Written by: Jennifer Degen, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Powerful or Powerless? Are we in the hands of fate? Do we take charge? What we focus on grows.

Change is constant, and it is up to us whether we choose to be powerful or powerless in the face of it. In my community, The Mad River Valley in Vermont, as we move through rapid changes, we can choose to take charge and grow and transform together. “What we focus on grows,” and so we envision our community to continue to love and support our local farms through cooperative farm sharing. We also imagine seasonal activities that draw tourists to our valley, staying the same yet evolving with nature's seasonal changes. However, transformation does not come without grieving the loss of the old ways. We must honor our emotions, reactions, and resistance to change while holding onto celebrations and gatherings that help us feel deeply connected.

As we move forward, we must ask ourselves what we are committed to and what we care deeply about as a collective good. Are we willing to be creative, dedicated, and tenacious in shaping our new normal, or will we wait for institutions, governments, and laws to do it for us? The past few years have taught us to focus on what matters most, whether it be our loved ones, pets, or the environment. We have also realized what we need to let go of, whether it be physical possessions or fear of losing something. Our communities are living organisms with connections and common desires, and even in times of isolation, we long for connection. Renewing old connections and talking to people we haven't spoken to in a long time can help us grow and evolve together. Let us make this time an opportunity to compost and regrow new ways of living, learning from what wasn't working and growing a better version of the MadRiver Valley. How about our collective community of all communities? We welcome your thoughts and ideas on how we can create a new tomorrow that is even more creative and for the highest good. Tell me about your community. Where are you reading this from? Send a picture and a reply.

Jennifer Degen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Her work as a Somatic Coach and Resiliency Expert draws on 30 years of eastern and western traditions. Jennifer’s post-traumatic growth from having brain surgery was a catapulting force that led her to shaping sustainable wellness solutions. Her work with health professionals, caretakers and leaders focus’ on Expanding connection, Opening to creativity, Life work balance, Embodied mindfulness, Self-leadership, Insight and Sustainable change. Mind Body Awareness is the intersection of somatic psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness and personal growth.