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The Benefits Of Celebrating Other’s Success

Written by: Terrie Nathan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Want to set yourself up for a positive mindset and success? Well, then… Hip-Hip Hooray for others’ success first. Our success blesses others and other people’s success blesses us. The truth is that everyone can fulfill their potential with no one else being cheated. We don’t succeed at the expense of others but rather in service of others.

Sometimes this can be a tough cup of tea to swallow and at times in my life I have found this tough to do, but I do it. Perhaps someone gets the promotion you wanted, or someone has success in a venture you are still struggling to make happen, difficult as it can be, celebrate and be happy for them. There is plenty of opportunities to go around, plenty! Once you get past the jealousy or hurt, you can choose to cheer them on. After all, it is a choice you can make.

When we celebrate others’ success as if it were our own, we release positivity and joy, which can lead to greater optimism in our own life. It is a motivator for them and can activate motivation in you.

Practicing, what I’ll call your “way to go” skills is just that, practice. It certainly doesn’t happen overnight, but with practice, you’ll be cheering others on with ease.

It’s as easy as thinking and speaking positive things about others when they succeed. Send them a note or a text of congratulations. Not only is this being a good sport, so to speak, but this also helps to release the very breakthrough you are wanting in yourself and the positivity flows back to you (instead of perhaps the negative you were intending to throw out there).

When you see successes out there happening, pay attention to how it’s happening. How are these people thinking and behaving differently than I am? Be on the lookout for the lessons their success is leaving behind.

Avoid comparing yourself to others and speaking kindly to yourself are great steps towards changing your mental state.

This is exactly how I get tips and tricks: watching, learning and taking in what others are doing to achieve their dreams.

Reading books by people that resonate with how I think. Almost every development/leadership book I read shares this principle of celebrating others’ success.

When you start celebrating others, you will take negative energy away from comparing yourself to them. Everyone has their own pace and it doesn’t mean your pace is bad or slow, it’s just your pace.

Comparing yourself to others is the thief of your joy.

Try this quick exercise and identify three successful people you know, next to each name write what you appreciate about them and send them a quick note of appreciation. What you send out into the world comes back to you.

Never underestimate the power of your words and the effect they can and will have on others, including YOU!

Learning to celebrate the success of others, increases the likelihood of your success. And when you are succeeding be kind to others in the process, your kindness is cheering them on.

Hey, you…Way to Go!!

Gratefully and Cheerfully Rooting for others,

Terrie Nathan

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Terrie Nathan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Terrie Nathan is an International Best-selling Author, Coach, Speaker, and CEO/Founder of Strong Girl Enterprises. She coaches clients to improve their lives, relationships, and ability to perform in business by setting & achieving goals and building positive routines. She also coaches youth to build their confidence by teaching them strategies on positive self-talk, self-worth, and body image.

Her practice is grounded in Positive Psychology, a research-based branch of psychology that studies what really causes people to thrive and flourish in their lives and work and how we can apply those findings in practical and positive ways.

Terrie has now made it her life's mission to coach these transformational strategies of empowerment by partnering with clients and organizations worldwide.

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