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Turn Challenges into Change and Take Back Your Power

Tara Leigh is a certified life coach, certified health coach, and success strategist who’s passionate about helping you simplify your life, declutter your mind, build better relationships, and create space for what matters most.

Executive Contributor Tara Leigh

How many times have you received advice or learned something new but didn’t take the steps to apply it? Perhaps you knew the advice was valuable and could elevate your life, yet you moved on, put it aside, or forgot about it altogether. While good intentions are a start, they alone won’t move the needle. Transformation requires action.

 a colorful progression of origami creations: starting with a crumpled yellow object, followed by a green boat, a blue swan, and finally, a vibrant red and purple bird taking flight.

Take a moment to reflect on something that has been weighing on your mind, an ongoing issue or challenge. Now ask yourself, “Why have I allowed this situation into my life? What is the deeper need or belief that may have drawn this problem to me?”

This idea might feel uncomfortable, but it’s empowering to recognize that our energy and mindset often play a role in attracting the circumstances we face. The good news? By taking ownership of the situation, you also take ownership of your ability to change it.

Every obstacle offers an opportunity for growth. When you choose to view challenges as blessings in disguise, you step into your personal power.

Releasing the “need” for problems

Let’s explore why we might subconsciously create a “need” for certain struggles. For instance, if you constantly feel overwhelmed and busy, the underlying need could be avoidance. Being perpetually busy leaves no time to confront deeper issues, such as tension in a failing relationship. In this scenario, busyness becomes a shield to avoid addressing the problem directly.

To create positive change, you must release the need. A helpful mantra might be, “I am willing to release the need to be in a difficult marriage.” Letting go of that need can also reduce the behaviors that reinforce it, such as staying busy to avoid the underlying conflict.

It’s equally important to take accountability for your role in the situation. Ask yourself, “Why am I creating this difficulty in my marriage? What need is being fulfilled?” Once you identify the need, you can release it.

Often, we’re quick to place blame on others. It’s easy to hold a partner, a boss, or external circumstances responsible for our unhappiness. But real change begins when we acknowledge that we play a role in every situation. We unconsciously create experiences that prompt us to grow. This isn’t about self-blame; it’s about recognizing your power.

It might feel daunting to accept that you’ve had a hand in creating the challenges you face, but this perspective is incredibly liberating. It allows you to shift from being a victim of circumstance to the architect of change. Taking responsibility means taking back your power.

A practical example: Releasing the need for protection

Consider a common struggle like weight gain. If you’re carrying excess weight, you might ask, “Why am I creating a need for protection?” Extra weight can act as a barrier, a form of self-protection. Perhaps it’s shielding you from fears, insecurities, or vulnerability.

To move forward, reflect on what you’re protecting yourself from and consider releasing that need. A mantra for this situation could be, “I am willing to release the need to feel scared and insecure.”

The power of mindset

What you focus on grows. Where your thoughts go, your energy flows. Lasting change begins in the mind, and the good news is that you have the power to shift your thoughts. When you consciously choose empowering beliefs, your actions and your life will follow suit.


Change isn’t always easy, but it is always possible. By taking ownership of your challenges, releasing the subconscious needs that hold you back, and shifting your mindset, you can open the door to meaningful transformation.

Remember, obstacles are opportunities in disguise. Each step you take toward understanding yourself brings you closer to a life filled with greater peace, purpose, and joy. You are capable, and you are in control. Start small, stay consistent, and trust in your ability to create the positive changes you desire.

Start your journey today

Need help setting yourself up for success, shifting your mindset, and creating positive change? Contact Tara for information on her 12-week program The Empowered Life Blueprint. You’ll have a partner in success every step of the way, embracing your true potential and reaching new levels of success.

For more info, visit Tara’s website, contact her here, or follow her on Instagram and LinkedIn

Read more from Tara Leigh


Tara Leigh, Certified Life Coach + Success Strategist

Tara Leigh is a leader in personal development, simplification, and mindset mastery. She has been a life coach for 20+ years and is dedicated to helping others simplify their lives, declutter their minds, build better relationships, and create greater success both personally and professionally. She teaches you how to take back control of your life and live on purpose, rather than on auto-pilot, so you can live a life you truly love and leave the stress behind!

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