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Women and Transformation

Written by: Dilys Brighty-Schmidt, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


As a Transformational Health and Life Coach, I am very dedicated to helping women increase their confidence, understand how important it is that they feel recognized, and motivate them to always have a voice in what they want and desire for their best life.

Some fears that women manifest: Women very often manifest “self-doubt,” “ not deserving,” and “imposter syndrome,” (where no matter how qualified or able they are, they feel that they are just not good enough or not ready for the task in hand.) Other feelings of wanting to draw boundaries, but feel by doing so they will invariably offend someone or not be heard. Or, simply saying “NO” to something they don’t really want to do, but again, not wishing to offend or hurt feelings.

I am sure that many of you can identify with these experiences, so it is important to have empowerment, trusting your own “Inner Wisdom,” which will bring about a significant change in how it is possible to deal with situations and change negative feelings and experiences.

Becoming a coach not only helped me in so many ways in speaking my truth, it also gave me a professional way to motivate, encourage and help women see the potential of having a healthy, successful life in mind, body, and spirit. To create what they want from their lives, even if it is something they have recently decided to do. It’s never too late!

It’s never too late! For my own thinking, it is never too late to ask yourself the question of “what it is you want in your life,” which area or areas need more fulfillment, nourishment, commitment, and understanding? A way to self-knowledge and empowerment.

Thinking about how much courage, leadership, motivation women experience these days, it’s important to draw from women who have created the life they want and desire. Well-known actresses, influencers, politicians, political activists, writers, directors, poets; all women who very much influence and empower our society today, led me to thinking about important women who have colored history and what was their impact on the era they graced, and what we can still learn from them?

What made them stand-out to become icons of their age, which even now is recognized? What abilities did they have that enabled them to carry out their agendas, create reform, stay powerful, change history and defeat those that plotted against them?

I wanted to understand if some thread of self-knowledge connected them to each other? It was then that I researched women who changed history in some way. What was their star power? Was it just coincidental that they blazed a trail through history, or was it something they felt inside, culminating in their destiny?

It was quite difficult to choose, as there are many women who shaped the world they lived in, but eventually, I decided on four women. One from the 16th century, one from the 18th century, one from the 19th century, and one from the 20th century. I chose them because I believed, against all odds, they reached a status and influence that still rings down in history today, learning that being true to themselves, with an uncompromising belief in their own abilities, enabled them to overcome prejudice, intense personal struggle and difficulty, to reach their own star quality.

These are my empowered women through history!

Elizabeth l (1533-1603) - Queen of England

Elizabeth l is still talked about, written about, with many films and plays portraying her life, achievements, struggles, and triumphs. Ascending the throne at 25, she followed the turmoil of her half-sister Mary’s reign, whose wish to reinstitute the Catholic Faith, and adherence to Rome had created a divided kingdom. Elizabeth, through her pragmatism, and love of her country and people, created an era now known as the “Elizabethan Age,” which not only finally brought England greater commerce and wealth, but through her leadership and charisma, defeated the Spanish Armada, finally putting to rest the Spanish threat of invasion.

Catherine The Great (1729-1796) - Empress of Russia

Originally born a German Princess, Catherine married into the Russian Monarchy. Marrying her second cousin Peter lll, Emperor of Russia. She gained the throne through a “coup d’etat,” and became the Empress of all Russia. Catherine was instrumental in creating a more modern culture, a cultural renaissance more aligned to other European powers. She became the longest female ruler of Russia, and her reign has been called the Golden Age of the Russian Empire.

Harriet Tubman (1820-1913) - Activist, Civil War Spy, Nurse, Suffragist

Harriet was born into slavery and one of nine children in Maryland, a slavery State. In 1849 Harriet escaped to Philadelphia to her freedom, yet she returned to Maryland to rescue her own family and 70 other slaves after creating what was called the “Underground Railroad.” A series of safe houses where slaves could be housed until they reached safety in the northern states of America. She completed 13 missions in all. Her bravery and dedication freed those from a life of degradation, humiliation, and hardship.

Althea Gibson (1927-2003) - Star Tennis Player

Althea Gibson was the first American black woman athlete to win the French Championship in 1956 and Wimbledon and the US Championships in 1957 and 1958. In all, she won eleven Grand Slams, five singles titles, five doubles titles, and one mixed doubles title. A “tour de force” in international tennis, she overcame challenges and prejudice that were prevalent during that time, especially during the “Jim Crow Laws” era in the United States. Her prowess and excellence paved the way for the likes of Serena Williams, World Tennis Champion.

What did these four women achieve? I believe these four iconic women blazed a trail for women through the ages, and we still pay homage to how they created new norms in the reformation of draconian laws and thinking. What then, you ask, is the common thread that binds these four women from such different backgrounds and cultures? What was their ability to achieve their undeniable place in history?

I believe that they understood their own self-worth, their feeling of purpose, and in many ways, their destiny in stepping into the shoes of the person they wished to become. Succeeding and winning, manifesting their 0wn individual destiny, their choice to create the life they knew was possible and in doing so, changed history forever.

Just reading their stories made me feel that women have always strived to create change, reform, and enlightenment. Something we as women can also take from their example to keep going forward, change what needs to be changed, feel our own power, and manifest the vision of the life we want. Yes, we all experience self-doubt and fear sometimes, but we also have the self-love, self-worth, and belief to propel ourselves to whatever we want to be.

Are there women in history that have inspired you? I would love to hear what inspiration they gave you.

It’s a journey, but well worth it!

Remember, "Transformation begins with you!"

If you have questions please feel free to contact me. I am happy to help.

Follow me on Instagram, Linkedin and visit my website for more info!


Dilys Brighty-Schmidt, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine

Dilys Brighty-Schmidt is a Transformational Health and Life Coach, who is dedicated to helping women 50+ and beyond achieve success in their health, fitness and life situations, that need change, more commitment and nourishment. Her coaching also includes programs in Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Health, two major health problems that increase with age. Through her previous work as a diet consultant for over six years, with a brand diet company in the USA, she realized how difficult it was for many clients to sustain their weight loss or reach their goals. Health and Life Coaching has given her that much-needed knowledge to help her clients understand that lifestyle changes, as well as habits and behavior changes, are instrumental in their success.

Her mantra is “Transformation Begins With You”

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