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Your Mindset Is In Your Body, Too – On Sexual Fantasies And How To Snap Out Of Self-Doubt

Written by: Irina Krasko, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you ever thought of why you get trapped in emotions and feelings such as anxiety, nervousness or self-doubt?

Why do you sometimes feel uplifted, ready to conquer the world and sometimes little triggers can pin you down like heavy hammers? With no easy way out...

Of course, there are different factors such as sleep deprivation, bad food choice or lack of exercise. But you CAN absolutely, always take control over your mind, no matter what was in that sandwich you had for lunch.

You just need to learn how.

I strongly believe that the key to improving your results and the quality of life, in general, lies in your ability to control your mind.


You’ve certainly noticed how your emotions impact your ability to think clearly, right? Your thinking, in turn, impacts the actions you take (or don’t take) and the “quality” of those actions. And your actions produce your RESULTS, shaping the quality of your life. See the chain?


But your mindset isn’t just about your thoughts, it’s a circular connection with your body, i.e. emotions & feelings. They work in tandem. Any emotion arises from an instant thought and your brain sends a signal to your body to secrete corresponding hormones, making you feel happy/sad/worried/excited and so on.

And to close the loop, your emotions send a signal back to your brain, informing your thoughts. When you feel happy, optimistic - your mind is clear and creative, you’re more confident and ready to take bold actions. When you feel worried, anxious - your inner critic wakes up and starts all that negative chatter in your head, insisting that you’re not good enough, not ready, will be judged by others and all in that fashion.

Sexual fantasy is a great example of this. Just think about it - by just thinking of that hot guy/girl or bringing back the memory from last night, your body receives the signal to get ready for the experience as if it happens real-time. And what’s more, once your body is “tuned”, all your thoughts are headed towards one direction.


The holistic approach to building a strong mindset is to engage your body, too. Merely working on your thoughts isn’t enough, especially if you want quicker results. You need to do it in tandem with your body.

Your emotions always show up through physical sensations. When you’ve got that feeling of anxiety or nervousness, pay close attention to what physical sensations it creates and where exactly you feel it in your body.

Is it in your chest? In your stomach? Maybe in your head?

What is the sensation like? Is it heavy? Hot or warm? Moving or static? Maybe there’s a sound? Or a specific smell?

When you are more aware of those sensory acuities, you can start intentionally shifting them - making it lighter/brighter/cooler etc. You’d be surprised how easy it is to change the state of your body! And when your body feels better, it will start sending different signals to your brain.


One of the simplest examples of this is your posture. Check what it’s like when you’ve got self-doubting thoughts...

Now bring the midpoint of your chest 2 inches up and your shoulders down. Then extend and slow down your breath cycle.

How differently does it feel?

We often (unconsciously) take our inner state as something that’s been controlled by some external forces. Sometimes even proactively passing that control over to other people or circumstances - boss, spouse, politics, weather…

I want to remind you that you’re the only captain of your mind, and being able to steer it in the right direction on demand is arguably the most important skill you can develop.

Get more free training on mindset and confidence here!

For more info, follow me on Instagram & LinkedIn!


Irina Krasko, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Irina is a Business Mindset and Confidence coach, NLP Master and Hypnotherapy practitioner. She helps entrepreneurs and professionals elevate their self-identities and inner confidence on a deep subconscious level. Her signature programme Personality Shaping Marathon is designed to create permanent changes rapidly, smashing old patterns of behaviours & reactions and ‘installing' new, desired personality traits. The combination of breakthrough coaching, NLP, neuro tools and elements of hypnotherapy - does absolute magic in a matter of a few weeks.


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