Written by: Ben Warnes, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

How to grow your mindset and reach your peak state? Feel like you’ve hit a plateau where you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of negativity? Or, perhaps, you're in a dark place where you need some inspiration to achieve your goals.

Changing your mindset in situations like these can be one of the best things you can do. It can transform everything from your career to your relationships and even your entire life. Learning how to change and grow your mindset can be a complete game changer, especially once you realise how it can offer a gateway to success.
What is a mindset?
When we talk about mindset over the mind with context to creating a positive mindset, we should understand what a mindset.
A mindset is your own set of values along with a beliefs and attitude system through which you identify yourself and the world around you. It’s like a huge reference library and the way you experience the world around you or react to it is directly related to your mindset.
If you can grasp the ‘mindset over mind’ concept, you can exercise much better control over your life rather than succumb to your destiny. Believe me, any kind of mindset (based on past experiences) can be altered by concentrating on the ‘looking forward’ aspect of life, in other words, positive psychology or positive beliefs about what lies ahead.
Shifting or changing your mindset
Is that even possible? Absolutely – 100%!
Want to know about the common thread that binds all successful people? It’s their ability to have the desire to shift their mindsets! This is the one crucial contributor to what has helped them accomplish their goals. In fact, shifting or changing your mindset can help you drastically improve your quality of life.
From emotional weakness to emotional control
Everseen how negative experiences or events outside people’s control can affect their state of mind? Well, don’t let it!
You have to understand that limiting yourself to a set of beliefs creates the boundaries of your world. Since you are always in control of those beliefs, you are quite literally in charge of your emotions, mindset and life too.
Exercise the power of positive thinking and positive belief
Positive psychology has demonstrated time and time again that a positive mindset results in a greater sense of happiness and contentment, with lower levels of anxiety and an overall improved sense of well-being as well as general health. These are all crucial to achieving your success goals.
When faced with a challenge, always try to look past the challenge and instead visualise the success. For example,if you learn to smile, you automatically become more
likeable and approachable, which leads to building better rapport, growing your network and ultimately, reaching your goals.
Harness a growth mindset
You need to go from “I’m stuck where I am right now” to “If I work hard, push myself, and learn, I will eventually get the prize”.
A growth mindset is fundamental to acquiring new skills and building powerful relationships. So, with a growth mindset, challenges will look like opportunities – in fact, those ‘obstacles’ will pave the way for your success.
Become more present in the moment
Changing your mindset doesn’t always have to be an ‘all or nothing’ situation because more often than not, it’s done by making a number of small increments. Be present in the moment – significant changes are successfully made from a tiny shift in how you see the world or yourself.
At LMA Coaching, one of the most important facets of our transformational coaching approach involves actively working with clients to change and align their minds with their goals and actions. This positive alignment is what helps them achieve a growth mindset. 5 WAYS TO GROW YOUR MINDSET
1. Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams. We need to change from clinging on to these limiting beliefs to challenging and overcoming them.
Replace the limiting beliefs and negative thoughts with empowering beliefs, as this will effectively enable you to seize opportunities head-on and not be lulled back into the same limiting thought patterns. You deserve success, so we need to build new positive habits in order to remove the limiting beliefs entirely.
2. Face Your Fears
Fear leads to a never-ending cycle of destructive emotions and negative perceptions. Whenever you try to achieve a positive flow state, fear interrupts it. Don’t accept this kind of thing!
Overcome your fear and don’t allow yourself to see obstacles in a state of fear. We need to change our perception so that we realise that fear is just another obstacle disguised as a hiding opportunity.
3. Shift Your Perspective
Self-reflection leads to small shifts in self-perception, which in turn, lead to a new direction. Small, nimble steps is the way forward. That’s how progress is made. Learn to challenge your mindset and treat obstacles as opportunities – every small shift you make is a stepping stone to success.
4. Change Your Self-Talk
Negative thoughts will be a hindrance to your change, and when it comes to meeting positive goals, you have to change your inner language.
Plant the seed of positivity in your mind. As you run through your day, use self-talk containing positive words– repeat that mantra throughout your day to energise yourself with a positive mindset as it will help in creating positive boundaries too.
Learn to cultivate acceptance – acceptance in your mind that things will change and even if some things cannot be changed, at least you tried. With every positive step, you will build positive core values, and whenever life gets challenging, always remind yourself why you are making these changes and create positive boundaries and habits.
5. Get Support – Work with a Transformational Coach
Any kind of change in life can be daunting. We’ve all been there. But since you are willing to get help, then you need to get the right level of support.
Success looks like different things to different people – if you’re not sure where to start, look into LMA coaching or transformational coaching.
You may likely need only a few sessions with a life coach to start your journey on the right foot. So, don’t delay that journey – a year from now, you may regret not starting it sooner!
Developing your mindset; mindset over mind; creating a positive mindset; growth mindset; shifting mindset; changing your mindset; life coach; personal philosophy; positive psychology; life coaching; personal growth; transformational coach; transformational coaching; LMA coaching; coach; coaching; high performance; high-level goals goal; goals; high-level goals; listening; active listening; developing new skills appreciation; actions; action
Grow your mindset and reach your peak state; motivation; positive belief; meet positive goals; become more present; self-motivation; values; core values; perception; self-perception; success; empower; flourish; flow state; north star; creating positive boundaries; habits.

Ben Warnes, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Ben Warnes is a Transformational Leadership and Life Coach. He employs his signature LMA Coaching Framework with his clients to help them understand where they are and partners with them on their journey to where they want to be.
He has an MBA in Leadership and Management and is a certified ICF and EMCC Transformational Coach. An advocate of Flow, Mindfulness and Positive Psychology he is dedicated to helping others find their Meaningfulness. He is the founder of the Listening Mindset Action (LMA) Framework, developing it to coach remarkable people to achieve incredible goals. He believes no goal is too small and no dream is too big.
Having started his first business at the age of 14, he has worked for blue chip companies and started multiple successful businesses in London and New York. He still runs Westongate a successful high-end property development company in Surrey England. Ben knows from experience the path to success is littered with obstacles and believes the obstacle often is the way.
He is currently working “Find your meaningfulness,” a framework for maximising potential life satisfaction and fulfilment.