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Top 3 Ingredients For Working Less And Earning More

Written by: Barbora Jedlovská, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Are you done with trading your time for money in your online business?

Calling in for all onlinepreneurs who most likely can relate to the fact that sometimes even 24 hours in a day are not enough. I bet that you got into the online world to share your voice, impact others but also to build that freedom lifestyle and stop trading your time for money.

Even though you love your online biz to the bone, at a certain time it really gets to the point when working smarter, effective, and eventually less is the choice you want to make, but not for the sake of earning less, quite the opposite, keeping increasing your revenue more and more. And it really is not as 'dreamy' or 'impossible' as others might want to convince you of. There is a way to be working less while earning a heck more so keep reading if that sounds like something you might like. There are endless examples of people who work hard, almost 24/7 until their eyeballs bleed and yet still have barely anything to show for it. So, you would most likely agree with me that the equation of 'working hard means more sales or more success or more money' does not apply always.

So what's the secret? Keep reading because here come the top three ingredients that are worth applying in order to work less while earning more in your online business. Let's get to it: 1. Energetics - ingredient no. 1 is understanding the Energetics and how powerful you are, starting with your thoughts which transform into feelings and emotions and eventually end up as results. Understanding that you are a huge force of energy and that your energy can either attract and magnetize or repel clients, customers, collaborations, sales and money are one of the fundamentals. Choose your thoughts carefully, see how your body responds to them, what emotions they awaken and how that is related to your results that manifested in your 3D reality.

2. Human Design - ingredients no. 2 is to get into alignment with who you are in your essence. Who you came here to be in the first place before people, the society, or the culture told you who you are supposed to be. Human Design is a powerful self-discovery tool that can be more than helpful in directing, protecting, and managing your energy, the decisions you make, how you interact with the outside world, all that and more while being in alignment. Running your online business according to your energetic constellation is an act of spiritual awareness. Often times the choices you will find yourself making to align with your energy don’t make sense from a rational standpoint, but that's more than okay. Trust the process. Not everything needs a logical explanation.

3. Subconscious reprogramming - last but not least, ingredient no. 3 healing any subconscious stories and beliefs that limit you, hold you back, and might be stopping you from thriving and flourishing in your online business. This deep inner work cannot be emphasized enough and applying this is where the biggest change happens. Therefore paying attention to your old programming and how that is showing up for you in your results is also the place where some development is required. The great news is that you can change any beliefs and stories that are not serving you well and reprogram your subconscious mind to abundance and prosperity which will eventually manifest in your outside world.

Now, if you are done slaving 12+ hours a day and rather spend your precious time enjoying yourself with your friends and family, playing with your dog, or planning exciting trips or travel, you are more than welcome to sign up for my FREE COURSE 'Aligned In Your Business' that is all about leveraging your unique energy and therefore working less, more effortlessly while being in flow and earning more. It's completely free and it covers areas such as Energetics, Human Design, and Subconscious Reprogramming. Click here or the link below and get yourself to discover how to work less while generating more revenue and thriving in your online business!

Thank you for your time reading this article and I see you inside the course!

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Barbora Jedlovská, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Barbora Jedlovska is a proud 1/3 emotional Projector, Subconscious Coach, Human Design Guide, and an online educator and business owner.

Barbora helps first-time onlinepreneurs on how to grow and maintain flourishing online business with ease and flow so that they work only three days a week. Unlike other approaches that focus mainly on doing which eventually leads to burning out, Barbora's approach emphasizes transforming deeply rooted limiting stories and aligning to your unique energy signature and soul's essence so you can vibrationally attract more while doing less. This process allows you to embody your authentic energy and do everything from a place of alignment.

Barbora's approach is half scientific and half esoteric/spiritual as she strongly believes that both aspects are equally important when it comes to transforming someone's life. In her work, she applies Human Design, Neuroscience, Quantum physics, Spirituality, and Energetics.

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