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Sagittarius – Getting Curious About Your Life

Megan Thiessen is a renaissance woman. She works in Wellness, Self Development & farming. Living on a sustainable herbal farm with her husband and son, Megan always chooses a more self-sustained lifestyle for her and her family.

Executive Contributor Megan Thiessen

Astrology offers a fascinating way to explore personality traits, behaviors, and even life lessons. Each zodiac sign carries unique qualities, shaped by its element and ruling planet. Sagittarius, born between November 22 and December 21, stands out as an adventurous, knowledge-seeking fire sign with an optimistic and curious approach to life.


Introduction to the signs and their planet rulers 

There are 12 signs in the zodiac system

  1. Aries element fire.

  2. Taurus element earth

  3. Gemini element air.

  4. Cancer element water.

  5. Leo element fire

  6. Virgo element earth

  7. Libra element air.

  8. Scorpio element water

  9. Sagittarius element fire.

  10. Capricorn element earth

  11. Aquarius element air

  12. Pisces element water

The signs and their planet rulers

  1. Aries plant ruler Mars The God of War.

  2. Taurus planet ruler Venus The Goddess of Beauty

  3. Gemini planet ruler Mercury The planet of communication

  4. Cancer planet ruler Moon The moon represents our Emotions

  5. Leo planet ruler Sun The sun represents our self

  6. Virgo planet ruler Mercury The plant of mentality

  7. Libra planet ruler Venus The Goddess of fertility

  8. Scorpio plant ruler Pluto The Lord of the underworld

  9. Sagittarius planet ruler Jupiter Planet of Knowledge

  10. Capricorn planet ruler Saturn The Planet of Lessons/karma

  11. Aquarius planet ruler Uranus The plant of Creativity

  12. Pisces planet ruler Neptune The planet of drams

All about Sagittarius

Sagittarius zodiac symbol

Sagittarius, November 22 December 21 is the 9th sign in our zodiac system. Ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarius are a fire sign, making them a go-getter and carrying a physical energy about them. They have a deep thirst for knowledge. Sagittarius are physical; they love being active, you can find them doing group sporting events or taking up a membership at the gym. They are also quite childlike. Leo and Sagittarius can often get confused. They both have a deep love for child like wonder and adventure.

However, Leo likes to be in the spotlight, whereas Sagittarius likes to live out of the spotlight. Sagittarius can often come off quite quiet. Despite their fire nature, unlike their fellow fire signs Leo & Aries. Sagittarius would be the shyer out of the 3. Sagittarius are great students, optimistic and freedom seekers. The 9th house rules, Higher education, Religion, philosophy, and travel. They are a maleable sign, making them great at handling change. They also have the ability to see different perspectives making them great communicators. Don't be shocked if you happen to find out that your therapist is a Sagittarius or has Sagittarius placements.

A lot of their energy comes from their ruling planet Jupiter. In Greek mythology Jupiter is called Zeus, the king of the gods. This larger-than-life personality and energy. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and rules luck, financial gain, wisdom (Zeus being the father of the gods), and generosity. Leos may be loud proud and demanding center of attention, but Sagittarius, they know when to speak out. Their timing & delivery of their message really make them extraordinary people.

Three things we can learn from Sagittarius & how to incorporate them into our own lives

  1. Adventurous Spirit

  2. A keen eye for Knowledge

  3. The soft approach to life

The adventurous souls

Sagittarius love a good time. They don't mind going out themselves and making their own fun. They rather share the joy with friends. They are very much a group-oriented. Although the bigger the group, and they can often feel lost. They aren't like Leos who love and crave the center of attention. They can get shy or become shy when they are faced with a larger crowd.

But once they find their footing they become the life of the party.

Sagittarius make amazing adventure buddies. They can stay calm under pressure. Giving the illusion that they aren't scared of anything. They are natural joy seekers. It doesn't matter if it hiking a summit or walking along the beach, they will make whatever the occasions full of joy for everyone. They want everyone to have a good time. And want everyone to feel like they can succeed in the activity. They cheer you on and are basically your personal cheerleader. Their incredibly optimistic behavior makes them the ultimate playmate.

Those who are Sagittarius or have Sagittarius placements will have wanderlust. They want to see things, they want to go places, they want to connect the dots to why we live here, what is our purpose and how we get here. Adventure doesn't mean hiking to a lake in the middle of the mountains. Adventure to a Sagittarius also means reading books about the world. They are bottomless pits of information on the strangest of topics. And chances are they have been to some pretty epic places in the world as well.

Three ways to add more adventure into your life

  1. Book A Solo Trip  Boost your adrenaline rush with a solo trip to a new town or


  2. Go To A Party  Zeus loved to party, put your best dress on and attend a party or host

    one yourself.

  3. Learn Something New  Take a workshop or read a DIY book. Sagittarius is self-efficient and self-driven. Take initiative into your own hands.

A keen eye for knowledge

Jupiter rules religion and knowledge. Most Sagittarius will have a fact-based religion. Not to get confused with spirituality. Religion is a specific set of organized beliefs whereas spirituality is more individual.

This is because Roman Jupiter also known as the Greek God Zeus. Both cultures had a great influence on the world. The Greeks saw Zeus (Jupiter) as Ruler or King of the Gods. Not only did his father, Mercury, the planet associated with our communication and Mars, The god of war. His father was Saturn. Who is known in today's astrology as the Father of all planets rules discipline and responsibility. Safe to say that Sagittarius drips the very essence of religion and knowledge.

Anyone who has a Sagittarius placement will likely be drawn to museums, culture, libraries, reading and writing, Law, and how society works. Dont be surprised if you find out that your family doctor, therapist, school teacher, or someone involved with your church is a sagittarus.

Three ways to add more knowledge to your lifestyle

  1. Spend Time With Your Elders  Wisdom comes with time. Our elders have a lot of perspectives and we can learn a lot from them.

  2. Take A Course/ Consider Going Back To School  Knowledge is power and to Sagittarius knowledge is everything. Take a course on your favorite hobby.

  3. Attend A Religious Service Religion holds a key part in our works and how societies decide to rule. Take up a religious service to gain a different perspective to another culture/faith

The soft and practical approach to life

They have a softness to them Not like their fellow fire signs. Aries are known as “ intense” and Leos are known for their “dermatic” energy. Sagittariuses are smooth. They possess the “cool-kid” in school energy. They don't like fighting, orders, and uncomfortable clothes. To a Sagittarius the more comfortable they are the better the outcome.

They can almost come off as a water or earth sign. Since their energy is so opposite to their fellow fire signs. Their Glyph is the Centaur’sArrow. Half horse half man. One could say that the horse could represent intellect and knowledge as well as gentle firm and kind. Those who fall under the Sagittarius sign will have many of these qualities.

Despite their physical nature. Sagittarius loves a good lazy day. Much like they follow Leo the lion who loves to nap in the sun. this sign is exactly the same. To a Sagittarius, the most important part of having a stress-free lifestyle is to not stress. And that can mean making no plans. This might not be a full day in pajama pants in front of Netflix. For this sign it just means ignoring people's calls to hang out. And doing what they need to do for themselves. After all, they are ruled by the planet Jupiter who is “Zeus” he loves to party loves to have a good time but even a Zeus needs time to recharge the batteries.

They are romantic but practical while their fellow fire signs are more temperamental and explosive. Aries will shove love into your face and Leos will write your name in the sky while singing Taylor Swift's “Love Story”. Sagittarius' practical approach to romance has them best at the game. Depending on who they are matching up with. Sagittarius and Pisces are not the most compatible love match. Sagittarius and Gemini are quite compatible. This is because Geminis have less possessive qualities than Pisces. After all, Sagitaus love a good adventure. They can be hard to keep up with or nail down. Geminis have a little bit more fluency to them.

Three ways to add a softer approach to your lifestyle

  1. Create a morning routine – Sagittarius is physical, establishing a good morning routine that includes movement will help create a softer day overall. Example. A morning run leads to stretching after breakfast and then an afternoon nap.

  2. Start a gratitude list – Finding happiness in your surroundings will leave you have a greater appreciation for life. This will allow you to have a more adventurous life because you're not overcrowding your life with material positions. Sagittarius rule travel and wanderlust

  3. Add A Nothing Day Into your week – The key to a low-key/stress-free life is to stay home now and again.

Sagittarius zodiac symbol

If you are interested in learning more about your birth chart. I suggest You will need your birth date, year, and time of birth. If you don’t know your exact time you can make the best estimation. Or leave it blank. However, try to have your time of birth so you can get a more direct breakdown of your birth chart.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Megan Thiessen, Self Development Coach

Megan Thiessen is a renaissance woman. She works in Wellness, Self Development & farming. Living on a sustainable herbal farm with her husband and son, Megan always chooses a more self-sustained lifestyle for her and her family. She strives to educate and empower others to seek a more purpose-filled life, guiding Yoga and health for adults. She also empowers the youth; by hosting dance classes & art classes at her local Arts Station and at Live local events working with the Chamber of Commerce and Wapiti Music Festival.

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