Written by: Lori Clark, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The first three months of the year is almost over already. Can you believe that? For a lot of people, the first three months are a critical checkpoint. If you’re in business, you know the first three months is considered Q1, the next three months is Q2 and so on. If you’re not in business, you know the first three months mark a good place to see how you’re doing on any goals you may have set at the beginning of the year. With that being said, how is your Q1 going? Have you had to restart your year already? Are you conquering your goals? Are you staying focused? What is this year looking like for you so far?

For me, well things didn’t start off grand like I had hoped. In January I caught an aggressive case of Covid-19, and had to be out of work for almost the whole month. My birthday was in February, and my job blessed me with 10 days off. I made plans with people, and everyone cancelled on me. I ended up finding things to do last minute on my special day and just enjoying the time I had off work. March hasn’t been bad, but I’ve found myself at certain plateaus wondering if I am content with the life I have, or do I want more. I also looked at different areas of my life, and figured out what I could make better. Whew, what a year I’m having right? You’d think a life coach wouldn’t go through things like this, and have it all figured out. That’s not quite how it works haha.
So now that we’ve covered all of that, what conclusion did you come up with in regard to your Q1? The good news is we’re still very early in the year. So, if things aren’t going how you would like, you have time to still finish strong. Or if things are going well, you can enjoy the success, and maybe add a few small short term goals. Think to yourself “what do I want to have accomplished by the end of the year?” Do you want more meaningful relationships with family, friends, and colleagues? Do you want to have a certain amount of money saved? Are you seeking a healthy fulfilling relationship? Do you want to lose a certain amount of weight? Do you have goals you want to hit every three months?
Take a moment and reflect on where you are. You will either realize you’re right on track, or you could be doing better. Don’t overthink, don’t beat yourself up, don’t get big headed. Figure out your next move. It doesn’t have to be drastic. It doesn’t have to be a “change” necessarily. Whatever it is, it is for you. For the life you want, the results you want, the happiness you want.
In conclusion, Q1 showed me a lot. I’m excited for the rest of the year, and I hope you are too.
See you in Q2! ‒ Lori G. Clark

Lori Clark, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Lori Clark is a leader in the life coaching industry, dedicated to helping individuals overcome life's challenges. She also aims to help people reach their highest potential while eliminating mental barriers. Lori had a rough childhood that led to an adulthood of trying to fill different voids. She eventually made up her mind; she would live a life worth living and changed her world. During this time, her health failed, and she was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Doctors told her she would never be the same. Instead of playing small, Lori took her circumstances and excelled. She finished college, went back to work, and is now certified to help others.