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I Love The Opportunity To Dig For Soul Gold – Exclusive Interview With Anaiis Salles

Anaiis Salles is a mother, an ordained minister, a certified EMT, hypnotherapist, beekeeper, and author. A co-creative catalyst on the cutting edge of energy medicine since 1991, Anaiis Salles’ energy healing results involve minimal use of hardware/technology. Why? Her expertise has biohacked the proven premise that activated DNA and the 15 chakra human energy field can supply 85% of all healing technology healthy humans require. Salles’ radically effective energy healing skills/results were first medically verified in 1991. Highlights of Salles’ international collaborations are shared in the documentary "Heart to Heart" focusing on the value of hands-on healing team members in clinical settings.

Anaiis Salles, Living Lessons Library Private Health Association

What most peaks your interest in choosing new clients to work with?

Once I’ve had an initial discovery call with a potential client, determining who is not a good fit for my coaching practice or programs? Does a potential client communicate from an emotionally superficial space. What offers the most growth potential is emotional availability, transparency about challenges, how openly and with how much awareness can any person seeking a guide shares without fear where they have been, where they are now, and an imagined ‘Abundance Design’ inner calling that feels most inspiring yet is perhaps the most elusive gift to bring into everyday life.

This is a treasure hunt! I love the opportunity to dig for soul gold.

Name three people who are or have been a source of inspiration?

William Shakespeare. Mahatma Gandhi. Angela Davis. Well, I must include a fourth: Florence Nightingale.

What travel locations are you always excited to return to?

Paris, France. Venice, Italy. Greece. Cyprus. London. Anywhere in Scotland.

What is ‘Abundance Design’?

‘Abundance Design’ is a term of art original to my coaching perspective and approach to life. Abundance Design speaks to transformation opportunities presented to clients and students to free them of getting caught up in a mindset muddle of ‘good at’ or ‘inadequate’ after falling inside the cultural meme and branded box that is the concept of manifestation. Abundance Design suggests the influence and delightful reality of cooperative creativity rather than that subtle hunger for individual power to make something real, or important, or ‘mine’ from a service-to-self intention.

How did you turn an unexpected situation into a business opportunity?

My ex-husband was accepted into medical school at age 37. That is quite remarkable. At the time, I had a children’s clothing design business and Bloomingdale’s, I. Magnin, Saks Fifth Avenue, all once high-end merch giants were my customers, as well as small boutiques in the United States and in Europe. I love to knit and sew, and at that time in my life I had plenty of time to spend my days creating beauty and being a work-at-home mom to my young children.

My husband’s attending medical school meant that I would have to find a more lucrative full-time gig to support our family while he realized his dream.

In those days, I was much more agreeable to putting my needs aside for others than I am today. After doing research, I decided to return to university to become a certified shorthand court reporter, and given family deadlines, I completed a two-year program in nine months.

We moved to another city and state. I was not happy about this move. It was not a joint decision. In those days, as feminine energy ‘wife’ the expectation was that I would comply with my husband’s wishes and plans.

I freelanced for a year to get grounded in the reality of being a court reporter. Fortunately, this happened at a time when technology had brought innovation to this profession. I bought a computer system to enhance my freelance business.

The brilliant idea came to me in a flash! I sat in on my husband’s class lectures to bank the medical vocabulary my computer system would, in future, use as I established expertise in medical malpractice and expert testimony daily copy.

Within two years, I had taken some very sour lemons and generated six-figure business lemonade. The upside was receiving an incredible free medical education based on the intention to show up, listen, and trust things would come together in ways I could not yet see. For me? This is one beautiful definition of opportunity.

Name one unfulfilled intention or regret.

I regret having an introverted nature! I’ve done my best to work around this peculiarity. I compensate. However, my unfulfilled intention is to experience feeling truly comfortable making new friends. I’m still working on it.

Follow me on LinkedIn, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!



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