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Explore This Life That Has Been Gifted To You!

Written by: Sarah Tricker Alchemy, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When you look into a babies eyes you see it, you see into the depths of their soul, unbridled potential. As parents, grandparents, family members it is innate for us to want to give every opportunity to this new life. Love, compassion, experiences, and the tools we deem necessary for them to actualize their full potential.

How is it that somewhere along the way we become asleep? That unbridled potential gets ripped away by words spoken in anger, disappointment, and despair. The picture we had created being shattered by this little human wanting to carve out their own path not hindered by our expectations. As much as we have tried to break the mold we were brought up in once again the pattern repeats itself. That potential bound in societies expectations.

As the innocent child grows into adulthood the choices now their own. No longer can the seeming wrongdoings of the parents be held at their peril. Now the responsibility lies within their own potential. The cycles of learning continue to repeat. Birth, death, transformation. Again and again! Do they learn the lessons and make the changes or do they repeat changing the situation at the same time reliving the lesson.

It is interesting when we think about our universe that it is our birthright to be abundant, happy, and joyous. Yet not all humans are born on the same level. A good example is when you see stories of people who live in what others may deem utter poverty and as they are interviewed they beam with gratitude for everything they have. They are not bitter about the things they did not receive and live their life to the fullest.

This is part of the downfall of Western culture. Each generation we vow to give our children more than we were given. We aim to install our morals and values. All at the same time our culture and society is filling their minds with all the things that they do not have. They are constantly comparing their journey to another’s. Is it any wonder that some may feel like they are entitled to more than their share?

Here we are a species that is on a revolving evolutionary cycle. If you spend any time looking back in history, taking into account that the story we are often reading has been written from the winners perspective not the losers. It is clear to see that history repeats itself over and over. Different times, peoples, cultures but still the same cycle. Know this, you have specifically chosen the life you are living now and the time you are living it.

It is time to take the bull by the horns. Don’t sit idle and let your life just float you by. It is important to say that we each come with our own burdens and lessons that need to be learnt. We cannot compare our own path with anyone else. No one experience is better or worse than another’s. We must ascertain not to make our lesson less than because other people’s hardships are more than ours. It is our soul’s journey!

It is time to wake up and move away from the material. We are so fortunate in this life to have all the technological advances to enhance our experience. The ability to keep warm, an abundance of food, clothing, and appliances that make our everyday living easier, freedom of travel, expression of thought, all surrounded by an abundance of information. We are in a position now where we have to reject the material and open our hearts to the spiritual. This is the awakening, the rising of vibration, and the ascension of all mankind!

From this point forward how can you live your life to the fullest? Accept this is the life you chose. Understand that you have free will and choice in your actions. Yes, we live under governance which can be construed as restrictive. You have the ability to create parallel structures within these structures. No one has control of your mind or your thoughts. You are the keeper of these. Your body is your temple and treat it as such. Pay attention to what you consume and how it makes you feel. Everything in moderation. You are here to enjoy this life but not overindulge! This applies to your mind as well. What information are you feeding your thoughts? Do they expand or shrink? Are they positive or negative? Abundant or limiting? How are you nurturing your spirit? You must take time to connect with mother earth, the sun, the stars, and the moon. They have been friends with our species for as long as time. We don’t have to do this journey alone.

Explore this life that has been given to you!

Sarah Tricker is a Spiritual Empowerment Coach who guides people through the process of creating life by design. Once you appreciate that you hold all the cards to your own life path peace will encroach your life in a way you didn’t believe possible!

Follow Sarah on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit her website for more info!


Sarah Tricker Alchemy, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sarah Tricker Alchemy is a change-maker and has the ability to see what lies in the unseen and unexplained. After realizing her dream to become an educator, Sarah soon understood she herself was not fulfilling her life purpose. In 2016 she began the journey of entrepreneurship and had been forging her way to true authenticity. Sarah is a Public Speaker & Spiritual Empowerment Coach helping women who are in transition within their life. With her gift as a healer, she facilitates women in finding their authentic selves as well as their life purpose. Every moment is a miracle, and there is always opportunity even when you cannot see it.


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