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Let Your Belly Growl – It's Good For Your Health

Faith M. Davis is an Integrative Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, and number 1 bestselling author of Why You’re Not Healing: 10 Radical Shifts for a Lasting Whole Body Transformation. After healing herself of fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, candida overgrowth, neurotransmitter imbalances

Executive Contributor Faith M. Davis

We all know what it feels like when our stomach growls if we haven't eaten in a while. Most of us rush to silence it with a snack or a meal, but what if I told you that letting your belly growl could actually be good for your health? That's right!

Woman showing her belly at the beach.


Behind that rumbling is the migrating motor complex (MMC), and it's a process you might want to pay more attention to because it could be one of the reasons you’re not healing.


What’s the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC)?

The migrating motor complex is a series of electrical waves that move through your digestive system, specifically your small intestine, to help clear out leftover food and bacteria.


This process is crucial for maintaining a healthy gut environment and preventing issues like SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).


Why migrating motor complex matters

A healthy MMC fires about 10-12 times a day, ideally during periods when we’re not eating. This gives our gut the time it needs to reset and cleanse itself.


However, since snacking is a common habit in today's lifestyle, the migrating motor complex (MMC) doesn't get a chance to activate as it should, which can lead to digestive upset and discomfort.


Benefits of letting your belly growl

Letting your stomach growl is not just a way to tolerate a little hunger. It allows our bodies to take care of themselves.


Let's explore the benefits of letting your belly growl…


It boosts gut health

Fasting until your stomach growls can retrain your migrating motor complex (MMC) to function more effectively, reducing the time between these necessary cleaning cycles.


This helps maintain a healthier gut flora balance and can reduce symptoms of bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Clear intestines assist our detox pathways [Link to my detox pathways article when it is published] in keeping our bodies clear and healthy.


It enhances metabolic health

The migrating motor complex (MMC) also plays a role in managing our metabolism, glucose levels, and insulin sensitivity.


When it fires regularly, your gut is healthier and your overall metabolic health is better supported.


Practical tips to stimulate your Migrating Motor Complex (MMC)

Wondering how to encourage your MMC to kick into gear? Here are some strategies that can help…


Fast intelligently

Try intermittent fasting or consider a three-day fast under professional guidance. Fasting gives your digestive system a break and promotes stronger migrating motor complex (MMC) activity.


Minimize snacking

Avoid eating small, frequent meals throughout the day (unless your blood sugar requires it). Stick to three main meals and allow your digestive system time to activate the migrating motor complex (MMC) in between.


Savor the anticipation of food

Prepare your meals from scratch and take time to enjoy the aromas and the process of cooking. Anticipating food can stimulate stomach acid production, which in turn triggers the migrating motor complex (MMC).


Change your mindset about hunger

Instead of immediately reaching for food when you feel hungry, pause and appreciate that a little hunger can be beneficial for your body.


Final thoughts

While the urge to eat at the first sign of hunger is strong, understanding the importance of the migrating motor complex and allowing it to do its job can lead to significant health benefits.


Let your belly growl and see it as an opportunity for your body to reset and rejuvenate. For more insights into gut health and nutritional strategies, check out my book Why You're Not Healing and explore my Nourishing Nutrition Makeover course.


Here's to a healthier, happier gut!


Faith M. Davis, Integrative Healing Practitioner

Faith M. Davis is an Integrative Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, and number 1 bestselling author of Why You’re Not Healing: 10 Radical Shifts for a Lasting Whole Body Transformation. After healing herself of fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, candida overgrowth, neurotransmitter imbalances, and more, she is on a mission to help others reach their health goals and live a vibrant life.


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