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When Is The Best Time To Listen To Hypnosis?

Emma Heywood is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, practitioner of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), and international performer. She has been on her own mental health journey since she was 12 years old.

Executive Contributor Emma Heywood

Let me start off by saying, hypnosis isn’t magic, it’s neuroscience. But you may still hear the word ‘hypnosis’ and think it’s about mind control. There is a time and place for the entertainment of stage hypnosis, but there is also clinical hypnosis. Practicing clinical hypnosis regularly can help manage your daily problems like stress, anxiety, improving your focus, improving your self esteem, etc.

woman sleeping cozily

To get into hypnosis, all you’re doing is accessing a different set of brainwaves, your alpha and theta brainwaves, rather than your beta brainwaves (the brainwaves your’re in right now reading this).

Whether you’re aware of it or not, you are naturally in hypnosis everyday. As you fall asleep every night, you’re moving from your beta → alpha → theta → delta brainwaves (where you sleep). Every morning you’re naturally waking up from delta → theta → alpha → and back in your beta brainwaves (consciously awake). So that in between state where you’re kind of sleepy still, you’re naturally in your theta and alpha brainwaves. Those theta and alpha brainwaves is your subconscious mind. You’re in a hypnotic state naturally every morning and every night. Why not make better use of it?

Hypnosis is about tapping into and accessing your subconscious mind (the part of you that controls 95-98% of who you are).

Hypnosis supports you in managing problems, and also helps you wire in the new way you want to be in your daily life (think: the kinds of positive thoughts and emotions you would love to have).

So when should you listen to hypnosis?

When you’re already in those subconscious brainwaves naturally. As you fall asleep at night or when you wake up in the morning are the best times to listen to hypnosis. Because you’re already in a hypnotic state. That’s when the subconscious is naturally open. All that means is you are more suggestible to new information because you are more cognitively flexible. Especially at night, you’ll be bringing those better suggestions with you into sleep, so your subconscious will already be working towards creating those new suggestions in your life, and you’ll wake up feeling better without any effort from you.

Want to try hypnosis for free as you fall asleep? Check out my free hypnosis recording all about creating more abundance in your life. You can literally create more abundance in your sleep – click here.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Emma Heywood


Emma Heywood, Clinical Hypnotherapist, RTT Practitioner

Emma Heywood is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, a practitioner of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), Performance Mindset Coach, and a classically trained actress, performing on stage from North America to Europe. She has been on her own mental health journey since she was 12 years old. She knows what it’s like to struggle with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. She transformed her life using RTT, hypnosis, and the power of her subconscious mind. She went from living a life of trauma and low self-esteem to one of inner freedom, self-worth, joy, abundance, and embodying her purpose. And now she helps others do the same. You too can live a life free from self-doubt, fear, low self-esteem, and anxiety. You too can become the most powerful, liberated, confident version of you yet. Emma will be your guide: see you on the other side.

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