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The Transformative Power Of Courage – How Can You Tap Into Your Courage

Written by: Gabriela Barclay, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Gabriela Barclay

Have you ever wondered, "What would I do if I had the courage?" To act with courage to make a change, take a chance, speak your truth, break free from expectations, show up as your authentic self, pursue a new career, say no to the uninspiring things, say yes to the things that do inspire and excite you, express your needs, assert your boundaries, and stand in your power.

Image photo of Gabriela Barclay

Courage empowers us to overcome the ‘what ifs'; it pushes us to live in alignment with our values, beliefs, and passions, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfilment and shaping our paths.

What is courage? defines courage "as the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain without fear." ( | Meanings & Definitions of English Words, 2024)

Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to move forward despite fear.

Courage symbolises inner strength and determination to confront challenges, take risks, and overcome obstacles in pursuit of our beliefs and desires.

Courage is a choice and the driving force that propels us forward, facilitating personal growth, significant achievements, and the ability to impact our own lives and the lives of others positively.

There are six commonly recognised forms of courage

  1. Physical courage involves facing physical danger or hardship, such as performing heroism in emergencies or on the battlefield.

  2. Moral courage involves standing up for what is right, just, or ethical, even when facing opposition or pressure.

  3. Emotional courage is following the heart, facing, and managing one's emotions; it includes vulnerability and the pursuit of personal growth.

  4. Intellectual courage involves challenging established beliefs, pursuing knowledge, and thinking critically.

  5. Social courage is about showing empathy, compassion, and inclusivity and standing up against injustice or discrimination.

  6. Spiritual courage involves exploring and deepening one's spiritual beliefs and connection to something greater.

"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour." -Aristotle.

What does courage mean to you? How can you embody that definition in your daily life?

The multidimensional impact of courage

Courage impacts our emotional well-being by freeing us from fear and anxiety. It allows us to experience freedom, confidence, and emotional resilience. We feel a deep sense of accomplishment and fulfilment when we act courageously.

On a physical level, courage promotes vitality and well-being. When we face our fears and engage in activities that push us out of our comfort zones, we strengthen our physical capabilities and enhance our overall health and well-being.

Spiritually, courage aligns us with our values and beliefs. It deepens our connection with ourselves and fosters a sense of purpose and fulfilment. By living authentically and embracing our true selves, we understand peace and harmony better.

Mentally, courage promotes mental flexibility, adaptability, and resilience. It helps us confront challenges, develop problem-solving skills, and embrace growth. By cultivating courage, we become more open-minded and willing to explore new ideas and perspectives.

Being courageous brings several benefits, empowering people to live lives of fulfilment and purpose

  1. Personal growth through facing challenges and taking risks.

  2. Overcoming fears and unlocking new opportunities.

  3. Building resilience to recover from setbacks.

  4. Expanding horizons by embracing new experiences.

  5. Living authentically and expressing one's true self.

  6. Inspiring others to be courageous and pursue their dreams.

  7. Overcoming obstacles and finding creative solutions.

  8. Building meaningful relationships based on trust and authenticity.

  9. Seizing opportunities for personal and professional growth.

  10. Living a fulfilling life aligned with personal values and passions.

You are more courageous than you think

Here are some examples of situations where you may be more courageous than you think:

  • You embrace opportunities and trust your abilities to learn and grow.

  • You trust in your voice, and you confront personal fears.

  • You pursue what you love and stand up for yourself or others.

  • You open up emotionally; you are vulnerable.

  • You try something new and make difficult decisions.

  • You overcome adversity, seek help and support, and stand up for your values.

  • You embrace self-acceptance; you forgive and let go.

Recognising and acknowledging these acts of courage can help you see yourself as courageous and empower you to continue embracing courage and standing in your power.

Questions to see yourself in a new light and build your confidence in your Courage

  1. Do you think of yourself as courageous?

  2. Have you ever embraced vulnerability and allowed yourself to be authentic to who you are, even when it felt uncomfortable?

  3. Can you identify moments when you trusted your intuition or followed your heart, even when it seemed uncertain?

How can you tap into courage and cultivate a mindset of bravery and resilience?

Practical strategies

  • Reflect on past moments of bravery and step outside your comfort zone.

  • Be kind and compassionate towards yourself.

  • Break down big goals into smaller steps and surround yourself with support.

  • Visualize success, cultivate self-awareness, and embrace failure as a learning opportunity.

  • Acknowledge and celebrate your acts of courage.

Questions to tap into your inner courage

  1. How can you celebrate and acknowledge your acts of courage, no matter how small, to reinforce your belief in your capabilities?

  2. What small acts of courage can you practice daily to build your confidence and resilience?

Courage is a unique journey, not a destination

Courage can manifest in different ways for each person. What may require courage for one person may not be the same for another. It is subjective to each person's experiences, values, and comfort zones.

For example, an extrovert may be relaxed about public speaking, while an introvert might find such a task daunting.

Courage can be developed and strengthened through practice. Taking small steps outside our comfort zone can gradually build our courage muscle.

A courageous truth

Embracing our authentic selves, with all our imperfections, takes immense bravery. But let's face it: we can be fearless and authentic to ourselves regardless of societal expectations. True courage lies in being authentic and staying true to our values, even in adversity.

This courageous truth reminds us to have the courage to be vulnerable, let our true selves be seen and heard, and live a life that aligns with our deepest desires and values.

Brene Brown's quote- 'I now see that owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do." -embodies the profound truth of courage.

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Gabriela Barclay Brainz Magazine

Gabriela Barclay, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Gabriela's story is one of perseverance, transformation, and hope. She started working in the casinos 25 years ago and quickly rose to a management position in Egypt, making her one of the first women to do so. Her unhappy marriage led her to leave with very few possessions and no money, which left her feeling depressed and unworthy. She survived her story, learned to transform herself and be in her power. Now, as a mother, holistic coach, and casino manager, Gabriela is passionate about empowering women to heal, thrive, stand in their power, see their awesomeness, embrace their authenticity and reclaim their magnificence, embodying her values of kindness, integrity, respect, love, trust, and spirituality.

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