Written by: Gloria Grace, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Have you ever experienced a “trance state”; a profound state of consciousness that led you to question the limits of your body and mind? Or whether our physical and mental states are limited at all? I am sure many of you have explored this question in your deepest thoughts. The truth is that our creativity, our beliefs, and what we can achieve, is malleable, and with the right direction, limitless.

You are an infinite spiritual being, engaged in a temporary human experience. Your soul is eternal. Whether you have already awakened to your Soul’s truth, or you are yet to discover it.
The truth is, you have always existed. You are and always have been eternal. We are all dialled into and resonating with the infinite source of the Creator, Love, Universe; whichever framework you wish to apply to the energy that surrounds and embodies us. You are a unique fragment of this universal energy.
My journey so far has seen many religious, and later spiritual experiences. Throughout these experiences, I have encountered many concepts of “God”, and how this concept exists, or functions. What I resonate with the most, and what has given me the most enlightenment on my path, is that we are all a precious piece in the puzzle of God, the Universe, or the Source. That this entity, however you may conceptualise it, is itself having a unique experience through your existence; through your bodily and spiritual direction. Divinity is within us all, but our choices and our thoughts can align us with that divinity, or tear us away from it. If we don’t embrace our divine truth, whether through destructive patterns, egotistical behaviour, or stagnating through fear to act, then these negative actions can begin to define us.
These negative actions can happen both on a conscious, and on a subconscious level. Particularly when subconscious, embracing our divine truth can be incredibly difficult and is a process requiring time and patience. Becoming aware of where we limit ourselves is a process. A process of exchange. We must transition from self-limitation to self-empowerment; from self hate to self-love.
Let me tell you a story about someone. For this article, we will call him Joe. Joe had a troubled childhood, with his parents getting divorced when he was three years old. Raging arguments and painful energy surrounded the young boy. Unhappiness in the parents' relationship seeped into the home and their interactions with Joe. Following in the same patterns as her own mother, Joe’s mother fell prey to the toxic and manipulative behaviour of a cheating, disrespectful man. Joe’s mother didn’t recognise her value and worth, or her ability to leave.
The mother’s energy was consumed by trying to please a man who had no respect for her, leading to more desperation and destruction of her confidence and self-esteem. While it is terrible for anyone to be in this position, by allowing someone to disrespect you and make you unhappy, you are ultimately disrespecting yourself. This was reflected in Joe’s fathers continued infidelity in the face of hopeless devotion, which led to the marriage's eventual demise. While Joe’s mother was able to call an end to the marriage, she was left with shattered confidence and self-worth. As she didn’t appreciate herself, it was difficult for her to give her son the encouragement a young boy needs about his value and ability.
The divorce and the state in which it left his mother, resulted in Joe feeling worthless. He blamed himself for the divorce and lacked the connection he needed with his mother and estranged father. He became very reserved and emotionally distant, in school and in the home. He separated himself from social situations, and while he put on a brave face, inside he was cold, lonely and increasingly bitter. His mother’s pain manifested in outspoken distrust against men, and Joe harboured this mantra in his ideas about people, and particularly women.
Luckily Joe managed to come out of his shell somewhat, making friends and continuing his schooling to a university level. But his emotional reservation and inner pain did not subside. As the boys turned to men, sex and relationships became the norm. Joe slept with girls, but found himself distancing himself when they wanted more than a physical connection. This was a mirroring of the distancing he had taken from his own emotions, as a way to deal with the pains of his past — alongside a fundamental trust issue stemming from his father’s betrayal, and his mother’s ensuing distrust of men. Deep down, he was afraid. He was afraid if he allowed his emotions to surface, so too would his pain. This was how his experiences had programmed him. Somewhere he desired to love and be loved, but he was incapable of opening his heart.
Joe found himself repeating the same patterns over and over. Eventually, he questioned if he may be the problem, and began to observe his own behaviours. With time, he realised there must be a way to change it. He began to read about self-awareness and decided to seek help. Through professional guidance, he was able to open up and talk about his repressed emotions from his scarred childhood and begin to heal. The deeply-rooted programming that told him to bury and mask his feelings, began to unravel, allowing him to connect with and express his true feelings. Transformation finally began.
Joe’s transformation wasn’t easy. Some dark memories and emotions had to be brought to the surface — suppressed anger towards his parents, and an awareness of his actions and their negative weight on others. But as he started to rewrite his patterns, changing his mindset, and thinking more positively, his experiences in the world began to take the same shape. His physical reality began to change, for the better. His therapist put in the groundwork and gave him the tools to continue healing and expanding his mindset. Before long he realised the true potential of acceptance, positivity, and love, and their effect on his experienced reality.
Joe is still transforming. It’s a long process with unlimited potential. While the inner work continues, the empowerment he has gained from living more openly, and in touch with his true feelings have been life-changing. It has led to his first loving relationship with a wonderful woman, who appreciates his story, his truth, his hurts. A woman who appreciates Joe. The real Joe. Commitment, stability, and love have only led to more healing, and possibly for the first time since his youth, true happiness and emotional safety. It has also affected his goals in life, moving past his societal programming into a 9-5 working mentality — to earn the highest wage at whatever cost — and starting to give himself time to develop and discover his passions.
Thankfully, Joe’s story is becoming increasingly common. More and more people are realising they deserve a life where they feel fulfilled. That they don’t need to be defined by their upbringing, or settle for something that doesn’t make them truly happy. Increasingly, people are realising the power of their free will, of their choice. More people are choosing self-love and self-belief, and living a life based on those values.
By giving awareness to our behavioural patterns, and meditating on our scars from the past, we can start to unveil our unique programming, based on our life experience. We can see more clearly the things that we need to heal, accept, and love, allowing us to live freely, and express ourselves honestly. There is nothing we can’t heal or rectify within ourselves. We can rewire our consciousness, by becoming aware of the subconscious patterns through which we limit ourselves, and actively changing those behaviours and patterns of thought.
There are countless examples of people who have healed themselves through the power of belief. Our subconscious is nothing more than a silent director of the identifications or roles we are choosing consciously. But that director can be retrained, or made redundant. You can take control of your mindset. You can take control of your actions and your thoughts. You can take control of your life. Embrace the healing power that already resonates within. Open up, feel you. Tap into the positivity and love that is yearning to come out. If it feels unfamiliar, or impossible, you may just need a little guidance from a coach or therapist; a little loving push ‘out the door’. Once you’ve found your feet, the path that will follow will be truly life-changing.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Gloria Grace, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Gloria Grace is a transformational coach, a healer and soul therapist. Her passion is to help her clients and students heal from their core and transmute their deepest traumas so that they could enjoy their most fulfilled selves. Gloria has worked with hundreds of clients – gently and lovingly guiding them on their spiritual awakening and inner healing and transformational journey. Many report that their lives have completely transformed through their collaboration with Gloria. Many of her clients state that all other healing methods or ways they have tried were just scratching the surface compared to the deep healing work they experience with Gloria's guidance.
One of Gloria's special offerings is twin flame coaching. She has already guided several twin flame couples into reunion.
Gloria was born in Hungary and lives in the fascinating capital, Budapest, mainly offering her video content on her Hungarian YouTube channel, but she also loves working with English-speaking (international) clients.