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Mother Mary, May I

Written by: Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Did you know that the Roman Catholic Church set aside the entire month of May to honor Mary, the Mother of God? Did you know according to the Numerology Pythagoras Chart, which is known as the Modern Western Numerology Pythagoras, created by an Astrologer, Numerologist, Musician and Spiritual Teacher, he combined the numbers from 1 to 9 in the order of A to Z, every name carries a vibration and energy just like numbers?

The month of May is the fifth month and carries a 3 vibration when referring to the letters MAY 4+1+7 = 12 1+2= 3, during the month of May. Connecting with Mother Mary during prayer and meditation may help create massive changes with communication, technology and learning to listen more.

When you refer to the calendar year 2022, which is known as the Universal Year of Energy and means everyone on the planet will feel this energy, whether they’re conscious of it or not, from January 1st – December 31st.

2022 carries a 6 vibration, which means healing, healer, family, scheduling, organizing, harmony and home. The number six in Astrology is associated with the 6th House, known as Virgo, which is associated with structure, schedule, health, fitness and healing.

When you add the month and year together (May, 2022) 5+2+0+2+2 = 11, it adds up to eleven, which is known as a Master Number in Numerology and means Master Healer of Relationships.

During the month of May many people may experience massive changes and shifts in their relationship with self/others, money, career, health and wealth.

Below are important dates that may help you manifest this change and shift in the month of May in addition to Mother Mary’s energy:

  • May 2nd – Venus enters Aries

  • May 5th – Cinco de Mayo and 5/5 acts as a spiritual portal, The vail between spirit and human is thin allowing communication to flow easily.

  • May 10th – Mercury goes Retrograde in Gemini

  • May 10th – Jupiter enters Aries

  • May 15th – 16th Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

  • May 24th – Mars enters Aries

  • May 30th – New Moon in Gemini

What does this mean for you? Below is a forecast for all 12 zodiac signs. For an accurate forecast, I recommend reading your Sun, Moon and Rising Zodiac Signs.

Aries – With three planets in your Zodiac sign this is a month for transformation, change is on its way, you must be ready to surrender in order to transform. Solar Plexus, Yellow, 18 Reverse

Taurus – With the help of the North and South Nodes, recent New Moon and upcoming Full Moon can help heal relationships. Praying to Mother Mary will help bring more clarity. Heart, Pink, 29, Reverse

Gemini – Once the Sun enters Gemini, there will be three planets to help complete a Karmic Cycle. Although Mercury is in Retrograde in Gemini praying and meditating to Mother Mary will help open new doors. Root, Red, 1

Cancer – This is a perfect time to connect with friends and family in conversations that are compassionate, loving and forgiving, which may help in letting go of the past and transforming relationships. Heart, Pink, 36

Leo – This month brings in new beginnings with changes in your career, new position and recognition, and also healing a family matter connected with father, father figure or masculine energy. Crown, Purple, 10

Virgo – With the help of Mercury in Aries you may be considering a Spiritual Career, which may include traveling or moving. Throat, Turquoise, 77

Libra – With three planets in Aries, which is your opposition sign you may be inspired to surrender anything that makes you feel heavy. Pray and meditate to Mother Mary and you will experience change and balance in your closest relationships.. Heart, Green, 68, Reverse

Scorpio – May is a perfect time for prayer and meditation as you experience a spiritual awakening. Call on Mother Mary for spiritual guidance during the New and Full Moon and your heart will expand into forgiveness. Heart, Green, 34

Sagittarius – May is a perfect time for prayer and meditation. Call on Mother Mary to help you heal and forgive yourself and others. It is time to let go of the past and move into forgiveness. Crown, Purple, 99

Capricorn – With Pluto in Retrograde in your sign massive changes are on their way in your career. It’s time to rebuild, what your career was is no longer. Pray and meditate to Mother Mary and trust that she will surround you with success, abundance and many opportunities. Solar Plexus, Yellow, 8

Aquarius – With Saturn in your sign, you may experience a shift in your home (body/shelter), family or health. May is a perfect time for prayer and meditation, call on Mother Mary to help you heal relationships at home. Crown, Purple, 11

Pisces – With the help of Neptune, Jupiter and Mars in your sign and Mercury being the ruler of the third house communication, networking and rebranding is on your side. Tap into your intuition and call on Mother Mary for guidance. Get ready to listen and speak your truth. Solar Plexus, Yellow, 3

For more information and to redeem a Complimentary 15-min Cosmic Energy Soul Reading, email:

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Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 30+ years in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. She is the Wholistic Fitness owner located in NY Queens, certified holistic personal trainer, intuitive healer, cosmic energy reader, student of Astrology, Master of Numerology, and Creator of Chakra Balance Numerology Cosmic Energy Forecast Deck. She is the Host of Joanne's Healing Within T.V Show and Joanne's Cosmic Energy Radio Show and Author/Self-Publisher. Joanne's mission: To help women (men by referral) release issues from their tissues as they release emotional weight and fall in love with themselves while witnessing their transformation of being the best version of themselves.

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