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Live The Width Of Your Life

Written by: Aneta Ardelian Kuzma, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

“Every life is a story. Whether it is a story worth telling and talking about, though, is up to you.” ‒ Donald Miller, A Million Miles In A Thousand Years.

Many of us want better experiences in our lives, but we struggle with the discomfort that it will take ‒ the conflict ‒ to get to the other side. It’s much easier to maintain our routines, to live in the mundane, to binge watch Netflix, than it is to reset and choose change.

Yet, what if the whole point of our lives is to constantly evolve and be able to look back at our intentional choices that built a purpose-driven life? How can we live the width of our lives and not just the length?

Four things you can do today to live a life with more intentionality.

  • Write down the IDEALS or guidelines for your life. What do you believe? What are the most important things to you? These guidelines help shape our choices, where we spend our time, and who we allow into our lives.

  • Examine where you spend your time and if it ALIGNS with your guidelines. Every one of us has 24 hours in each day. Our choice of where we spend our time is within our control. Does where you spend your time align with your life guidelines? If it doesn’t, what does it say about where you’re placing the most important in your life?

  • Create a VISION board or keep a dream list of experiences or goals. Is there a dream that you have? Are there experiences or places you’ve wanted to visit but never have? Creating a visual representation of images and words that depict the life experiences you want is a great way to manifest them. Frame your completed board place it prominently where you can see it daily. Reflecting on the things you say are essential is the quickest path to realizing them.

  • Work through your FEARS. Fear is usually the culprit that stops many of us from pursuing things that have been on our hearts. Miller says, “Fear isn’t only a guide to keep us safe; it’s also a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.”

  • Set BOUNDARIES. Where have you made compromises with your time, energy, and money because you felt like you “should” do something? Not setting clear boundaries with ourselves and others leads to resentment. What should you start saying “no” to start saying “yes” to a bigger life?

If you’re ready to start living with more intentionality and urgency, I have two FREE gifts for you today!

Follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram, or read my other blogs.


Aneta Ardelian Kuzma, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aneta is a multi-passionate coach and consultant who helps high-achieving professionals and entrepreneurs design lives of purpose, passion, and peace. After a successful 25 year corporate career, she found herself stressed, exhausted, and asking "is this it?". She started her coaching and consulting business, the Ardelian Kuzma Group, in 2019 to help others invest in themselves, take control of their health and wellbeing, and finally make changes that allow them to become the best version of themselves in their personal and professional lives. As a business consultant, she works with organizations and teams to create cultures of mindful leadership to increase focus, creativity, and productivity, along with wellness programs to help teams achieve optimal health. Her first book "Live the Width" will be published in 2022.


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