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Healing Journey To Regain Vision – Exclusive Interview With Patrick Lerouge

Patrick Lerouge is the founder of Evolve Restorative Therapy, creator of the freedom mastery experience, and Amazon best-selling author, who has been in holistic health since 2000. He helps high-producing entrepreneurs exceed their greatest expectations in a fraction of the time, so they can focus on empowering others through the impact they deliver. After Healing his eyes Rapidly in 2007 to losing them again one year later, He had to learn to tap into his potential and learn how to communicate with his body increasing his performance on many levels. Patrick optimizes performance by eliminating the internal stories that keep them stuck so that they can feel more vibrant, focused, and energized.

Shot of a man smiling at the camera with trees on the background.

Patrick Lerouge, Evolve Restorative Therapy

Interview for brains magazine introduce yourself, and please tell us about your life so we can get to know you better; feel free to share hobbies, passions, your family life, your pets, and unique what makes you unique.

My name is Patrick Lerouge, and I am a high energy passionate guy. Passionate about empowering people. I've been in the holistic space for over 22 years. I have been supporting my family of five since 2000. So, I've been an entrepreneur for more than twenty years. I have a successful practice and a high-energy, high-vibe type of family. I've been with my wife for over 22 years as well. And we have an active life. We love vacations from Disney to the mountains, currently in a debate through the experience of what we enjoy better, the mountain life or the lake life and being close to the ocean. So we enjoy finding out. On the hobby side, I love gardening and getting out into nature, and I have a garden I do many vegetables that we enjoy.

What Makes me unique is the way I see how to grow and improve our situations. I created The Freedom Mastery Experience, which is a six-month intensive guided program to help parent professionals feel more energized in their life. Optimizing who they are by deepening their understanding of who they are and what they are capable of. Because of this, they feel better in their skin, and their clothes fit better because of the inches they have lost without trying hard, exhausting workouts.

They perform much better at work by understanding who they are on such a deep level. They start to level up in the impact of business, or they begin to improve their work performance, getting raises and more responsibilities with the increase in salary to boot.

Life becomes more efficient and productive toward being happy, mainly because they're calm. The best thing is that they begin to have joy back in their families. They are doing it without the sacrifices or the guilts that every parent professional understands and knows deep within us.

So watching that is my greatest passion. And to figure out what makes me unique, let's say it's more about the entire process I have developed over the years. Getting a person to understand themselves so they can become energized, focused and present. I sit down and listen to them through all their experiences without judgment. So I have to walk side by side and guide a person through their emotional turmoils. Observing and being present through their traumas without trying to diagnose them has them learn how to get back into a state to process what is happening. I am there in the ups and the downs and get them to see confidently and shine brightly who they are. Proving to them that they don't need to be fixed but someone that needs to be understood.

Great question about what's the audience that you target that my business targets.

Some people are better at being entrepreneurs than others. I'm in love with working alongside high performers. These inspirational individuals want to grow their businesses or companies and make a difference in the world while providing an incredible life balance. But my all-time favorite clients are those parents that find themselves juggling two lives. Part of them are 100% dedicated towards work and the impact they have, which they're highly successful, AND another part is 100% dedicated and focused entirely on family matters. Such as parenting & caring tasks associated with it, which leaves little room left over, if anything, for themselves.

A good exercise to start to get clarity on what you want is to say out loud what you don’t want or what you struggle with. The flip side of my target is a highly successful person that dreads being home. So unhappy with the life they created, they blindly throw away their family to work. They believe the family holds them back rather than gives them energy and purpose. Those are hard for me to work with because they lack that spark. That joyful energy that I tap into that speeds up the progress of the entire process. Sadly there are many people like this who need assistance breaking that cycle.

The reason I don’t enjoy these clients because the extra step that is needed to rekindle a spark of love which is no something anyone can create. It blossoms from within. So I have to wait for the right number of experiences to happen to stoke that flame. It takes more patience than the client is aware of.

So what would I like to achieve for myself and my business in the future?

That's always a fun question because I want a business that helps multiple people, one that creates an impact and can change the world. That's why I'm in love with the parent-professional: I am making an impact with a person in the entrepreneurial space and helping serve their people by getting them healthy. But more so, I get to change a generation because now I'm getting a parent to break the cycles they learned through their childhood.

So it's all about getting to a more impactful place within a person's complete life with my business to make an enormous impact, so my focus is different. Not on the latest and greatest strategy trick or hack but on experiences that deepen relationships.

I help more and more people in this way, so they see they can rapidly change their present moment. It is in a place where they feel confident and secure inside themselves. More importantly, the next generation will learn a better way of being. And the biggest thing I love is that it all becomes about health and well-being as a family foundation. Not about quick fixes, the following strategy, tip, trick, or tactic. It's about learning who you are and how to become healthier in a mental and physical state.

Who inspires me to be the best that I can be?

I say this with every parent that I speak to, and there are two things we all say when we find out we have a child. One, I don't want to mess up my kids as my parents did to me. Two, I want to give them a better life than I had growing up.

And they don't know that's a loaded statement in many ways. But we must remember that we can only do that by up-leveling who we are so we can teach them differently. Not many people actively try to learn about childhood development.

They try to fix a problem when they see something they dislike within their child's life and behavior or something that inconveniences their lifestyle.

To answer your question, my family and specifically my kids because I want them to have the best chance at being adaptive in this world. So I have to model that for them.

So I look at my kids, and I see them as mirrors. Showing me what I am putting into the world, taking responsibility, and saying you learned that from somebody. It has to be one of us too.

It's time for us to change and stop trying to parent our kids and focus on showing up as our best selves. Times are changing rapidly, and they have to be more nimble, so I have to be more agile. Creating new experiences for them to grow into strong human beings.

That's what always inspires me to improve, and it's for them so they can be ready to deal with whatever the world throws at them.

So, what is my greatest achievement thus far as a business owner?

As a business owner the most significant achievement is being here for over 20 years and learning to adapt and change. I overcame multiple business-crushing blows, like my $40,000 mistake.

I created a clinic using a holistic center model, but the problem was that the clinic was not based on my heart. I learned the hard way that you only do things that are based on your heart, or else things are just based on your willpower, and you only have so much willpower before you lose it.

So my most significant achievement is that I've been here for over 20 years in the same vertical. Helping hundreds of 1000s of people learn about putting themselves first. Getting their health in line, and now losing an average of 10 pounds in fat in 30 days, feeling confident being in their skin, setting a better standard for the kids. Experiencing what a happy family feels like, having a better connection with their spouse, and significantly improving the nighttime benefits.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

That is a great question. So if I can change one thing in the healthcare industry is teaching a person not to take someone else's power.

We all want to help. I see this in the western world with doctors way more than I see in the holistic field, but I'm going to direct this towards the holistic field because I'm in the holistic field, bringing a little bit of light towards this.

Suppose we don't bring attention to the problem of taking someone's power away. In that case, we will continue the cycle of suffering. We will keep helping the people suffering by doing or instantly solving their issues, also known as enabling them.

I used to be a bodyworker. Feeling helpless, people came with me with pain that other professionals could not deal with. I learned that the faster I took away the pain the faster I took their power away. Until I started to shift and change my thought process into how I can help them learn what their bodies are guiding them and working with them, things change dramatically in their lives.

So what I would change in this industry is the blindness that many people are unaware of, and we are hurting more and more people by not teaching them what's happening is taking away their power. Because the more and more we can empower the people that look to us for guidance to do what they need to do. They'll stop getting hurt. They'll stop suffering. And once they stop suffering, they can become the best version of themselves.

Then all we do as guides are assist them in becoming the next version of themselves, which drives us as bodyworkers and therapists to improve ourselves. Which completely switches the paradigm.

We as guides need to model improving ourselves, which speeds up our client's progress.

Tell us what a pivotal moment in your life brought you to where you are today.

The Healing of my eyes rapidly to 6 months later to lose my sight again. It forced me to learn about my healing journey to regain my vision as I went through my hurting career as a bodyworker.

I went through a period where I was almost to the limit of being legally blind. I went to a seminar that taught me how to access more of my healing potential.

During that weekend seminar, I went from being legally blind to being able to see.

The magical life-changing lesson about this experience was within six months of me being able to see, and I lost my vision again.

If you don't honor your gift, you lose them, and I did not honor it. Mainly because I never worked at getting my sight. I used it as a parlor trick to get more clients, and I filled up a successful practice showing people that you can heal rapidly.

Since that sad day in 2007, I spent the next 17 years finding myself, seeing what was happening internally on an emotional and mental level. I am now on my lowest prescription to date. now I can take off my glasses, and I can see clearly. That was the most pivotal moment I would never forget, the fight to regain my vision naturally.

I want to thank you for sharing my story. It's one of the greatest things to tell your story and let people hear it, not to impress people, but to impress onto them that they can do it too in their own way. All we have to do is calm, and present, sit down and understand who we are from a deep place. Learn how to allow that internal calm place to rule our day. Receiving everything you want without the need to create all the anxiety and pressure efforting and allow it to come to them as they deserve it. So I thank you for that.

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