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How Will You Show Up For Yourself In 2022?

Written by: Lori Clark, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Self-care and mental health have taken huge leaps over the last few years. People are more dedicated than ever to live the life they desire and heal from the things they believe are holding them back. And quite honestly, I think that is phenomenal. I know from personal experience that until you get to the root of something, it will still linger around. I also know that confronting your problems is the biggest step to overcome them. My hat goes off to anyone working on becoming better, wanting to see positive changes in their life, and is willing to do the work necessary for greater things. We’re currently in December and time is winding down for 2021.

If you were to sit down and reflect on this year, where would you start? What would be your highs and lows? Can you revisit a painful time during this year with a new perspective? Seriously, take a moment and think back. No, don’t beat yourself up or send yourself into an hour of overthinking.

Just simply take a moment and reflect on how 2021 played out for you from January until December. Thought about it? Okay great. Now, let's take what you reflected on and ask yourself, “how am I going to show up more next year?” that doesn’t necessarily mean jump into a new venture or start a new business. It means how will you stay on your “A Game” for 2022 to make it better than 2021. With that being said, where would you begin? Are you satisfied with how things are now and want to keep things rolling?

Do you want to get better with your self-awareness and emotional intelligence? Do you have long and short-term goals made out for the year? And I hate to say it but, do you have a new year’s resolution? (Resolutions seem so ugh, why to wait until January 1st to do something you can start today?) Do you have a vision for the year ahead? Are you prepared if something doesn’t go as you thought it should? Would you be ready to switch gears if you had to? How will you manage times you feel overwhelmed? Do you want to develop new skills, habits, or learn new things? There are many things you can choose from, but what will be best for you?

Also, I want anyone reading this to know that showing up for yourself doesn’t have to feel like a chore, extracurricular activity, or anything like that. Instead, it should feel like constant steps of growth. Constant positivity, consistently moving forward, not allowing yourself to be a victim, taking the good with the bad, and most importantly an everlasting sense of continued gratitude while moving forward day by day. I hope reading this article opened your eyes and/or got you aligned to how you’re going to conquer 2022. 2021 had its ups and definitely its downs, but in 2022, you will continue to stand and grow stronger than ever before. Show up for yourself!

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Lori Clark, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lori Clark is a leader in the life coaching industry, dedicated to helping individuals overcome life's challenges. She also aims to help people reach their highest potential while eliminating mental barriers. Lori had a rough childhood that led to an adulthood of trying to fill different voids. She eventually made up her mind; she would live a life worth living and changed her world. During this time, her health failed, and she was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Doctors told her she would never be the same. Instead of playing small, Lori took her circumstances and excelled. She finished college, went back to work, and is now certified to help others.

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