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10 Tips To Raise Your Vibrational Energy So You Achieve Your Financial Goals

Written by: Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do you desire to break through an upper-income ceiling? Does the new money goal feel just beyond reach? This is most likely because what you're pursuing is on a different level of vibration to that which you're currently resonating.

What do I mean by this? Well, most people have heard of the Law of Attraction, which states that like attracts like.

But do you know about the Law of Vibration? It's the oft-forgotten Law behind successful manifestation.

Nikola Tesla famously stated, "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." He was right! Everything that is is the result of vibration.

Everything around you is the result of your vibration.

If you've been around me for a while, you'll know I often talk about our 'Human Wi-Fi.' We're all familiar with the internet, mobile phones, and Wi-Fi. We know and trust that when we switch on our TV and tune in to the right frequency, our favorite program streams directly to us via our preferred method of viewing. Well, we too have our very own Wi-Fi, aka our Aura. It is a sender and receiver signal to the Universe around you.

It's important to understand because if you're not satisfied with what's happening in your life, it's simple; you must change your vibration.

To achieve the multi-six or seven-figure income you desire, you need to match your energetic frequency with that which you seek.

The more aligned your vibrational energy, the more you attract. It's the mirrors and magnets I'm always talking about!

Stay with me here! It's not as hard as you may think to raise your energetic vibration. I'm going to give you my top 10 tips as to how.

Practice these daily to consciously create with the Law of Vibration; they'll help you become an even more powerful manifestation magnet:

1. Be Intentional

Money loves intention and focus. Be specific with financial goals at every level, living from the space of having already realized them. This is the art of manifesting. Speaking about your intentions as though you've already received them supports your vibration. For example, "I earned XYZ and used it to (insert the desired outcome), and I felt (the gratitude and joy you feel)." As you talk to your subconscious from this place of already being there, you'll receive inspired ideas in alignment with that which you desire because you have bought yourself closer in resonance with it.

2. See It In Your Imagination

This is the very essence of conscious creation and one of my favorite manifesting tools I help my clients master. There are some amazing ninja-like techniques I teach to really amplify success. Everything is energy, and energy can be changed. To get you started: create a picture in your mind – allow yourself to really see and feel it and talk about it as if it's already happened. Make it feel real. As you do this, you create new neural pathways in your brain, and your vibrational energy responds as if the thing you desire has already happened. The more you do it, the easier it becomes and the more the reality matches the dream.

3. Feel The Fear And Make it Feel Safe

High earners know that this feeling of fear means they've moved out of their comfort zone, which says to the Universe, "I am open to all possibilities." Doing only what we feel comfortable doing leads to stagnation, lowering our energetic vibration. However, moving onwards and upwards can cause resistance and fear to bubble, as your subconscious tries to keep you 'safe,' i.e., in places it has already been. So, the key to moving forward is to make your subconscious feel calm and safe. Firstly, welcome any feelings that come up. They're a sign you've expanded your receiving energy. Instead, you can soothe your subconscious by saying to yourself, "I am safe, I am calm, I choose to do this." This removes the fear blocking you from diving into something new, which allows you to discover a fresh version of yourself, increasing your vibrational frequency.

4. Take Aligned Action

When it comes to manifesting your goals, remember the Universe takes its cue from the energy and attitude behind the action you take to achieve them. With the Law of Vibration, make sure you take an aligned action – because that is what will be attracted back to you. As you are in movement, so is the Universe. In short, taking a positive, aligned step towards your goal allows your energetic frequency to do the heavy lifting, attracting back positive, aligned results.

5. Be Curious, And Open To How It All Unfolds

Non-attachment is important when it comes to manifesting your desires. Forget the 'how' and the 'when.' The most successful people understand how to stay curious and non-committed. By remaining open to all options, the Universe may present, you become more and more in resonance with what you're creating. By doing so, you'll be amazed at how quickly and miraculously new opportunities flow to you.

6. Activate Certainty And Faith

Have faith in the process. This is so important and something I help my clients with all the time. What you need to remember is if your desires don't instantly manifest, it just means something bigger and better is on the way. I call this managing the delay! This is where you build faith in yourself, as you follow your inner guidance, taking action on it, and trusting in the Universe. You'll see the opportunities increase as your belief and certainty does.

7. Be In Communities With Like-Minded People

This is key. Our energy field/vibration attracts people to it, and it's affected by those around us at the same time. This is why successful entrepreneurs immerse themselves in Masterminds and network with like-minded people. You may have heard the saying you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So, who are you spending most of your time with, and what is this manifesting?

8. Practice The Attitude Of Gratitude

Whatever is happening in your life right now, be thankful. There is always something to be grateful for. This is such an important habit to adopt. As you feel gratitude for what you've already received, you open yourself up to receive more.

A master tip: whilst you practice gratitude for what you already have, also be thankful for what you are seeking to create, speaking of it in the here and now, as though it's already yours. As pointed out in tip no.1, the subconscious won't distinguish between the two!

9. Your Words Are Spells; Spell Wisely!

It's called spelling for a reason. Words have their own vibration. And that's why it's so important to choose them wisely. As words are spoken, they create your identity and your future through their frequency and vibration. Instead, I invite you to choose a definitive, affirmative language. Let go of, 'I should', 'I would', 'I could'. These are restrictive words that don't serve you. Instead, say, 'I do', 'I am', 'I have' – these are empowering action words that you can use to recreate your identity and thus your frequency and vibration.

10. Activate Abundance

Activate the frequency of abundance in how you approach life. There is no such thing as limited time, money, happiness, etc. High achievers know that all resources are as abundant as they want. This is because what they believe, they receive. The more you practice seeing abundance everywhere, the more neural pathways you create around this belief, and the easier and easier it becomes to manifest this reality. With enough practice, it becomes as unconscious as breathing.

I love intentionally working with the Law of Vibration. By bringing it to your awareness, you'll feel more empowered, enjoying the certainty that when you change your vibration, you'll change what you attract. I've seen this in my own life, in the lives of my Masterminds colleagues, and the lives of my clients. These tips underpin the manifesting processes and energetic alignment practices that I use and coach my clients to use to have the success they desire. The more you raise that vibration to align with your higher goals, the more easily and effortlessly you magnetize what you seek.

I hope that this has served you. I'd love to gift you my Abundance Codes Activation in Akashic Records. It's a 30-minute journey that you can use any time you require a top-up. It's on the house from me to you! Click HERE if this feels aligned for you.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Louisa Havers is an internationally renowned Master Transformational Coach, Master Manifesting teacher, Master Akashic Records teacher (Soul Journeys® Method), and business mentor. She enables high achievers and coaches to unlock their superpowers, turbo-charge soul-aligned magnetism, and "lift the ceiling" in both their lives and businesses. It’s a journey Louisa knows works as she’s personally undertaken it. Years spent leading change in the highly pressurized and stressful social services sector led to shingles and chronic fatigue, compelling her to break free from the corporate matrix of overwork. It was the first step to creating her own life of freedom and dream business income. Louisa enables clients across the globe to activate quantum leaps to success in their own journey to fulfillment, self-love, and a six / seven-figure income. Daring to live your life’s purpose is truly possible under Louisa’s loving, powerful and insightful guidance.

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