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Capricorn Season Insights For Personal Growth And Goal Setting

Megan Thiessen is a renaissance woman. She works in Wellness, Self Development & farming. Living on a sustainable herbal farm with her husband and son, Megan always chooses a more self-sustained lifestyle for her and her family.

Executive Contributor Megan Thiessen

Welcome to the Capricorn season, December 22 to January 20. I have been studying astrology for three years, and over the past year, I have been working on incorporating the energy of the planets into my daily life. This practice has brought me great success in living a more rhythmic and intentional life. As a self-development coach, I believe the planets have a place and an impact on our lives. I am looking forward to sharing insights in this season's article. Don’t forget to revisit Sagittarius season and discover how to use its energy to cultivate a more adventurous life.

Capricorn zodiac symbol with its date range (22 December - 20 January) displayed against a gradient sky background with flying birds.

Introduction to the signs and their planet rulers

There are 12 signs in the zodiac system

  1. Aries: element: fire.

  2. Taurus: element: earth.

  3. Gemini: element: air.

  4. Cancer: element: water.

  5. Leo: element: fire.

  6. Virgo: element: earth.

  7. Libra: element: air.

  8. Scorpio: element: water.

  9. Sagittarius: element: fire.

  10. Capricorn: element: earth.

  11. Aquarius: element: air.

  12. Pisces: element: water.

The signs and their planet rulers

  1. Aries: planet ruler: Mars, the God of War.

  2. Taurus: planet ruler: Venus, the Goddess of Beauty.

  3. Gemini: planet ruler: Mercury, the planet of communication.

  4. Cancer: planet ruler: Moon, representing our emotions.

  5. Leo: planet ruler: Sun, representing our self.

  6. Virgo: planet ruler: Mercury, the planet of mentality.

  7. Libra: planet ruler: Venus, the Goddess of Fertility.

  8. Scorpio: planet ruler: Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld.

zodiac symbol

All about Capricorn

I might be biased when I say Capricorn is one of the best signs. I'm also a Capricorn moon. Capricorns are known for their structure and organization. They often get looped in with Virgo, who is also quite a structured sign. Capricorns and Virgos are very much the same, the biggest difference between them is that Virgo is more of a personal sign whereas Capricorn is more of a working sign. Capricorns think long-term goals. Where Virgo's personal self. Health matters and short-term goals. Virgo is a “ How can I look better” Capricorn is “ How will this help me 5 years from now? Capricorn's work ethic is beyond any of the other signs, and it is the working house. Down to earth and driven to succeed.


Capricorn's element is earth. Making them quite down-to-earth, peaceful, and often quiet. They tend to be very thoughtful. Coming off quite aloof to their surroundings or the conversation at hand. They really just sit and spend too much time in their head, and they really like to have educational responses to questions. They aren't much for small talk. They make loyal friends, partners, and workers. Not much angers them, and they would rather keep the peace than fight. They tend to hang around with others who fill their soul with education and philosophy. Those who can understand and respect a Capricorn's structured routine will end up being long-term friends and even reap the benefits of the Capricorn's work ethic.


Capricorns don’t love broken promises, public displays of emotion, or feeling rushed. They like to take their time. Much like their fellow earth sign, Taurus, they want to gather all the information before taking action for the cause. Because of their loyalty, they don't stand for broken promises. If you promised a Capricorn that you would do something, they will hold you to that and give you new respect for completing the task. Capricorns tend to have major or leadership roles, and they will be less inclined to recommend you to a job or friend group.


Broken promises are a sign of disrespect to Capricorns. They are very non-problematic signs. In a relationship, you will get practicality and sense. They have no problem walking away from an argument if it calls for it. It does not mean that they don't care; they just refuse to have unneeded arguments. They come at everything with a practical approach. Don’t be alarmed if they have answered your questions and it seems as if they have rehearsed them, they most likely did.


With all the seriousness that comes with Capricorns, they are fun people. As long as it's within their hobbies and joys, Capricorns love having a good party. They love structure and are very organized. Don't be surprised if your Capricorn hangout turns into an event-like day or weekend. Due to their desire to stay on the plan, they will schedule it for their month or even plan it a few months ahead. Think brunch at 11 am at a top-star restaurant, followed by a tour of a historic building, ending with cocktails and dinner at an exquisite lounge and a jazz band.

Capricorn zodiac symbol

Three things about Capricorns

  1. Achiever of goals

  2. Needs to feel/be useful

  3. Respect


Achiever of goals

Capricorns are the kings of hard work and determination, especially when it's something that they deeply desire. Whether it's buying a home or owning a business. Capricorns have strategized the idea in their heads before laying it on paper. After selecting a persona, a group of team members that they can trust. Capricorns bring their entire team to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Like their fellow earth sign Virgo, they also love structure and achieving goals. Virgo is more personal and short-term goal-oriented. Capricorns are long-term and goal-oriented. They want to know how this will help them in the long run. Capricorns probably have an idea of what they want to achieve from a young age and generally keep to that goal. They will often achieve many other things, but eventually, their main goal will work out.


When it comes to incorporating this devoted energy, I think about this. 3 simple steps to success. A simple strategy to keep you on track with achieving your goals.


Step one: Write it down

Step two: Schedule a sit-down

Step three: Plan of action


Step one: Write it down. This allows you to get whatever you need out of your brain and on paper. If you are not used to writing, I like to check in on myself in these ways.

  • Emotionally

  • Physically

  • Mentally

  • Spiritually

  • Creativity


You can also use questions like

  • What do I want more of?

  • What do I want less of?


Step two schedule a sit-down: This step lets you come to all the uncomfortable conversations with a clear head. Often clarifying our goals and how to achieve them. Some of the hardest conversations to have are. Sex, Money, Children, Religion, Politics. When both parties are clear and ready for the conversation, you can have a high chance of succeeding in the overall goal. Suppose you don't have shared expenses and such. You can still benefit from coming to your goals with a clear head. Here, we can also organize priorities. We can organize in these 3 categories.


Need to get done (ASAP)

  • Pay bills

  • Fix car light

Want to do (tends to be more self-care constant things)

  • Laundry

  • Take a bath

  • Move body 20m daily

Desires (tend to be more self-care that's out of budget)

  • Fancy dress

  • Take a trip


Step three plan of action: Here is where we do the things we have organized at the sit-down (step two). For example, fixing car lights. If you schedule it for your week, you know that the car shop is open on weekdays. You need to schedule time for your car to be in the shop. If you are budget-conscious, you have made room for this expense. You've scheduled a day in your week to set aside for this task, and you celebrate the win with your favorite coffee. You can work this same strategy with any of the categories. We can just adjust the reward to fit the budget/plan. Laundry is a constant thing, we can create a routine by adding it onto the cleaner helping to not lose track of the day. If that’s in the middle of the week or the weekend, we can set aside a day to get the laundry done. The reward could be watching an episode of your favorite TV and keeping the TV off until the task is done.


Needs to feel/be useful

Capricorns rule the working house. Anything that needs to get done will get done. They are not great at doing the basic minimum or having rest days. Capricorns keep themselves productive. Even if they are resting, it could be color by number while the TV is on, a long walk or hike, a tour of a historical building, or remodeling parts of their home. Capricorns tend to have side projects along with their full-time job. Even if they run their own business, don't be surprised to see a Capricorn working at a vendor stand because they love flowers. Don't be surprised if you never even knew your fellow Capricorn had a side project. They are rather secretive signs and are quite careful with whom they share their passions.


Capricorns just want to feel like they are doing something. They can get a little antsy and have moments of panic when they feel like there is nothing to do. That doesn't mean they don't know how to let loose, relax, or have fun. Capricorns are one of the most organized signs. Even their fun will be organized, structured, and joyful. They just have an unmatched productive energy about them. They make amazing workers, employees, stellar managers, and powerful owners.

Respect & keeping promises

You don't want to disrespect a Capricorn. Here is where Leos and Capricorns are alike. Disrespecting these signs is not something you want to take lightly. Capricorns may be kinder than an upset or angry Leo. But don't expect them to recommend you to anyone or any job. If you happen to have a Capricorn for a manager, it’s best you learn ways to get along. To a Capricorn, getting along is quite easy. You do as you say, show up on time, and stay focused on the tasks at hand. Capricorns are also very truthful. If you happen to get on a Capricorn's bad side, they are your boss. They have no problem telling a potential new job why they fired you.

Capricorns want people to be successful, and if they can help them get closer to their own goals, they would love to be part of a growing team.


This is what makes Capricorns an extremely loyal friend. They believe in doing the right thing. In a relationship, they believe in respecting their partner's space, time, and values, much like their fellow with signs, Taurus & Virgo. They believe in the status quo. Respect others. Plain and simple. Respect their time, space, values, and emotions.


Capricorns are non-problematic harmonious signs. After all, their element is Earth. Grounding, Steady and Thoughtful. Despite their working ruled behaviors. Capricorns bring their own sense of adventure to the table.


Suppose you are interested in learning more about your birth chart. I suggest You will need your birth date, year, and time of birth. If you don’t know your exact time, you can make the best estimate. Or leave it blank. However, try to have your time of birth so you can get a more direct breakdown of your birth chart.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Megan Thiessen, Self Development Coach

Megan Thiessen is a renaissance woman. She works in Wellness, Self Development & farming. Living on a sustainable herbal farm with her husband and son, Megan always chooses a more self-sustained lifestyle for her and her family. She strives to educate and empower others to seek a more purpose-filled life, guiding Yoga and health for adults. She also empowers the youth; by hosting dance classes & art classes at her local Arts Station and at Live local events working with the Chamber of Commerce and Wapiti Music Festival.

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