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Why You Should Stop Working On Your Mindset ‒ And Here’s What To Do Instead

Written by: Riya Loveguard, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You are dedicated to inner work, yet keep running in circles, hitting the same hurdles and repeating the same patterns. You turn to your coach for solutions and all they encourage you to do is "focus on your mindset" "What else can I do?" you wonder.

You've played with manifesting. You've experimented with affirmations. You've cut your teeth on personal development books and courses. You've joined premium containers and mastermind groups. You've put a lot of money into this. You are dedicated and determined to crack the abundance code.

However, nothing seems to bring lasting solutions. You get caught in a cycle of disappointment and frustration wondering if the Universe is mocking you with some cruel joke? You are even starting to doubt if you are meant to be prosperous and happy!

Let me tell you, there's nothing wrong with your mindset or attitude. The issue is that coaches and mentors who aren't familiar with energetics are constrained to thinking only on the level of mind.

Working beyond mindset

If you've tried everything in terms of mindset and personal growth, it's time to move on to energy. The beauty of energy work is its precision and speed; it works far faster than changing belief systems. The shifts are literally quantum and they are also permanent. When you remove the underlying cause of the physical manifestation, it is like removing the fuel that was firing up the old dysfunctional program.

But before we dive into the world of energetics, let me share with you my personal story. Since the very start of my entrepreneurial journey, I have had a positive and proactive attitude. Yet I kept running into roadblocks and hurdles. Investing in mentor after mentor, in the hopes of discovering some missing magic ingredient, until eventually, my entire 7-figure business fell apart!

Only afterwards, as I was picking myself up from the spectacular failure and losing all things material, I discovered the real, energetic reasons behind what happened. Trying to figure out what had gone wrong, I realised that there were big metaphysical forces at play, that stretched beyond the level of mind and into the realm of energy. I have learned to spot and release negative programs running in the background, that had nothing to do with attitude or mindset.

Some were based on collective unconscious programming. Others were the result of my ancestors' choices. Others stretched all the way back into karmic and past-life contracts. No amount of generic mindset and belief work would have ever shifted that. Because the nature of targeted energy work is getting right to the heart of the problem and unearthing the underlying energetic cause of physical situations, relationships and events.

When I initially started working on my energetic field, it was a tangled mess of twisted threads. A failed company, mountains of business debt, furious creditors and employees, an empty bank account, a damaged reputation, great stress, strained relationships, uncertainty about my future, and a sense of absolute loss as to my ultimate purpose in life.

However, when I began to untangle and sort through this energy jumble of tangled patterns resulting from ancestral trauma and karma, past incarnation imprints, and pain stored from this lifetime, reality began to shift at an extraordinary rate.

Resolving energetic barriers gave me a sense of clarity, creativity, and strong inner guidance that helped me get through the most difficult phases of the Dark Night of the Soul. I emerged with a distinct sense of mission and purpose, reunited with my Higher Self.

This process took a lot of time, effort, and commitment on my part, but it was the best investment I've ever made. I realised that I am the architect of my own reality, and that I am armed with the tools necessary to create the exact life that I choose.

Difference between mindset and energy work

I am convinced that your life is in much better shape than mine was at that time. That means that you have a great headstart and you don’t need to wait for a crisis to start working on overcoming your own limitations. You will experience creating the very life you desire in an effortless manner.

Once you start working energetically, you will realise that most of the tools that the mainstream personal development world has adopted are surface level, generic and relatively slow in comparison to what’s available in the higher dimensional realms. They may be wrapped up in sophisticated vocabulary, but lack depth and precision. They usually just work on the level of “mind” and “thought”: visualising, working with belief systems, manifesting, letting go. They are effective, but they have their limitations.

Quantum transformation technologies function in a different realm. They don’t operate on the level of the mind ‒ whether conscious or subconscious. They speak the language of frequency and not mind. They belong in the metaphysical realm that has its own energetic laws, radically different to the physical world. And mastering these laws and tools allow us to effortlessly shape our physical reality ‒ from the inside out.

You may be asking yourself: why is the knowledge of these amazing tools not widespread?

Quantum transformation technologies

Quantum access and advanced transformational tools are accessible to every person with a pineal gland, patience and intention.

However, believing in our own divinity is difficult after millennia of being conditioned into the hierarchical narrative. Looking for external validation and waiting for someone else to teach us the way, to offer their "secret recipe" or a specific technique, is much easier. After all, this is how traditional educational systems function: repetition rather than exploration.

As a result of this upbringing, we have a tendency to believe that advanced technologies are only available to a select few, to old Souls with exceptional talents, or psychic abilities. And so, in the best-case scenario, we must "earn" or "deserve" those instruments, while in the worst-case scenario, they are harmful, or out of our reach.

Nothing further from the truth!

Quantum learning gives us an opportunity to explore a plethora of incredible techniques and powerful transformational tools on our own terms. You can channel in exactly what you need for your Souls' evolution. Upgrades, codes, manifestations, superpowers, bending the fabric of reality ‒ you have it all within your reach. It's just a matter of desire, intention, practice and exploration.

How to start working energetically for instant shifts

Once you enter the world of energetics, you don’t need to follow anyone else’s rules and strategies. You will make your own, co-creating with your energy field, your Higher Self and your divine support team. You will claim your throne and ignite the fire of your own divinity.

But before this beautiful vision becomes reality, you need to realise that in order to move into the state of effortless flow you have to subtract rather than add. This will go against every self-development book and course that you’ve read, which puts ACTION at its centre.

For abundance to flow and for the true power of your soul to shine through, you need to deactivate all the clutter in your field. Anything that is not yours will fall away.

The first step in reprogramming your energetic field for abundance is always to locate and remove any impediments to energy flow. These can be traced back to early childhood training, ancestral patterns, past lifetime experiences, and karmic links and bonds, all of which cause energy field distortions.

This process will take time and dedication as your energy field opens in layers. Once you remove one, the next one becomes available. But in the meantime, you will be rewarded by witnessing very quick and lasting changes in your physical reality.

And then, when you strip enough layers, you will create so much space that you will be ready for the next step, which is to upgrade your energy field for optimal energy flow by using channelled energy from higher dimensions. This process is much more pleasant than releasing: as you will open yourself up to a flow of creativity, possibilities, income, vitality, new people, and interesting experiences into your life once these energetic upgrades are fully integrated into your field.

Once you learn how to ascend your consciousness into the operating system of your three-dimensional, you truly can set your game up to be whatever you want it to be. It will feel as easy as switching lenses that you look through.

However, there is one condition. Before you ASCEND and play with effortlessly living your dream, you must DESCEND first. Go to the places where fear, scarcity, and traumas have been hidden for years, decades, generations, or even lives. And if you go there with the light of your multidimensional self and the Quantum toolset, you may finally release and repair these issues.

And this is when the real magic happens. You may manifest your wishes with ease, speed, and precision because there's nothing holding you back from changing the old reality.

If you are ready to explore Quantum energetic tools, check out my upcoming classes on

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Riya Loveguard, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Riya Loveguard is a Quantum Business Strategist bridges the gap between entrepreneurship and spirituality by teaching how to use the energetics of business to establish a successful brand in the physical sphere. Known as The Galactic Linguist, Riya channels multiple Light Languages that carry strong sound frequencies capable of impacting every aspect of your reality. Riya's purpose is to show business people and spiritual practitioners alike that ascension does not have to be at odds with achieving financial success. Riya explains how implementing energy laws into your business is the key to having a fulfilling and impactful life.



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