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Experiencing Personal Evolution Through Living From A Vision

Heather Burt is the founder of Your Individual EvoLution Directive (YIELD) and author of Personal Evolution: Four Essential Elements For Navigating Your Life. Her passion and vision include helping others embrace an Evolutionary Mindset to align more fully with their authenticity, enabling them to share their gifts with the world.

Executive Contributor Heather M. Burt

Can crafting and living from a Vision be the catalyst that propels you into a new, purpose-driven life? How often have you set goals or New Year’s resolutions, swearing to become a better version of yourself? If you are lucky, you may make it six months or even a year before life throws a wrench in your plans, when you are once again derailed and back to your old self. Or a more likely version goes that your impetus for change was an emotional response that lasted the week at best. Why does it seem so hard to create lasting change? You see others living the life you want; if they are doing it, why can’t you? Maybe you’ve mapped out vision boards and set S.M.A.R.T. goals, but you still can’t seem to make the leap from where you are to where you want to be.

Unrecognizable female is looking away using binoculars.

Who do you think you are in the context of your vision?

Living from a Vision seems like a natural path to creating change in our lives, and for all intents and purposes, it is. However, one common component of a Vision that we often overlook is the who. The nature of living in the material world dictates desires will be evoked by what we see and experience. It only makes sense then; if we possess the skills or things we desire, we will have the life we want. Unfortunately, even if we are lucky enough to attain the thing or the skill, we are frequently still left wanting, and the object of our desire becomes tenuous and fleeting.

When we begin considering the who when crafting our Vision, we start to bridge the gap between the person we are and the person who has the life we desire. It’s not enough to set a goal of losing weight, eating healthier, owning a business, or having more money. If the person we currently are doesn’t have those things, there’s a reason for it. It’s not who we are. It’s crucial to include as part of our Vision the beliefs, values, and traits of the person with the life we want, along with the material objectives.

If my goal is to lose weight, it’s not enough to go on a diet, drop a few pounds, and then expect to maintain a healthy weight. I must permanently change for permanent change to take place. It’s a classic case of putting the cart before the horse. Our beingness drives our reality, not the other way around. I can lose weight, but if emotional awareness and an active lifestyle aren’t part of my identity, I am fighting an uphill battle, just like Sisyphus, destined to roll a boulder uphill only to have it roll back down every time he nears the top.

Shoot your azimuth

Early on in my journey, I took an online primordial sound meditation course offered by the Chopra Institute. The prompt for each meditation was, “Who am I, and what do I want?” For the longest time, I didn’t understand the intention behind the questions. Now, I know that my desires act as a compass, pointing the way toward my Personal Evolution. In essence, we can use desire to drive transformation.

Begin by thinking of the things you want and the lifestyle you dream of having. Then, take it a step further and identify the beliefs, values, and traits of the type of person with your desired life. For example, if you want more financial stability, start thinking about what makes a financially abundant person who they are. Are they deliberate in how they track and spend their money? Do they perceive themselves as victims of circumstance, or do they believe they can create positive change in their lives? Explore who that person is beyond their material possessions and identify the gap between your beliefs, values, and traits and those of someone living your desired life.

As you pursue your Vision, focusing on personal qualities rather than material desires, your life unfolds more organically. You are less attached to the outcome, trusting that reality will reflect your personal evolution.

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we sometimes face insurmountable obstacles. How do we navigate the loss of a loved one, an unexpected career change, a devastating illness, or any number of barriers that were never part of our Vision? My next article will explore what it looks like to lean into Surrender and how it helps us live in and create from the present moment.

If you want more information on Personal Evolution, visit my website or pick up a copy of my book, Personal Evolution: Four Essential Elements For Navigating Your Life.

Follow me on Facebook, and LinkedIn for more info!

Read more from Heather M. Burt


Heather M. Burt, YIELD Coach

Heather Burt skillfully integrates distinct perspectives and methods in order to distill fundamental concepts so they can be applied universally. As a result of her own diverse background and journey to wholeness, Heather has found her passion in understanding and synergistically melding personal growth concepts to facilitate a broader, more individualized application. Her mission involves helping others experience freedom through Evolutionary thinking.

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