes creep up on you. The mind can throw that feeling at you even when you know your stuff, so head it off by at least satisfying yourself that you’re staying current in your knowledge.

3. Make time for self-care.

Your health and well-being are non-negotiable. Even when you are in the early stages of building your business and have lots to do and create, you must factor it in. You set a good foundation going forward, which minimizes your chances of burnout as your business grows. When you are well and happy, you will be more productive in your allocated working time. After all, you cannot pour from an empty cup.

What Can You Offer To Readers?

Offer 1: A FREE x40 minute Business Growth Accelerator Session

During that session, you will achieve the following:

1. Crystal clear vision (& pumped up) on your goals and direction that you want to achieve and flow towards for your next 12 months.

2. Uncover any hidden challenges that could be sabotaging your chances of success.

Email to request your appointment.

Offer 2: Visit my link, and for subscribing, you will receive a FREE gift.

You can get a downloadable PDF Guide giving x4 Surefire Tips On How to “Live Your Best Life NOW.” You will also receive regular emails and a monthly newsletter giving business tips, personal growth, mindset, and mindfulness support to ease you through life and business.

You can find Jacqueline on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or visit her website!



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