Written by Marja West, Author – Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator
Marja (pronounced Mahrrr-ya) West is an author, mentor of The Hermetic Natural Law Principles, and a leading expert in Energy Mastery, Reality Creation, and Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator focusing on handholding survivors of Human Trafficking, Rape Camps, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Cult/Tribal, and NSP Abuse (Narcissistic-Sociopathic-Psychopathic), to evolve from victim to victorious. Well-known for her zero-filtered-laugh-out-loud humour and disarming, electrifying presentations.

Hello, my beautiful Waking Gods & Goddesses. Thank you all so much for your emails and messages regarding my most recent upload about my Autism diagnosis journey. Your care and support have touched me deeply, along with your queries and curiosity to learn more about Trauma, particularly Trauma-Based Mind Control: what it is, and how I specifically work with it with my clients.

Trauma-based mind control
The term alone generally evokes a foreboding and fearful undertone. Between the T-word and conspiracy-hijacked “mind control,” I hear a Theremin spookily resounding lamentingly and menacing. For myself, being one of the folks who intimately know and work with the term Trauma-Based Mind Control, having mentored survivors for nearly four decades, it immediately invokes a thought-ball of psychic protection, ala Energy Kung Fu Mastery, to take heed and permeate one’s space with the Superpowers of healing energies and superheroes—gridding against the onslaught of potential other-worldly-other-dimensional demons, entities, and whatnot.
Rather than getting into a messy and controversial fact-slinging treatise, I will approach my introduction to The Three Trauma Cages of Trauma-Based Mind Control, beginning with a review of The Seven Chakras and The True Nature of Creativity concerning the Chakra System with a link to my full article here.
Trauma-Based Mind Control occurs in all aspects of the human being, causing imbalance, fear and self-doubt: astrologically, astrotheologically, biologically, cellularly, chemically, culturally, emotionally, energetically, financially, genetically, historically, hormonally, medically, mentally, numerologically, physically, politically, psychologically, psychically, religiously, sexually, scientifically, socially, spiritually, technologically, and everything-whatever-else under the sun.
Through the common practices of fear and terror promulgated through war, techno-disasters, famine, pandemics, violence, rape, torture, and blood ritual sacrifice and the constant threat of pain of death unless one complies, exacerbated by the collaboration of most sleeping humans through their denial, willful ignorance—the refusal to face up to the egregious evil that prevails and runs this Matrix world, the powers-that-wanna-be easily have the advantage in maintaining the enslavement of humanity.
It is my premise that all Trauma hijacks the flow of our Divine Creative Energies through injury to the Chakras and, therefore, represses our Divine Creative Natures, which occurs Chakra by Chakra over time, eventually nullifying one’s capacity to allow creativity to flow naturally.
In my dreams
My dreams have always been powerful allies for troubleshooting challenges and inspiring progressions to the next logical interactions and steps. Whether working through a difficult piano passage or working out the solution to physics homework, my dreams have helped me figure out details and solve issues. Through my dreams, I pieced together and pioneered The Three Trauma Cages to cut to the chase of DeActivating and DeArmouring Trauma-Based Mind Control for those seeking to end that madness.
All Trauma, from the most subtle and vaguely nuanced to the most egregious of torture-ladened Trauma-Based Mind Control, is anchored in the seizing of the Mind, the Heart, and the Body, which cuts off all three components of The Flesh from The Soul, and ultimately, the True Spirit that resides outside of the Matrix.
Hijacking the human energy field and the seven chakras
Trauma-Based Mind Control first attacks the Human Energy Field, rendering one vulnerable to foreign invaders, such as low vibrational entities of ill-intent from the Astral plane and other dimensional realities, which weakens the Auric Field’s protective capabilities, which eventually allows dysfunction and disease to permeate the physical body—its organs and tissues, along with the innate Superpowers of the Seven Chakras.
I believe that we humans have been genetically engineered to forget our True Divine Creative Natures. Because of the collective forgetfulness of our previous lifetimes, the hijacking of the Human Energy Field and our Chakra System with its gifts is easily rendered.
The Matrix has mind-controlled humans since time immemorial through fear, violence, and torture to forget our true Nature and our Divinity. We are constantly told that declaring our Divinity is arrogant because we are flawed and unworthy. This premise is a Big Fat Lie. I highly recommend the work of researcher and author Wes Penre, who has written many books on our occulted human origins and galactic heritage. His books The Orion Book Volume 1 and The Orion Book Volume 2, in particular, lay out an extensive foundation, corroborating my findings based on my work with Trauma survivors.
Trauma cage no. 1 – The mind cage
The First Trauma Cage is called The Mind Cage and includes the human head, the skull, our brains, hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, sinuses, throat, voice box, neck, endocrine system, and the highly compromised Superpowers of the 7th, 6th and 5th Chakras.
We are working from the 7th Chakra—Crown Centre—Our 7th Chakra (Spiritual/Crown Center) down, which controls our Superpowers of Divine Inspiration and our true, innate Spiritual Wisdom.
In our creative endeavours, this Chakra is located at the top of the head. Here, the entry point of Divine Creative Energies enters our bodies as inspired ideas from God-Goddess-All-That-Is—all unique to our respective Selves, assigned to each of us to bring forth onto physicality, materialised. This centre imbues us with our core values based on Divine Spiritual Wisdom from our True Divine Spirit outside the Matrix.
Infiltration by the Matrix’s demonic powers-that-wanna-be allows for the beginnings of mind control by inserting their evil agendas—thoughtforms, beliefs, mandates, etc. that would support our denial of our Divinity. An example of such overt agendas being expressed includes sudden religious fanaticism promulgated through violence and coercion and abrupt obedience to egregious totalitarian doctrines and beliefs in ethnic cleansing, just to name a few.
Our 6th Chakra, located in the middle of our forehead, represents the Third Eye and our Superpowers of Intuition—our Inner Knowing, Imagination—our ability to see clear pictures in full-living colour of our Inspired Visions. The hijacking of these gifts results in the ailment I call “Third Eye Blind.”
Access to our 6th Charka and the realm of all possibilities is only directly available to those who’ve done enough shadow work to own their focused attention and have developed enough clarity and openness to receive Divine Guidance and what’s infinitely possible for us to create uniquely.
Our Superpower of Visualisation is critical in creating and composing reality and dwelling in pure possibility beyond our conditioned programming that tries to limit our options. Bearing this in Mind, we can see how the powers-that-wanna-be would prioritise hijacking these Superpowers, usurping human creativity through their distractions and mind control, keeping us asleep at the wheel of creation.
I believe that the 6th Chakra is the one key that UnSlaves us all—setting humanity free from all mind control, which is why in the Matrix, through the powers-that-wanna-be and their posse of paid-for scientists and other pro-Matrix experts, categorically dismiss our Superpower of Intuition as utter nonsense.
With access to our Spiritual Wisdom and the realm of all possibilities cut off, we are disconnected from our Souls, Divine Spirit, and God-Goddess-All-That-Is. From here, we are vulnerable to the mind control viruses of the powers-that-wanna-be and further attacks upon the 5th Chakra, our throat/communication centre, which governs our Superpowers of Self-Exression and Truth. Located at the throat, the 5th Chakra empowers our voice and words, imbuing them with the power to walk our talk and share our concerns, dreams, feelings, and thoughts with clarity and authenticity.
The Mind Cage is subject to and affected by emotional, mental, and physical violent Trauma to the head, which includes the following acts of violence or blunt force trauma injuries involving the face, the eyes—including the optic nerve, retinal detachment, blindness, glaucoma, cataracts, etc., in addition to any torture with light deprivation, and input overload to visuals; the nose—including our sense of smell, sinus infections; the ears—including our ability to hear and our sense of balance, and input overload of prolonged exposure to egregiously loud sounds and verbal abuse; the mouth—including our gums, teeth, tongue, upper palate, and our sense of taste (note that the mouth and the throat are highly subjected to sexual assault—rape and torture); the skull/head—including the scalp, hair, and brain injuries affecting the Thalamus, Hypothalumaus, Pituitary, Pineal gland—affecting circadian rhythm–day-night cycles, plus the Thyroid and Parathyroid glands located near the throat. The injuries to the human endocrine system cannot be minimised as all Trauma-Based Mind Control floods us with stress hormones—creating fight, flight, freeze, and fawn scenarios in our endeavours to cope with these abusive events that accumulate with Trauma-Based Mind Control.
Injuries to The Mind Cage keeps us stuck in the Matrix, which is limited to the five sense reality of hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch—barring access to our 6th sense of Intuition and our 7th Sense of Generosity and Care—7a) The Divine Masculine Principle of Gift/Giving-Inspired Action-Self-Defence and 7b) The Divine Feminine Principle of Receiving-Non-Agression.
Once the Matrix has command of the 7th, 6th, and 5th Chakras, Mind Control is well-established in the Mind Cage, leading us to the Second Trauma Cage, the Heart Cage.
Trauma cage no. 2: – The heart cage
The powers-that-wanna-be establish the Second Trauma Cage, the Heart Cage, by first taking command of our 5th Chakra Throat/communication centre. The Throat Chakra allows us to speak the Truth, speak up and ask for help (and receive it), say No to tyranny, and be impeccable with our Yesses.
With our inner and outer voices silenced or having words and manmade morally relativistic laws shoved down our throats, waterboarding notwithstanding, we are mind-controlled to override our innate advocation of ourselves and surrender authority to mind control and the powers-that-wanna-be.
This Trauma Cage, the Heart Cage, hijacks the Superpowers of the 5th, 4th, and 3rd Chakras and subjects all emotions and feelings, including all innate and relevant responses, furthers and deepens disconnection from the Soul where the claws of Trauma-Based Mind Control by the powers-that-wanna-be within the Matrix tear away at our Sovereignty and Physical expressions of Divine Love.
The Heart Cage blocks the embodiment and full-on realised expression of The Heart-Based New Humanity in the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe. Mind control of the Mind and Heart Cages weaponises all Woundology from the slightest to the most egregious of traumas, ensuring victim consciousness and victim-perpetrator polarities with their associations.
Wants, needs, and all the dark emotions of lesser virtues are weaponised.
I love this quote from George Orwell’s 1984 that points to the bottom line of the oppressors who leave no stone unturned to disempower and divide us come hell or high water, by trick or by storm, through the most egregious of horrific violence or through seductive, beguiling ways.:
“They fear Love because it creates a world they can’t control.”
So, because we are the Heart-Based New Humanity, our 4th Chakra is the gateway to loving conscious presence on the earth.
The Heart Chakra governs our Superpower of Divine and Embodied Love and our Inspired Passion—the driving force behind our brilliant ideas and fondest dreams/intentions, so they are heartfelt and Heart-Based. The Heart Chakra is the Bridgeway between Reality’s Spiritual and Physical realms. The higher spiritual centres connect us to the Divine and lower chakras, connecting us to the physical plane of manifestation. The Heart Chakra also allows expression and embodiment of our Superpowers of Empathy and Compassion—starting with ourSelves. We can forgive ourselves and forgive others. This is where True Power is nurtured.
Listen to your Heart. The Heart is the First Eye, the basis of I am Divine Love.
The powers-that-wanna-be, formerly humans, are overrun by lower-vibrational demonic entities, our overlords/slave-masters, even though they are no more special than any of us regular humans because they are adept and knowledgeable of our collective history (the real and the controlled bullshit narrative they utilise to control all humans throughout time immemorial), and understand the energetics of the collective pain-bodies of human-suffering throughout time, and are knowledgeable masters of the Laws of the Universe—they hunger for total control. Humans can escape the Matrix, but they cannot. They are bound to this prison planet—Humanity’s total enslavement and reincarnation cycles guarantee a continuous energetic food supply of human creativity, yielding obedient human enslaved people who are willing to remain spectators to the elite who populate pop culture.
Our heart organ is not just physical—it is metaphysical and is a most powerful healer and most potent of Trauma DeActivation where our hearts, as fueled by the Superpowers of the Heart Chakra—can dissolve the most egregious of hurt and pain and traumas from all timeframes. The Heart can reset our love template and quotient by utilising tears—soul food for the Heart, restoring our Hearts to their original Divine State.
Our 3rd Chakra (Power Center) is the Seat of Our Soul. It governs our Superpower of Divinely Inspired Will to maintain our individual, respective Sovereignty, our power, conserve our resources—acknowledge limitations and expansiveness, and create our Soul’s Purpose, our ability to see our value and contribute to the expansion of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe.
The Attachment to Left Right Center paradigms and divisiveness of moral relativism are some of the hallmarks of Power Chakra disempowerment.
With the 3rd Chakra—Our Power Center/Seat of our Soul hijacked, our inability to love and access empathy, and our inner and outer voice silenced—we lose the ability to speak up, request assistance, stand up for ourselves and defend ourselves from harm. Energetically, we are sucker-punched, doubled over from continuous pain and suffering, and many humans gutted. Human slavery requires succumbing to the controllers, fearful and terrified to be anything other than obedient to the whims of masters outside ourselves.
Trauma cage no. 3 – The body cage
The complete takeover of The Mind and Heart Cages ensures that we are entirely disconnected, not just from our Divinity but also from our humanity. Disconnected from our humanity, we cannot access empathy and compassion. Without access to our Heart and understanding, we cannot embody our Souls through the Power Chakra, The Seat of the Soul. Being soul-less, we are closer to representing a psychopath or sociopath, capable of unspeakable acts against another living being. Remorseless, the powers-that-wanna-be, in complete control of human behaviour, can utilise all their means to control the Third Trauma Cage: The Body Cage—which hijacks the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st Chakras and their Superpowers, specifically through physical psycho-sexual violence/humiliation and enslavement.
Our 2nd Chakra (Creativity/Pleasure/Sex Center) governs our Superpowers of Creativity, Money and Prosperity, Divine Sexuality and Divine Sensuality—that is, being in our physical sensorial Universe’s senses, which unfortunately gets distorted and twisted in the Matrix’s world. This Chakra assists us in magnetising the money required to complete our creative vision. This centre supports and fuels creativity, Self-expression, abundance and prosperity, and our access to sensuality, sexuality, and pleasure, utilising all Seven Senses without guilt and shame.
Unless we are consciously conceived by fully awakened parents who’ve done their Great Work and have exited the Matrix, the Matrix mind controls us from the time of our conception to be sex slaves. With their various divide-and-conquer tactics, the powers-that-wanna-be promote the war between the sexes, the war between genders and pronouns, the battle between the masculine and feminine, and the conflict between women—sister versus sister.
With all this in Mind, the Matrix and their powers-that-wanna-be promote any opportunity to disconnect humans from these Superpowers of our 2nd Chakra. They sadistically do so through the most egregious of violence, torture, sex abuse, rape, mutilation—Satanic Ritual Abuse—participants vampirising human life force creative energy through the pain, suffering, fear, and terror experienced by their sacrificial humans.
Our 1st Chakra, known as our Manifestation Chakra, the Survival/Thriving Chakra, governs our Superpowers of Divinely Inspired Manifestation—the actual birthing of our brilliant ideas and fondest dreams/intentions into pure physicality, your world service or right to exist. This centre allows you to survive, grow, thrive, and expand, feeling safe in your body and surroundings and, if not, defending yourself with deadly force or running away.
Disconnection from these Superpowers through all forms of Trauma-Based Mind Control allows one’s embodiment of human slavery as a human chattel—expendable and complete. Over the millennia, the collective pain body of human enslavement is saturated with hopelessness, the automaton robotic, order following zombified existence that’s been drug-induced, trauma-induced, and fear-induced by the power-hungry induced victim-perpetrator polarity, even embodying both polarities depending on where one sits in the Matrix hierarchy.
Once awakening begins, you cannot go back to sleep
The Trauma DeActivation and DeArmouring process is extremely effective and thorough, addressing each facet of the Three Trauma Cages. The once barely perceptible murmured echoes and whispers of our Divinity, forever calling out to us in painful ways to awaken and see the wrongness of our collective and individual enslavement and suffering for what it is—limiting and demeaning so that we can begin to remember who and what we are, grows louder and louder.
Our willful ignorance and going back to sleep are no longer viable options. Our awakening, exiting the Matrix and DeActivation and DeArmouring of all Traumas expands the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe—because we remember who and what we are as Infinite Loving Awareness and Consciousness having a human experience, here to create formless into form. And so the awakening begins amidst the pain and suffering we endure whilst facing the evils perpetrated by our brothers and sisters seduced by and high on power and domination over the masses, overrun by their victimisation—tools for Trauma-Based Mind Control—making the complete turn to the dark side as promulgated by the demonic powers-that-wanna-be and rewarded by Matrix fame, power, and riches.
No longer willing to sacrifice your humanity, you now know the difference through your conscious suffering, embarking on your focused healing, and doing the shadow work.
Let us now affirm our true divine selves with the following declarations
I am Divine-In-The-Flesh.
I am here to move Formless into Form through my creativity.
I am my true, authentic self; I am Divine Love.
I use my creativity and power for good.
The Universe takes good care of me in every way.
I choose inner peace and satisfaction daily.
I evolve from victim to victorious.
Everything I need, I have within.
My True Spirit speaks to me and guides me through my Heart-Mind-Body-Soul
I know what I need to do to be my best self.
And so it is.
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Read more from Marja West
Marja West, Author – Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator
Marja (pronounced Mahrrr-ya) West is an author, mentor of The Hermetic~Natural Law Principles, and a leading expert in Energy Mastery, Reality Creation, and Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator focusing on handholding survivors of Human Trafficking, Rape Camps, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Cult/Tribal, and NSP Abuse (Narcissistic-Sociopathic-Psychopathic), to evolve from Victim to Victorious. Well-known for her zero-filtered-laugh-out-loud humour and disarming, electrifying presentations, Marja is the author of the book F'd Wide Open: The Rude Awakening of the Heart-Based New Humanity. She is also a medical intuitive, martial artist, singer, multi-instrumentalist-musician, dancer, and plant lover.