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2022 – The Year Of The Water Tiger

Written by: Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Did you know since April 2021 many of our planets were in retrograde and as of January 29th Venus will go direct; and Mercury will follow on February 4th, with a shadow period until February 14th.

For the first time since April 2021, we are retrograde-free.

Photo Credit: Donna C Barry
Photo Credit: Donna C Barry

When a planet is retrograde, the energy of that planet slows down giving us time to pause, reflect, review, recharge and reactivate, now that most of our planets besides Chiron (the wounded healer), which is technically not classified as a planet are moving forward, so will we.

Get ready to leap into action with the help of the New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st, this New Moon may put pressure on your career, you may get the desire to change jobs, change careers or step into your Souls Calling.

According to Numerology every letter is associated with a number from 1 to 9, the letters from February (6+5+2+9+3+1+9+7= 42 (6) February is the second month and carries a 6 vibration, which means healing partnerships, relationships, contracts and karmic lessons.

Some important dates:

February 1st (2/1/2022) - Chinese New Year; Year of the Water Tiger. Tigers are ambitious, extremely generous and have a desire to help others. Tigers go by the philosophy “Go Big or Go Home”, which is one of my favorite mantras.

If you were born in 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022, you were born in the year of the Tiger. This year’s Tiger is known as the Water Tiger.

February 1st (2/1/2022) - New Moon in Aquarius, this date carries four twos, according to Numerology the number two means partnerships, relationships, contracts, teamwork and marriage. When referring to the four twos they may be associated with the following:

  • Relationship with self/others

  • Career

  • Health

  • Money

February 2nd (2/2/2022) – This date carries the Master Number 22 twice, the Angel Number 222 and helps to activate your New Moon in Aquarius intentions throughout 2022

February 4th (2/4/2022) – Mercury goes direct, the planet of communication, listening, scheduling, planning, travel and technology.

February 11th (2/11/2022) – This date carries the Master Number 11, which means the Master Healer of Relationships. What relationship can you heal today?

February 14th (2/14/2022) – Valentine’s Day! For most, this is the day when love ones express their love to one another, however, the spiritual meaning of Valentine’s Day, it reminds us of the gift of God in our hearts and to love the way he loves.

According to Numerology all numbers are added up to a single digit except for Master Numbers, the number 14 adds up to a 5 and means change, freedom, fun, adventure, courage and unpredictability. When you add all the numbers of this date (2+1+4+2+0+2+2 = 13) (1+3=4), in Numerology, the number 4 means new foundation, balance, stability, patience and discipline.

On Valentine’s Day what changes can you implement to build a new foundation that’s supported by how God Loves?

February 18th (2/18/2022) – The Sun moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces

February 22nd (2/22/2022) – This date carries six twos and has a vibration of so much more:

22 – Master Builder: The number 22 is considered the most powerful number. When seeing 22, it’s reminding you that you’re a Spiritual Master and Teacher who helps others take their dreams and transform them into reality.

222 – Angel Message: When seeing 222, it’s important to keep your faith and know that everything is in perfect divine order. All partnerships (personally/professionally) are healing and transitioning into another dimension and vibration.

2222 – Harmony and Balance: When seeing 2222, it’s a message from your Angels to slow down and see where you need to build more balance and also recognize the unlimited abundance that you’re surrounded by.

222222 – Twin Flame, Reunion and Love: When seeing 222222, it’s a message from your Angels that you’re surrounded by love and you have connected with your Twin Flame or will have a reunion soon.

According to Numerology the number 0 means potential and choices, which means you have Free Will to do what you desire or you can follow the guidance of your Angels.

Now that you know all the important dates for February, keep in mind that when you take the month and current year and add them (2+2+0+2+2 = 8), you get the vibration for the month and the entire month carries an 8 vibration, which means abundance, harmony, balance, achievements, success, awards and infinity. Please note, this date is made up of two sets of 22, which is Master Builder

To learn more about what’s instore for you in the month of February or 2022 schedule a Cosmic Energy Soul Reading email and for additional services go to

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website for more info!


Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 30+ years in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. She is the Wholistic Fitness owner located in NY Queens, certified holistic personal trainer, intuitive healer, cosmic energy reader, student of Astrology, Master of Numerology, and Creator of Chakra Balance Numerology Cosmic Energy Forecast Deck. She is the Host of Joanne's Healing Within T.V Show and Joanne's Cosmic Energy Radio Show and Author/Self-Publisher. Joanne's mission: To help women (men by referral) release issues from their tissues as they release emotional weight and fall in love with themselves while witnessing their transformation of being the best version of themselves.

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