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Are You Willing To Be Uncomfortable?

Written by: Sarah Tricker Alchemy, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It seems that human nature has programmed us to take the easy path. That we are willing to suffer where we stand right now rather than take the leap of faith into the unknown. When did life become so predictable?

The trouble is with the modern world we have too much information. If you have ever spoken with a group of people about an event that was experienced collectively each and every person who witnessed it will have a different story. This is because our brain is suffering from information overload. It’s miraculous really but without us even knowing our brain is filtering information every second in what it thinks is relevant or not.

Ha-ha, this is the first part of our predictability. Our brain loves to take shortcuts. It will find any way to use less capacity to do what it needs. You may think of this as a habit. Think of how hard it was to drive a car when you were learning. Paying attention to what gear you are in, the acceleration, the speed limit, what other vehicles around you are doing, and looking out for pedestrians. It was overwhelming. Now how many of you drive part of your journey home when you come back into awareness and wonder how you got to this point with no thought at all. Our brain constantly makes predictable choices for us the time.

It’s kind of scary as we think we have more control. Yet our brains are deciding if there is too much information, what it is filtering out, if there is not enough meaning it will fill in the gaps, making assumptions when there is not enough time to get relevant information, it selectively chooses what we will remember and what is insignificant. Worth taking this into consideration next time you argue black is blue with a friend eh!

Now we start to build this a little more. Humans on the whole hate change. The ego makes us very self-assured that we don’t even need to make any change. Now knowing that our brain is very selective on what it remembers and fills in the blanks itself. We also have our social standing to consider too! You couldn’t possibly say you were going to do something and then change your mind that would make you look like a liar. What if you fail? The ridicule may be one of the worst experiences that could happen to us. The last thing we want to be seen as weak. This is all on top of our personal experiences too. Our ego is protecting us from ever having to feel like that again and if any of those feelings were to arise alarm bells will be sounded! Stop!

This is why so many people just stay stuck where they are. They complain about their job, their boss, their pay, what’s expected of them, the travel time, their overwork, and undervaluing. Yet they stay! Most likely throughout their life, they have been told they are not good enough. They actually find situations that reaffirm these beliefs and the cycle continues.

There is something that I want to share with you that most people don’t even release. The feeling of fear for most people is the same feeling as excitement. Think about that for a moment. Does it show up in your stomach? Think about when you are excited now reproduce that feeling for a moment. Do the same for fear. It’s the same right? Same feeling different emotions are attached to it, one being positive and one being negative. What if you were to start to assign positivity to it instead of negativity?

This is the first step to becoming uncomfortable. Look I hate to break it to you but no one is guaranteed anything in life. No one’s job is safe and secure we have all learned that through the pandemic! The baby boomers went into careers for life and now most people change their job or even careers every five years. The crazy thing is there will be careers that haven’t even been thought of yet when my granddaughter graduates high school.

I’m calling it out for what it is a false sense of entrapment. Generally, people are not actually trapped in a dead-end job they just don’t like the feeling of being uncomfortable. To get their dream job they may have to sacrifice money or time going to work and school. It’s the same for most things; relationships, where they live, what they look like, and how they are treated.

The victims of circumstance are probably screaming at their screen reading this. The only way we change anything in our lives is to learn to be uncomfortable and accept that no one has any guarantees in their life. Sometimes you will take leaps of faith and they will work out great and other times you will fall flat on your face. I have taken leaps of faith many times. Once my hubby and I relocated for a new job of his and the business failed so we moved back to our hometown. I spent $50,000 on my education degree and left the teaching profession only four years into it. I started my own store and closed it three years later, the list honestly goes on. Each failure, if you want to call them that, has taken me one step closer to my authentic self.

Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable also helps you to build resilience. You begin to surpass the ego and the beliefs that you can’t ever navigate situations when it feels unsafe for you. It builds your courage so that you know there are bigger things out there for you in this world. That you can dream bigger and even be surprised by what the universe has to offer you!

Do you want a piece of this pie? Trust that you have been brought here for a reason and have been guided to read this article. Is your soul yearning to connect with Sarah on a personal basis? Have you been asking the universe for a solution? This may be the answer you have been searching for!

Follow Sarah on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit her website for more info!


Sarah Tricker Alchemy, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sarah Tricker Alchemy is a change-maker and has the ability to see what lies in the unseen and unexplained. After realizing her dream to become an educator, Sarah soon understood she herself was not fulfilling her life purpose. In 2016 she began the journey of entrepreneurship and had been forging her way to true authenticity. Sarah is a Public Speaker & Spiritual Empowerment Coach helping women who are in transition within their life. With her gift as a healer, she facilitates women in finding their authentic selves as well as their life purpose. Every moment is a miracle, and there is always opportunity even when you cannot see it.



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