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Feeling Stressed And Worried? 4 Steps To Listen To Your Heart And Intuition

Written by: Ulrika Sullivan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It’s Monday morning. I just woke up from a night of tossing and turning with a restless feeling in my body. My mind immediately started its relentless focus on the day to come. The urge to figure out the next step to finally make progress on my latest project. Here I was already in a stressed state and it wasn’t even 6.30 am in the morning. I was far from inspired to get out of bed.

I reached for my phone not far from me on the nightstand. I thought to myself “Why am I not feeling good even after a night sleep?” “Something is not right, what is it that I do that makes me feel so stressed?”

Ignoring my inner inquiry, I started to mindlessly open and scroll my usual phone apps in an attempt to catch up on the latest.

And in that moment I heard. “You’re not believing enough.”

As I stopped scrolling I heard myself respond back to myself ”What? I’m not believing enough? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I am believing SO hard in this project and I am working SO hard. How is it so that I’m not believing enough?

“You’re not believing in YOURSELF enough”, my inner voice said

”Well, THAT’s a different story. I could definitely use some less self-doubt and more self-love for sure, but why does that matter? I’m focusing all I can on this project, and doing everything I can to move it forward.” I righteously responded in my head getting annoyed with my inner conversation.

“You’re not listening” the voice within me said.

“Listening to what?”

“Your truth.” I put my phone down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling realizing that something’s had to change.

When we deal with self-doubt we also block the clear channel of our own wisdom within. We think we can create progress through trying to figure it all out with our minds.

How can we increase our sense of trust and believe in ourselves and what we’re creating, and at the same time be productive, make a huge leap forward and create beyond our wildest dreams?

The answer is to consult our heart and intuition first and allowing the sensory experience to be the first pass of impression.

When we consult our inner wisdom first we are not automatically absorbing ‘instructions’ from outside ourselves as truth. The interpretations and assumptions of outside input may make us feel worried or distracted because there’s always an option in which direction to go. This or that? Now or later? And so on. The mind has the tendency to immediately turn external input into an interpretation or assumption that has the capacity to confuse us.

Our connection to our heart energy and intuition is often expressed through inspiration. And when we feel inspired, there’s no confusion. Inspiration is connected to the unbounded creative Self that exists within that just wants to live carefree and enjoy life.

As I’m lying there in bed on this Monday morning, I’m feeling everything else than carefree and inspired. I’m clearly not enjoying life as it’s presented to me right now. Ugh!

So back to the question “What is it that I do that makes me feel so stressed?” This question inspired by the desire of self-awareness opens up the opportunity to get curious and find out how we can see our life differently and in a new light.

When we learn how to identify and manage patterns, habits, and behaviors that we maintain that takes us away from the connection of creation and our own inner channel to our truth. But it’s also about setting boundaries not only with how much external input and ‘instruction’ we want to take in and consider but also to what degree we are going to lean on our habits vs. the clarity of our own inner conversation.

In my situation, I realized that I spent way too much time on distractions (such as scrolling on my phone right after waking up) that allowed me to get away from that inner conversation that has the potential to give me all the answers I need.

So I decided to put some new boundaries down for myself and commit to some new ways of being that would give me different results than waking up stressed and beginning my day in a worried state.

4 Steps to Listen to Your Heart and Intuition

1. At the beginning of each day decide what you want to create that day. It doesn’t have to be something revolutionary or unique. It can be a small thing that that you feel is going to make a difference and that matters to you.

Here’s the thing. There is a reason you’re thinking about a certain thing, trust that whatever comes up is for a reason. Remember also that what you want to create doesn’t have to be a tangible thing, it can be creating a stronger connection to something or someone. So let’s go ahead and decide on 1-3 things that you want to create today and write them down.

2. Next, here is the very important part that is completely different than what most people do. Go within first. Before you do anything else, consult your inner wisdom as if it was the only place you could receive an honest and true answer. It’s important to do this BEFORE consulting any other external source such as your favorite Facebook group or pal, your partner or spouse, or Google. The mind wants to seek a solution that is fool-proof, which is often something that is obvious and easy to get to (such as a Google search), but if you’re willing to lean on your truth you can’t go wrong.

3. Then, visualize the finished outcome of your creation(s) that day as if it was already here. What do you see with your inner eye, what are you hearing or sensing within? To consult your inner wisdom first you need to ground and center yourself and be willing to fully listen to what comes up with no filter or judgment.

When you consult your inner self first you set the direction from the soul for what you want to create that day and your higher self (and your guides) are giving you exactly what you need in that moment, without distraction and external influence from elsewhere.

You get your truth and that may be something your mind like (or don’t like) when you step out of your centered state. But remember that what you sense, hear or see within yourself in a centered state is your truth, and you can choose to ignore it or not afterward. With time you’ll learn how to trust the messages that come through more and more and less and less self-doubt as a result.

I find it extremely helpful to have a journal handy when visualizing as things may come up that benefit from being written down or you may get an impulse to draw an image.

4. Lastly, once you have visualized your creations for the day, you ask for the next best step. Instead of letting the mind roll with possible options for a direction or solution you simply ask and listen for the answer. This is where the magic happens because the next step is naturally a seed of inspiration within yourself, not an external “should” that feels like you have to drag yourself to do.

With this practice, you’ll learn how to listen to your own wisdom within yourself through your heart and intuition. Notice the difference in how you feel as you begin your day with confidence and inspiration and with less stress and worry.

If you feel there’s no time to make a change, your day is too full? Don’t have time to listen to your heart and intuition? Want to learn how? I invite you to get personal guidance from me to create more space for You in your calendar and life and make a start!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Ulrika Sullivan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ulrika Sullivan is an intuitive spiritual life coach, yoga teacher, and energy healer. After leaving a stressful multitasking corporate career that left her feeling on autopilot, Ulrika realized she didn’t know who she truly was. A complete inner shift led her to her “point-of-no-return” when she with clarity connected with her true self, natural talents, and life purpose. Ever since Ulrika is successfully helping busy working women to connect with their own intuition, find their inner calm, self-love, and life balance, so that they can live with more ease and flow. Ulrika is the host of the podcast “New Light Living - See Your Life in a New Light”.

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