Written by: Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Yay! One of my favorite months! It’s my birthday month. I’m a March Pisces baby!
There is so much yumminess packed in this month, not sure where to start. Jupiter entered Pisces on December 28th, 2021 and will stay there until May 10th and then dips out into Aries on May 10th and reenters Pisces once again in October.

When Jupiter is in Pisces, we can expect to see more abundance, creativity, empathy, psychic wisdom and the world coming together.
During the second week of March, the Sun, Neptune and Jupiter will come together for an expansion. Neptune is the planet of conscious awareness and Jupiter is the planet of gifts and expansion. Many may experience a spiritual awakening, psychic activation, transitioning into the soul’s purpose and other opportunities related to relationships, health and wealth.
Below are some important dates that may influence your energy:
March 2nd – New Moon in Pisces
March 3rd – According to Numerology, this date carries the Master Number 33, which means Master Creator of Healing and The Master Teacher
March 10th – Mercury moves into Pisces, a time for a greater sense of mystical energy and spiritual wisdom.
March 11th – According to Numerology, this date carries the Master Number 11, which means Master Healer
March 17th – St Patrick’s Day, which falls on a Thursday and Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter. St Patrick’s Day is known as a lucky day, especially if you see a rainbow.
March 18th – Full Moon in Virgo
March 22nd – According to Numerology, this date carries the Master Number 22, which means Master Builder
This month and year is about romance and courtship, whether you’re in a partnership or not, your desire for love will be strong and every connection personally and professionally will be filled with compassion, kindness and generosity.
Love is on its way to you, if you’re in a relationship, get ready for it to go to the next level, and if you’re single get ready to fall in love, intense love, this just might be your year. This yummy energy will continue right through April.
Read your monthly forecast below. I recommend that you read the forecast for your Sun, Moon and Ascending sign for a more accurate forecast:
Aries: This month is a great time to tie up loose ends and make time to connect with the spirit to help heal matters of the heart and build healthy relationships. Heart Chakra, green, Spiritual Guidance, 34 (7)
Taurus: With all the energy in Pisces, this is a perfect time to trust your intuition and surrender any doubt that connecting with your community will help in your transformation. Solar Plexus, Yellow, Transformation, 18 (9).
Gemini: This month will help activate your Soul’s Purpose. Believe that you’re powerful enough to create a new foundation and live in finical abundance. Solar Plexus, Yellow, Powerful, 44 (8)
Cancer: This month brings you many surprises with the help of your spiritual wisdom and Mercury moving into Pisces, you may experience a rebirth and create more balance and peace in your life. Heart Chakra, Pink, Rebirth, 21 (3)
Leo: With all the energy going on this month you may be inspired to leave your job, change careers, pursue your Soul’s Purpose or start a relationship. With Mercury moving into Pisces many opportunities are available. Crown, Purple, New Beginning, 10
Virgo: Pisces activates yummy energy for you, as it’s your opposition sign. During the middle of the March the Sun, Neptune and Jupiter will come together for an expansion and help you heal a family matter and bring more balance into your life. Heart, Pink, Healing, 6
Libra: On March 10th Mercury moves into Pisces, this helps you gain clarity and provides you spiritual wisdom that you’re the Master Healer of all relationships. Heart, Pink, Clarity, 29 (11)
Scorpio: This is your month for change, fun, adventure, creativity and to express yourself. It’s important to stay connected to your higher-self in order to experience all that Pisces season has in store for you such as expansion, spiritual wisdom, abundance and spiritual gifts. Crown, Purple, Higher-self, 11
Sagittarius: This month has you focused on family. As Mercury moves into Pisces you may be inspired to let go of heaviness and transform into forgiveness. Crown, Purple, Forgiveness, 99 (9)
Capricorn: On March 10th Mercury moves into Pisces and gives you the energy to communicate and listen, which helps bring harmony and balance into your relationships. Root, Red, New Relationships, 28 (10)
Aquarius: During the middle of March the Sun, Neptune and Jupiter will come together for an expansion and help you connect with friends, family and your community, while learning to balance quiet time, playtime and conversations. Throat, Turquoise, Play, 16 (7)
Pisces: Happy Birthday! With all the yummy energy in your birthday month, there are no limitations, your intuition may expand and many new gifts may unfold. It’s time to build a new foundation and be open to new partnerships and helping others transform into healers. Root, Red, Intuition, 24 (6)
For more information, questions and readings email healingwithin76@gmail.com

Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 30+ years in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. She is the Wholistic Fitness owner located in NY Queens, certified holistic personal trainer, intuitive healer, cosmic energy reader, student of Astrology, Master of Numerology, and Creator of Chakra Balance Numerology Cosmic Energy Forecast Deck. She is the Host of Joanne's Healing Within T.V Show and Joanne's Cosmic Energy Radio Show and Author/Self-Publisher. Joanne's mission: To help women (men by referral) release issues from their tissues as they release emotional weight and fall in love with themselves while witnessing their transformation of being the best version of themselves.