Written by: Terrie Nathan, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

"Possibility Thinking… Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life”
We all have the ability and more importantly, we hold the power to choose/change our thoughts. While It does take daily practice to change the way we talk to ourselves or the way that we think, it can be done.

We all have disappointing events/situations that happen in our lives and how we choose to respond to those events or situations will determine our outcome. Possibility thinking doesn’t mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life’s less pleasant situations. It means that you approach the unpleasantness with a “what can be” mindset. That’s what possibility thinking is…looking for the possibilities in every situation. When you look for the possibility you are looking for the solutions as well. By changing your perspective of the situation you will change your life.
Possibility thinking will draw opportunities and the “right” people to you. When you choose to see the possibility in your life, it will give you energy and allow you to shift your perspective for the good.
Trying to compare yourself to others will only steal your joy and never move you forward.
The more energy you give a thought, the more it builds and strengthens – our thoughts are just like muscles! When you think possibility your problem-solving brain cells come to life and now you are in business. Right mindset, right reactions, right outcomes.
Possibility thinking not only unlocks your potential but it also unlocks the possibility of your team and your relationships, it works everywhere in your life. The key is it starts with you, only you can change how you respond to the possibility in your life. Here are a few tips on living possibility-minded…
Withhold judgment of self and others
I can thinking vs I can’t thinking (If you believe you can’t your right if you believe you can your right, either way, your right, choose wisely)
Take action…if you sit on the couch and just hope it’s not going to get you far, action is required, and oh by the way…hope isn’t a strategy.
Finally, possibility thinking is not a quick fix, it takes daily practice and daily course correction from the impossible to the possible.
You’ve Got This! Believe you can and you WILL!
Happy, Abundant, Possibility Thinking in 2022! Gratefully, Terrie Nathan
“Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’m Possible! Aubrey Hepburn”

Terrie Nathan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Terrie Nathan is an International Best-selling Author, Coach, Speaker and CEO/Founder of Strong Girl Enterprises. She coaches clients to improve their lives, relationships, and ability to perform in business by setting & achieving goals and building positive routines. She also coaches youth to build their confidence by teaching them strategies on positive self-talk, self-worth and body image.
Her practice is grounded in Positive Psychology, a research-based branch of psychology that studies what really causes people to thrive and flourish in their lives and work, and how we can apply those finding in practical and positive ways.
Terrie has now made it her life's mission to coach these transformational strategies of empowerment partnering with clients and organizations worldwide.