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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Nina Izel

Executive Contributor

Healer, Teacher & Author

Nina Izel

Healer, Teacher & Author

I am Nina Izel.
I believe that healing is a path of love back to wholeness.

Supporting people to heal themselves, reclaim their power, and create the life they desire is something I am truly passionate about.
Helping people to change their lives with Ayahuasca Assisted Therapy is not only my profession but a spiritual calling for me. My healing and spiritual path has been has been informed by sacred plant medicines, especially the Mother Ayahuasca for over 12 years and as a result, I devoted my career to the safe, ethical and responsible use of sacred plants for healing and awakening.
The most important thing that I learned from Sacred Plants is that you can heal yourself, and love & acceptance are the biggest healing powers. I believe you have the innate ability to heal, to change your life and to create your breakthrough results.
My background and main tools to support you
Extensive training in holistic healing, western psychology and shamanic medicine
Transpersonal psychology, trauma healing, shadow work, inner child work
Integrative yoga therapy, movement practices, somatic experiencing
Rebirthing, Clarity Breathwork, healing in altered states of consciousness
Mindfulness practices, Compassionate Inquiry
Shamanic healing practices, sacred plant medicines, aromatherapy
Energy healing modalities, soul retrieval and energetic detox
Earth practices, personal rituals and rites of passage
25+ years of experience as a healer, guide, and teacher supporting others on their healing path
Fun facts about me
Hungarian woman living in Mexico working with Americans :)

I speak 3 languages, I have lived in 4 countries, I don’t own a TV, a microwave oven, or a pair of jeans, I died and came back to life many times, I am surprisingly good with arts and crafts, I make my own chocolates, and you often find me in beautiful nature.

All articles

5 Powerful Ways To Unlock Your True Potential With The Journey From Your Head To Your Heart

Do you want a better life? Do you want health, safety, love, vitality, abundance, and well-being? Everybody wants that. But what are you...

5 Ways Holiday Love Goes Wrong And How To Create Authentic Christmas Connections

Christmas is upon us, a celebration of love and rebirth, but many feel stressed and anxious as the holidays approach. It always amazes me...

The Hidden Cost Of Politics – How To Protect Your Mental Health In A Polarized World

In today's world, politics has become a major force that shapes not just our society but our personal well-being. As political tensions...

Plant Medicine For Prosperity – How Hidden Beliefs Hold You Back From Wealth

The main reason why you struggle with money isn't the lack of opportunities, education, or even resources but the invisible prison of...

Sacred Plant Medicines – For A Compassionate Society And A Sustainable Future

In a world full of war, division, environmental crises, and disconnection, could the answer to our collective challenges lie in the realm...

Mind-Bending Breakthroughs – How Can Psychedelics Revolutionize Mental Health

In recent years, we are witnessing a paradigm shift that few could have predicted: the resurgence of psychedelic substances as potential...

The Ultimate Biohack – 5 Reasons Why Ayahuasca Outshines All Other Tools

In this article you will learn why Ayahuasca is the most powerful and efficient biohacking tool, providing lasting change with...

Facing The Unknown – 3 Risks And Promises Of Psychedelic Therapy 

As the psychedelic renaissance gains momentum and becomes more and more popular, it is in your best interest to educate yourself about...

A Revolutionary Approach To Healing – Exclusive Interview With Nina Izel

Nina Izel is a pioneer in the psychedelic therapy field and she is passionate about the safe and ethical use of sacred plants for healing...

Can Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Heal Depression?

Can psychedelic-assisted therapy help you to heal depression? I believe it can. In this article, you will find out what I learnt from...

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CREA Global Awards presented to

Nina Izel

Healer, Teacher & Author

The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

Nina Izel

Healer, Teacher & Author

Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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