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Healthy Holidays Feel Better And More Joyful By Losing Weight Before The New Year

Written by: Georgette LePage, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What would your future self feel like if you started a healthier lifestyle TODAY instead of after the holidays? What would your future self look like in pictures that you usually dread being in? What if this year could be different with your thinking and then with your body? Who does this? Who tries to make changes before January 1st? This is crazy...or is it?

My clients that I coach think I’ve lost my mind when I suggest this mindshift at this time of year, and I’m usually met with so many reasons why they think this is a bad idea at first. I hear, “It’s not enough time to make a difference.” “I can’t.” “I’ve failed in the past.” “Why would this time be different?” Once I listen to the long list of perceived obstacles, I then walk my clients through reframing those thoughts into possibilities. I help them to shift from saying, “I can’t.” into “I just haven’t yet.” and from “There are so many sweet temptations.” into “I can choose what I want to eat in smaller portions less frequently.” Change on the outside must start with change on the inside! Once clients allow this way of mindset shift, the creative process begins and new habits and thoughts emerge.

If this resonates with you, what flips the switch to being open to try new things to lose weight at what seems to be a challenging time of year given all of the roadblocks that your brain provides you with? Do you tend to focus on all of the holiday sweets that you must eat (because you usually do), all of the parties that you have to go to, all of the events where you need to dress up, or all of the pictures that you loathe being in? What could it be like if you were more confident of how you felt and looked? What could it be like if you told yourself that this year was the time to do things differently and to get different results? What would you have to lose other than weight?

It can be overwhelming for most people to make a change, especially at holiday time. This is where my magic comes in. Here’s a typical step by step example of how anyone can get started to lose weight now and not wait until the new year.

DISCLAIMER: First, be kind to yourself and allow for making mistakes. Talk to yourself in a loving way and remind yourself of your “why” for setting this goal.

STEP No.1 Set a realistic goal within your time frame. (For example, I will lose 5 pounds in 4 weeks, instead of I will lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks.)

STEP No.2 Identify what has worked in the past and what has not. (For example, in the past, I did well with reducing my portions and eating fewer sweets. I did not do well-eliminating sugar all together.)

STEP No.3 Choose 1-3 strategies for reaching that goal. I call these ACTION STEPS. (For example... 1) write down what you eat each day and look at patterns. 2) save eating one sweet treat a week on Saturdays and look forward to it. I call this “Sweet Saturday.” 3) incorporate physical movement daily for your mind and body.)

STEP No.4 Choose 1 mindset goal per week. (For example, I am open to giving this my best effort because I am worth it.)

STEP No.5 Measure your progress. (For example, notice how your clothes fit, weigh yourself, or think about how confident you feel. Always reflect on what you are feeling and what those feelings mean to you.)

Again, this is just one example of how to take action to reach a weight loss goal during the holidays instead of waiting until January 1st to dig yourself out of a hole. There are as many possible ways to design each step as there are people. This is one of the many exciting reasons why I love being a health and life coach and walking alongside people on their health journey. As you consider making a change this holiday season, be kind and patient with yourself and choose the steps that make sense for you! Each client of mine is unique and deserves customized coaching and attention and is worth the work! It is much easier with a coach like me at your side to cheer you on! Just do one small thing today to get started! What are you waiting for?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Georgette LePage, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette's energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self confidence, and self care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!


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