Written by: Dilys Brighty-Schmidt, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As Health and Life Coach, we learn how to create a place where clients can feel safe and cared for so that they can transform their lives step-by-step. Whether it is wishing to lose weight and having a healthier lifestyle, have more success in their particular area of expertise, or creating an entirely new enterprise for themselves with a better financial outlook. Whatever the transformation they want, I help them through their fears of feeling stuck and needing more direction in their lives. It’s a journey that we are on together. Holding the vision of what they want until they are ready to take up that vision for themselves.

I know how difficult it is to change, change that which does not serve us well anymore, and relieve ourselves of the difficulties that we may be currently facing. I am here to help and empower you to overcome these challenges. The Five-Step Transformational Process below will help you start your own journey of transformation!
The Five-Step Transformational Process
1. Step Back: This first step is imperative to create space from our programming. Programming is the map we create at a very early age to make sense of how the world around us works. We each make meaning out of the different events or scenarios we experience in our lives. Since childhood, we make decisions about ourselves from those experiences that have influenced us throughout our lives and how we relate to the world around us today. Often, we are too emotionally charged to look at a challenge we are faced with constructively. If we step back, we can gain a fresh perspective.
2. Let Go: Transformation is a continual process of letting go. This step is all about giving you a way to release old beliefs and create space to create new ones.
3. Say Yes: Say Yes is about anchoring new beliefs that reflect your true self now. Once we let go of the dysfunctional beliefs that no longer serve us, we get to choose what we want to believe. This is where we get to decide what’s true for us, our life, and our world now, at this stage of our evolution.
4. Take Empowered Action: Who are we when we take action? Are we taking action or not taking action out of fear? Most people don’t go after what they really want because of fear.
They might say, “I am afraid of what people will think, or I am afraid I won’t be any good.” This is disempowering. When you say things like this, what are you making fear mean? These statements all pre-suppose that fear means that something BAD will happen if you go for what you want.
When you make decisions, who are you choosing to be? DECISION is the ultimate power.
When you make decisions, where are you coming from? Where are you responding from? Are you coming from a place of love, courage, and truth, OR shame, blame, fear, and being the victim?
This is so important! You cannot make good decisions from a place of fear or being the victim. When you do, there’s something you are settling for because you have a belief that you don’t deserve, can’t have, or don’t get to have what you truly want.
Fear is truth on pause. Empowered action is authentic truth in motion.
5. Set Up Accountability: To make success inevitable, you must have support, and you must have stretch. What are the conditions that you set up for your inevitable success?
These are five steps that you can truly manifest for yourself. Take time to think about what is happening in your life right now. Are there areas that you know need change but cannot make decisions out of fear or the feeling of being stuck? I am here to help you make those changes and to help you stretch.
If there is an area in your life you truly wish to change, I would love to have the opportunity to help you make those empowering decisions and to help you get over your fears.
My Free Discovery Session really does help you understand the areas in your life that you want to change, nourish or commit to.
Please contact me if this is something that might help in your plans for yourself. Looking forward to helping you on your journey and helping you take empowered action.
Remember: Transformation Begins With You!
Follow me on Instagram, Linkedin and visit my website for more info!

Dilys Brighty-Schmidt, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine
Dilys Brighty-Schmidt is a Transformational Health and Life Coach who is dedicated to helping women 50+ and beyond achieve success in their health, fitness, and life situations that need change, more commitment, and nourishment. Her coaching also includes Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Health programs, two major health problems that increase with age. Through her previous work as a diet consultant for over six years with a brand diet company in the USA, she realized how difficult it was for many clients to sustain their weight loss or reach their goals. Health and Life Coaching have given her that much-needed knowledge to help her clients understand that lifestyle changes and habits and behavior changes are instrumental in their success. Her mantra is “Transformation Begins With You.”