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9 Ways Entrepreneur Parents Build Thriving Kids

Written by: Nida Leardprasopsuk, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


My now 14-year-old son used to go to an international school. Because he lived in society, he was already conditioned by it. He had picked up some unhelpful beliefs from school and social media. You can’t avoid this from happening, but you can minimize it and show them the truth. As a coach and entrepreneur, I’m grateful that I have so many opportunities to show him the mindset and life skills that will set him up for success in business and in life. My son grew up witnessing me build several businesses. He has heard me speak to clients in meetings, gone to workshops that I host, and has really been a part of the whole journey. We often talk, reflect, and discuss about things I have learned personally and professionally. Even when you don’t think they are listening, they are! So being intentional about how you show up not only as a mom but as an entrepreneur is extremely important.

Here are 9 things that I personally focus on cultivating and instilling in my son as a mom + coach + entrepreneur:

1. You can show your kids that the impossible is possible. I don’t tell my son that anything and everything is possible because it’s not true. For example, he can’t travel to another galaxy (at least for now), but I teach and show him that most things are possible if you find the right strategy and you’re willing to work for it.

2. You can show your kids how to have a vision and set goals and how to pursue and stick with them despite the obstacles you need to overcome. Teaching your kids grit, patience, and mental toughness is so important in today’s world.

3. You can show your kids how to be responsible and accountable for their own results. That you are in control of your own results in life.

4. You can show your kids how to be a great problem solvers. Every single problem has a solution. While most people focus on the problem and believe that many problems aren’t solvable, great entrepreneurs put their brains, critical thinking, and creativity to work.

5. You can show your kids how to stretch themselves, think big, and be ambitious.

6. You can show your kids how to follow their dreams and do what they are most passionate about while also making a lot of money.

7. You can show your kids how to overcome their fears. When you’re running your own business, surely you will encounter many more challenges than working for other people’s businesses. All the external problems you encounter in your business reflect your own internal problems. Therefore, to overcome the challenges in your business, you need to face and overcome your own fears. Your kids will see this daily. They see how you think and act during difficult times. Do you avoid the challenges and hide or do you face the problems and tackle them? They learn from how you show up in these situations.

8. You can teach your kids to challenge the status quo and design their own life. I started to notice that many parents that homeschooled their kids were entrepreneurs. I also homeschooled my son during times when we found that the school that he was attending wasn’t working for us. Once was when he was in second grade, and the second time was when he was finishing 6th grade, and the pandemic hit. His school couldn’t implement online teaching well, so we just decided to leave and design our own education. I started to think about why a lot of entrepreneurs chose unconventional educational paths. Apart from the obvious fact that entrepreneurs can design their own working schedule, most entrepreneurs do have a rebellious side. They challenge the norms and the status quo and question how things have been done. They believe in finding and creating a better solution, and that doesn’t exclude their children’s education.

9. Teach them courage and integrity. Show them how to choose the right path or do the right thing even when it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable. Courage to do the right thing and having integrity is sadly so rare these days. The ones that do possess these qualities will stand out and become great future leaders.

When I work with my business coaching clients, half of the time, we are working on their self-transformation and personal aspects in life, whether it’s their love life, parenting the kids, making important but difficult decisions, etc. I know that personal life affects professional life and vice versa. I also know that all your external or business problems are a mask of your own internal problems. How you do anything is how you do everything. If a problem shows up in one area of life, something similar will show up in other areas as well. For example, if you avoid facing the truth in your relationship, you avoid facing the truth with your business problems as well. Coaching with me, therefore, can’t be just about their businesses. Business is part of your life, and all the parts are connected.

If you are an elite coach, consultant, expert, or service provider that is exceptional at what you do. Check out my free quiz to help you find your entrepreneur edge.

Follow Nida on Instagram, Facebook, Clubhouse, Linkedin, and visit her website for more info!


Nida Leardprasopsuk, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Nida is a top-tier business consultant, mindset coach, and former Fortune 500 executive with more than two decades of experience in marketing, business, research, consumer behavior, and human psychology. Her consulting and coaching business centers around innovation and customer-centricity, a key factor in her own success. She helps forward-thinking and purpose-driven coaches, consultants, experts, thought leaders, and service providers reinvent, innovate, differentiate themselves from the rest of the competition, and become a category one by 1.) Discovering and utilizing their ultra-geniuses 2.) Creating groundbreaking solutions that solve clients’ problems in an innovative way 3.) Using a short and long-term innovative marketing strategy that magnifies their thought leadership over time and 4.) Help entrepreneurs innovate their businesses and build a culture of excellence.

She is the author of the One to Millions Entrepreneur and host of the One to Millions Entrepreneur Podcast show. She also has a master’s and bachelor’s degree in Business and Marketing and is currently completing her research for a Ph.D. in Social Psychology.

Nida offers 1:1 consulting and coaching services that help forward-thinking and purpose-driven entrepreneurs build a world-class legacy brand and hyper-grow their businesses through innovation and out-of-the-box thinking.

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