Written by Alice Dartnell, Life and Success Coach
Alice Dartnell is a time management and energy management coach, trainer, speaker, and author, who is passionate about empowering people to create a life by design, not by default! Known as an expert in time management and energy management, Alice doesn’t teach time management in the traditional sense.
Did you know, studies show that 33% of small business owners in the UK report experiencing burnout (Simply Business UK) and it’s even higher in the USA, with a staggering 89% of entrepreneurs have experienced burnout (HubSpot Blog).
As a business owner, avoiding burnout isn't just about managing your time though – it is not just a case of creating a work-life balance or being more organised. It's actually about managing your energy. This mindset shift in perspective was a game changer for me when it came to looking after myself and my time, and ultimately preventing burnout happening to me again.
In 2019, I experienced a severe burnout despite having what I thought was a great work-life balance. I finished work in my corporate job on time every day and I had excellent time management skills. I was organised, planned ahead, met deadlines, and knew how to prioritize. Whilst I was great at managing my time, I wasn’t so good at managing myself and my energy! I was a perfectionist, people-pleaser, didn’t take appropriate time to replenish my batteries or take care not to drain them in the first place.
The burnout led me to an “aha moment.” I realized that time management isn’t just about managing tasks and hours; it’s also about managing your energy. This understanding was revolutionary for me and changed how I approach my work and life, and I am glad to say despite having to deal with some serious challenging obstacles, such as lockdown, an unexpected divorce, and contracting typhoid over the last couple years, I have still managed to build a growing international successful business that I love in the last few years.
This is why I am so passionate about what I do today; helping business owners like you to create your ‘Life by Design’ and build a business without the burnout. I have learnt that the key to maximizing your time is by maximizing your energy!
In this article, I want to share with you five strategies that can help you do the same. They are super practical too as I know the usual “go to bed early” and “don’t work late are night” advice is something you should do, but it isn’t always doable in the real-world.
1. Remove overwhelm by reducing overstimulation
Feeling overwhelmed often comes from simply being bombarded with too much stimulation. Like your computer is slow to run when it’s overwhelmed with 97 google tabs open, so are you. You are bound to slow down and crash if you have too many ‘mental tabs’ open. I have noticed this is particularly true for my clients who are neurodiverse such as ADHD, but I think most of us can relate to this!
Some simple solutions include
Turn off unnecessary notifications: Your phone pinging every few minutes can easily lead to overwhelm, draining your battery and leading to burnout. By turning off non-essential notifications, you create a quieter, more peaceful environment, especially when you are working and need to focus.
Use email rules to filter your inbox: Setting up email rules to automatically sort your messages into folders ensures that only the most important emails grab your attention when you first open your emails.
Focus on the ‘next three things’: Writing down everything you need to do might seem daunting, but it’s the first step to taking control. Once it's all out on paper, pick the top three tasks to focus on. Do those. Then choose another three. I call this my ‘Next Three Things’ Method which I know isn’t the catchiest title, but it works!
2. The 'three morning questions'
Start your day with intention by asking yourself these three simple but powerful questions (my clients who use this swear by its effectiveness):
How do I feel?
How do I want to feel?
What do I need to achieve that feeling?
This will help you tune into your energy levels and what you need each day. Our energy, mood and mindset can change day to day, so this helps us assess and create the right approach for you to tackle the day. By assessing how you feel each morning, you can adjust your day’s plans based on your current energy and emotional state. This practice also helps you avoid overcommitting which is a common curse of business owners!
3. Take breaks that refresh you
Taking breaks is essential, you know that, but have you ever considered how you take them? Because that is what really matters. Instead of just simply stepping away from your work, adjust your break to your needs by choosing a “break activity” that replenishes your energy based on what you have just done and are doing next. For example, if you've been staring at the laptop screen all morning, a short walk might be more beneficial than scrolling through social media. However, if you’ve had your nose stuck into a textbook revising all morning then maybe ten minutes scrolling funny memes on Instagram might be the ‘brain break’ you need.
4. Create, lay, and respect your boundaries
Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining your energy levels and preventing burnout. Most business owners know this but aren’t necessarily doing this! Make sure your boundaries are clear and respected by:
Scheduling specific work hours and sticking to them.
Designating time for self-care and non-work activities.
Communicating your boundaries to others and not feeling guilty about enforcing them.
5. Plan and prioritise
The harsh truth is that we never have enough time! Business owners notoriously have a million ideas and they want to do them all now! But chasing every shiny new idea, overloading ourselves with things to focus on and giving ourselves too much to do in any one moment is a one-way ticket to burnout city! The key to this? Plan and prioritise!
As Tina Paulus-Krause writes in her Brainz Magazine article, Are You An Over Committer?, ‘It’s not about being “busy.” It’s about priority and choice. We all define our priorities with the choices we make.’
The takeaway: Prioritise your energy
Preventing burnout is about more than just working fewer hours; it's about working smarter with a focus on energy management. By shifting your mindset and incorporating these practical strategies, you can build a thriving business without sacrificing your well-being. Remember, your most valuable asset is you and you need to take care of it.
Alice Dartnell, Life and Success Coach
Alice Dartnell is a time management and energy management coach, trainer, speaker, and author, who is passionate about empowering people to create a life by design, not by default! Known as an expert in time management and energy management, Alice doesn’t teach time management in the traditional sense. Instead, she focuses on importance of energy management and mindset as the way to improve time management. Alice believes that time management actually isn’t about managing time! Instead, it is about managing you, other people, your tasks and most importantly, your energy! She works with individuals on a 121 basis, as well as through programmes, workshops, and courses. Additionally, she delivers training to org