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What Can Really Help With Depression And Anxiety?

Written by: Oksana Saprykina, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Depression and anxiety are the leading cause of disability worldwide. Globally, 5 % of adults suffer from depression.

And it is one of the most common reasons people seek therapy. They often describe feeling stuck or uneasy in their everyday activities and have trouble to feel like they once did or seek support to move away from their current emotional state.

One of the most frustrating obstacles to change with persistent depression is difficult to feel joy or to see positive outcomes of the future.

If you feel you are depressed, it is hard for you to function with high energy on daily bases and you might feel very disconnected and lonely.

Depression does not affect just one person; it can affect families and destroy lives. Even people, who seem to have it all, can suffer from depression, as the pressure to be perfect all the time, makes them actually unhappy.

Symptoms of Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Loss of interest

  • Disrupted sleep pattern

  • Lack of motivation

  • Change in appetite

Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Irrational Fears

  • Racing mind

  • Difficulty focusing

  • Withdrawal from society

Our fast-paced society has made it difficult to deal with anxiety and depression symptoms as we are almost always stimulated. This results in many challenges with trying to allow our minds to simply relax, recharge, and process information. It is easy for us to become overwhelmed with this constant stimulation which ultimately leads to us feeling anxious and depressed.

Depression, the cause and the cure

Depression can be reversed and feeling good about yourself can be restored.

Cause of depression

  • Not feeling good enough.

  • You are not doing what you love or following your heart´s desire.

  • Disconnection, a lack of warm, humane, accepting and loving relationships.

Life goes on and so the science too. New theories are developed and the biggest discovery in the field of genetics is that your mind and body are capable of switching on and off those genes – it is called Epigenetics. With this knowledge, you can be assured that once you connect depression to the root cause and reason (which will be your environment, your childhood, your early beliefs, feelings and emotions), you can find your light again. Because your genes still remember that pure code you were born with.

Depression and anxiety can be outdone, if you understand, that there is nothing wrong with you, you are enough just the way you are. Remind yourself, you are in charge of yourself and you are supposed to do what is your heart’s desire. Take good care of yourself, eat real, healthy food, praise yourself for all the good things that you do for yourself, every day.

Depression does not have to be a lifelong sentence; in case you use Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) to overcome it. RTT is quick and effective and available for everybody.

It is important to acknowledge collectively, that depression causes huge damages in people’s lives and relationships, also the inability to create beautiful and meaningful relationships and feel good about ourselves as valuable members of the community.

A lot of people take antidepressants, to ease the symptoms of depression, which leads to addiction and constant numbness. Many feel not good about themselves, but they are not depressed, as depression is diagnosed by the description of a patient, feeling not good.

Not feeling good has a long history with a person, it comes from being dissatisfied with his life, feeling unhappy or experiencing trauma at a younger age, which antidepressants cannot eliminate. And this is why it is important to find the deep underlying reasons on a mental level, that is causing constant sadness and dissatisfaction. Hypnotherapy is the best tool to find the root cause at the deep mental level, to find when, why, where and how it started, as no baby is born depressed.

Hypnosis is a centuries-old modality, that is truly effective.

RTT is a complete therapy, that offers effective and lasting results, using the most effective principles of psychotherapy, hypnosis, NLP, CBT and neuroscience.

RTT enables to reach to the root cause, that is creating the undesired emotional, physical and cognitive situations. In hypnosis it is possible to reach the subconscious mind, that has adopted a limited belief based on past trauma and it is possible to reframe the belief, but this time, giving it a new meaning, giving it a positive, supportive and uplifting meaning, that enables to feel good and think positive, supportive thoughts.

Hypnotherapy is one of the most common treatments suggested for those suffering from anxiety and depression. This is largely due to the fact that hypnosis guides you into a relaxed state, allowing your mind to understand and process the information it has become overwhelmed with.

While talk therapy allows for empathetic listening, validating clients’ emotional experiences, one drawback of only using talk therapy is that remaining in the retelling of painful experiences without intervention can perpetuate negative feelings and increase the feeling of feeling stuck in low mood.

This is one of the reasons why Rapid Transformational Therapy is a wonderful and effective tool for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

Don’t wait for someone to come and take the depression away. All the inner work needs to be done within, in your mind and in your heart. Don’t be afraid to take the first steps to transform your life. Your most powerful tool is your mind, you will be able to heal and create the new life you deserve.

And if you decide that I can help you with that, I will guide you and we will create a beautiful transformation that will change your life.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Oksana Saprykina, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Oksana Saprykina is an established Certified Hypnotherapist practicing an award-winning method ‒ Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) taught by Marisa Peer. Oksana lived and worked in four countries on different continents. She speaks three languages fluently and works with clients around the world. Oksana is an expert at identifying her client's talents and passions and converting them into the career of their dreams. She has the skill and ability to make a difference in someone's life in an extremely rapid straightforward way. She helps clients unblock and release old behaviors or beliefs and allow that person to take back the life they dreamed of but never believed that was available to them.


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