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Top 15 Business Strategies To Survive An Economic Crisis

Written by: Dr. Shahram Maralani, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


With new increases in COVID numbers, lockdowns in China, supply chain strains as a consequence of the war in Ukraine, and soaring energy and commodity prices across the globe, businesses wonder how to overcome the economic crisis. In this article, we discuss what are steps companies can take to reduce the impact of a declining economy?

A man and woman inside the office building holding a tablet and smiling while looking at it.

What Is an Economic Crisis

An economic crisis is a situation in which the economy experiences a sharp decrease in output. Natural disasters, financial problems, or political instability are among the reasons why an economical crisis might happen. An economic crisis can bring too high unemployment, inflation, or recession. The question is are we in a global economic crisis? Is a recession coming in 2022 or later? and what businesses can expect over the coming months and years.

The US and EU inflation rates have been at an all-time high for over a decade. At the same time, there is a fear of a potential recession in various economies across the world. This is a complex situation often called 'Stagflation,' during which stagnation in the economy coincides with high inflation. In addition, China's GDP growth has been following a decreasing pattern over the last decade. All these are consequences of various facts, including a different world economy post the COVID pandemic and the new political scene as a consequence of the war in Ukraine and the raised tensions in Asia.

In this new reality, some businesses are under enormous pressure from multiple dimensions. Gartner calls this a triple squeeze where persistently high inflation, scarce, expensive talent, and global supply chain constraints make it challenging or even infeasible to continue business operations.

Strategies for Business Survival During Bad Economy

There are several ways to survive an economic crisis. Not all these strategies are suitable for every organization. The decision on what strategies a company can use in an economic downturn to survive and even become more resilient depends on several factors, such as the nature of the business and the business sector of the company, the size of the company and its operations, the financial and non-financial resources it does have, and the type of crisis the economy experiences.

Below is a list of fifteen different strategies businesses may want to consider to be able to navigate through an economic crisis. But what can a business do to survive an economic crisis, has a specific answer for each business which can be formulated using a combination of below strategies evaluated and chosen by the business owners or the leadership. There are some key questions that the business owners and leaders need to ask. What business are we in? Who are our customers? What is the impact of the current economic crisis on them? What does stagflation, recession, or inflation mean for them, their business, and society? How does consumer spending change during a crisis? These are some of the key questions to answer to be able to figure out how to beat the crisis. Only after a thorough discussion and analysis should the unique recipe for the business strategy of the company during the crisis be shaped using a combination of the below measures.

Businessman looking at the wall that has business strategy measures.

Increase Sales

How to increase sales during recession or high inflation does not have a trivial answer. In an economic crisis, businesses need to be proactive. Various measures can be taken to increase sales and it is crucial to exercise those measures before other more defensive actions. There are various ways to increase sales. One of them is to increase sales by increasing distribution channels. For example, a company can launch a webshop to sell its products and services. This will increase the number of distribution channels for the company. The other way is to expand into new markets. Such expansion may be easier for online businesses. But it should also be considered by other businesses whose barrier for entry into new markets is relatively low. Moreover, businesses need to build strong relationships with their customers. Although this should be a practice at all times, being closer to good customers is a way to learn about their needs and create more business opportunities as gaining trust of new customers during difficult times can be more challenging than of the existing ones. There are also other ways to increase sales. A tip! Look into your business model and some of its components to get inspiration on where else you can find opportunities for increased sales. Increasing sales is the most important measure in order to survive and even thrive during a crisis and beyond.

Increase Marketing Activities

Another strategy to increase sales is through marketing. Marketing is a great way to increase sales during a crisis. If relevant to their sector, businesses may want to expand their marketing efforts, by advertising during recession. They can also become more strategic to leverage social media. If they do not have a great presence on social media, or if the business is not benefitting from the investments in it as it should, it is important to think differently, and both professionalize and modernize their social media strategy.

It is also important to also increase the online presence in general. Every industry has some known online channels in which the customers expect to see them. The business may want to go beyond and find some unusual places where its online presence can beat the competition. In certain industries, businesses may want to also offer discounts and promotions for a period of time. They may also create loyalty programs or offer discounts to keep their existing customers coming back. These are some examples on how to increase marketing activities. Strategies during recession should include revision of marketing activities to remain relevant.

Improve Productivity

One of the best ways to survive an economic crisis is to improve company's productivity. Improving productivity can reduce costs and improve profitability. But how do you improve productivity? The best place to start is to review the business processes and identify steps which can be simplified, eliminated, or automated. Business process mapping and improvement are great methodologies in this regard. Improving productivity can also through the employment of newer technologies to create efficiency or enahnced value. We will discuss this later in this article.

In addition, companies should make sure their employees have access to the resources to be productive. These resources could include relevant competence among the team members, tools, software, technologies, and financial resources. To be successful in improving productivity, it is also important to focus on the core competencies and capabilities to sweat the assets to their optimum capacity. Businesses should also foster a culture of innovation and creativity, not only to create new products and services, but to also seek opportunities for improvement in productivity.

Cut Costs and Expenses

Despite being unpleasant for everybody, to some, cutting costs sound more harsh or even unethical. Cost-cutting is usually associated with reduction in workforce, marketing budget, research funds and more. But in reality, mathematics of the business is simple. Revenue minus costs should leave enough profits to be able to survive and thrive. Hence, if the top-line can not grow, the only way to sustain the business is to cut costs and expenses. Where and how to cut costs, is what makes all the difference between the successful strategies and the failed ones.

Being smart in how to control cost is key to be able to succeed in the long run. The decisions to cut 'across the board' do usually not deliver sustainable results. It is important to be smart on choosing where to cut cost and where to continue funding. Businesses should ensure an intact experience for good customers who are regularly purchasing for a long time and paying on time. The cost-cutting measures should not punish these customers for their loyalty. In addition, businesses should choose the controlling measure to minimize the impact for the employees, and more so during a triple squeeze.

Innovative thoughts may also play a key role in smart cost control measures. Lately some pizza shops in Japan started to evaluate using rice flour instead of wheat. Despite being so not Italian and despite being still an expensive alternative, rice flour is more accessible than wheat in Japan during the current economic crisis. Hence businesses are evaluating if the customers would be open to this modified product which reduces the increasing cost of ingredients due to supply chain strains across the globe.

Increase Prices

Pricing strategy is one of the core elements of success in sales and revenue creation. A successful pricing strategy is also key in become competitive in the market. To remain competitive during economic crisis, businesses should get creative with pricing. Increasing prices flat out may seem the way to go as it is easier to implement. But such strategies may result in customer attrition and reduced market share. Hence, businesses need to increase their prices judiciously. Certain economies, sectors, and customer segments may have less sensitivity to a slight increase in prices, while others may get irritated and start looking for alternatives. As a result, smart strategies are key should one want to benefit from price increase as part of the solution to sustain the business during a crisis.

Boost Quality

Boosting quality may seem contradictory to common defensive measures in an economic downturn. But quality can play an important role in surviving or, more so thriving during a crisis. Firstly, during a crisis, existing customers are already feeling the pain in their pockets. Diminishing quality of products and services can give them an additional reason to start thinking about a solution and that solution may be excluding you altogether. Hence, it is important to focus on existing customers, retaining quality and service delivery. Businesses may even want to improve their customer service to partially help healing the suffer the customers experience due to external conditions and ensure customer retention.

Secondly, and for potential customers boost in quality of the offering may trigger a thought to try to solve that problem they always had with their current providers. Despite business being a logical entity, business owners and leaders are human beings and hence emotional next to being logical. It could well be that an attempt to find a less costly offering results in accepting the same price levels they are used to just by getting one of their pain points addressed properly.

Lastly, boost in quality can also be a strategic choice to lift a business to a new market segment. Businesses should evaluate their position in the market and think of both directions. For some, moving downwards and competing in a lower segment may not be feasible given their cost structure and superior quality. Hence, they may choose to use the situation created during a crisis leave the current space and move their brand and offerings to a higher segment in the market.

Diversify Products and Services

There is a very simple, yet powerful example used among marketers which demonstrate the power of product diversification very well. Imagine two shops in a little street one selling umbrella and the other selling ice-creams. Sunny or rainy days are not what both these business owners are looking forward to. What could be a good strategy for them? Perhaps, to create an alliance for revenue-sharing to make both their businesses season-proof or to merge the two businesses into one. The same can happen for other businesses. Larger businesses may want to consider adding more products to their portfolio, themselves. Smaller ones may want to consider partnerships like in the example above.

Product and service diversification is the corporate world is not as easy as it is in the commercial sector due to the necessary investments in research, product development, and production capacity. But strategic and long-term product portfolio management is a robust strategy for businesses of any size. Depending on the sector, businesses may have different choices to make. For example, there are certain products more in demand during a recession such as food. Everyone needs to eat. The demand for food items is usually less impacted by economic crisis. The shift can however be in what type of food and at what price level people are willing to purchase. Other products in demand during economic downturn are personal care items, baby items, clothing, cosmetics and related services, and pet care products and services. Understanding the logic of 'lipstick principle' can help businesses to plan and manage their portfolio as the economic outlook shifts.

Improve Collection Process

Control of account receivables and payables (AR, AP) is one of the key factors to ensure a healthy cashflow. There is a saying that if the cash is the king, then cashflow is the 'King Kong'. Cashflow has the power to move businesses for the good and for the bad. Improving AR and AP are two measures among others which can help improve a company’s cash flow. Some of the strategies to improve the cashflow include being well prepared for an extraordinary AR effort, dedicating resources (internal or external) for collection process, incentives for fast payers, delaying payments to suppliers where possible, and reviewing and challenging all assumptions in the customer as well as supplier contracts.

Reduce Inventory

Reducing the inventory is another way to improve the cash flow. Of course, a lower inventory can also have consequences for production capacity and less flexibility in delivery times to the customers. Hence it is important to work out the inventory management system in an alignement with sales, production, delivery, and other processes. The important principles in this regard are thinking of a just-in-time system where relevant, and challenging existing assumptions about how things has always been done. One risk to be aware of: culture. There is a huge difference on expectations on delivery times in various countries. If the customers are used to getting their orders in few days, you do not want to disappoint them by offering longer delivery times beyond what is common in their market. It is crucial to listen to local teams and ensure the 'one-size-fits-all' strategy does not hamper the competitiveness in those markets.

Think the Financing

Depending on other chosen strategies from the list in this article, businesses may want to either minimize or replace their debt or go the other way and get even more financing. The important thing is to ensure their strategies to tackle an economic crisis, are not limited to the operational domains and include strategies on the finances as well. Working closely with the finance as well as operational teams is important when looking for strategies in this regard. For smaller companies with less or no in-house finance competence, using trusted financial advisors can be a good alternative. Sometimes, solving a business problem may have less painful solutions sitting in the balance sheets than on the profit and loss report. Bringing the right people into the discussion gives the business leaders the full picture enabling the business to choose their strategies smarter.

Sell Non-core Assets

This strategy may seem so obvious or trivial. But knowing the core assets and differentiating them from the other ones is so important in the modern world of the business. Über has the largest taxi network in the world without owning a single car. On the other hand there are millions of taxi companies in the world with good finances owning their vehicles. Now, is a car a core asset to a taxi business or not? It depends. The core asset for the mobility in this case is the car. But who said that Über is in the mobility business? Über in reality is in a software business. Their core asset is their platform. That is why, when they decide, they launch Über Eats using almost the same software platform. For them, the bikes are necessary assets in this case, but they are not the core asset.

Hence, it is important to study the business well and understand the current business model and its evolutions in future. A business strategy consultant with expertise in business models can help identifying the right business model for the future and as a result the right core asset you should always keep close and those you may consider divesting.

Invest in property

Why investing in property is a good business strategy? There are different reasons why, especially during an economic crisis. Property values usually remain stable or increase over long term, while other investments may lose their value. In addition, rental income from investment properties can provide a steady stream of revenue. Property can also be a hedge against inflation. Moreover, property portfolio in any business can be used as assets upon which one gets loans which can be used in their business operations. Not all business may be able or want to invest in property. But all businesses should consider and evaluate the relevance of this strategy in their business.


Digitalization is about turning information into a digital format and it can include anything such as a document, photo, music, or videos. The advantages of digitalization are many; it can make data easier to store and access, it can improve communication and collaboration, and it can help to speed up work processes by automating tasks or help the employees work more efficiently. Modern Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software can help businesses manage their marketing, sales, inventory, contracts, and finances more effectively.

For businesses, the move to a fully digitized workplace can be a game changer. In fact, many companies are now completely or mostly paperless, thanks to technologies like cloud computing and mobile devices. By making the switch, businesses can save time and money while improving efficiency and productivity. The aim of digitalization is to simplify processes and reduce cost. The amount of digitalization implemented during the two years since COVID crisis is comparable with many years of digitalization in the past. Digitalization is a robust strategy which every business from solopreneurs and small medium enterprises to large businesses and international corporations, should go through. You can read more in this regard here in my article.

Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation

Digital transformation is the process of transforming an organization to fully embrace digital technologies in order to improve performance and create new value for customers. It is a strategic initiative that requires changes across all parts of the business, from the way employees, work to the way products and services are delivered. Digital transformation can help organizations become more agile and responsive to changing customer needs, and it can enable them to tap into new markets and revenue sources.

Digital Transformation can only be achieved by applying digital technologies to one or more business processes. That is why any successful transformation, including a digital one, can only be achieved by understanding and adjusting the business model of any organization and its underlying business processes before employing any technologies and solutions. You can read more in this regard here in my article.

File for Bankruptcy

This is perhaps the most unfavorable and unpleasant strategy among all. But in certain countries, to file for bankruptcy is one of the best ways to tackle economic crisis, should other measures not be helpful in managing and sustaining the business. Where the local law allows, business owners can use this measure to reorganize their finances and restructure their debts. Despite sounding a though decision to take, filing for bankruptcy can help businesses stay afloat during an economic crisis. For more information about this strategy and its applicability and various types of it, consult a registered financial advisor in the local market.

Best Business to Start During Bad Economy

The line between managing the portfolio of products and services and starting new business lines or new businesses altogether becomes more and more blurred in the digital economy. Many startups pivot their scope and value proposition as they mature. Established businesses enter into new product categories or move up or down in the value chain in which they operate. Some do also start new businesses as sister companies or in other forms. Hence despite being in a particular business, or having the idea of building a business in a particular domain, it is always good to know what are the best business to start in a bad economy as even if they are away from scope of your existing or anticipated business, they can become relevant as a side activity, an area of expansion, or as an inspiration to generate ideas in your own domain.

One note of caution before thinking about new areas in times of economic crisis: It is important to be aware of the current business and ask if it follows a business cycle. There are businesses which may have seasonal or longer-term cycles they follow. Being in the autumn of that cycle, should not necessarily be a trigger to start a new business line. Here are some industries which might be good to consider as areas for expansion during bad economy, after going through all the necessary considerations about the improvements in your current business.

Online Freelance Services ‒ This is quite natural. From one side, due to redundancies, there are more people in the market who need to start on their own. on the other side, companies would like to use more freelance resources to reduce their fixed cost base. As a result, both the freelance services and the businesses enabling freelance workers, especially the ones with online offerings have a chance to thrive during challenging times. Be aware that the potential for these businesses may shrink as the economy starts to recover as more companies start to recruit permanent staff and reduce their use of freelancers.

Accounting and Bookkeeping services – Irrespective of having black or red numbers, all businesses need to manage their accounts. Accounting services usually stay robust during crisis. Certain services may even see growth, as businesses need to manage their expenses, collection, tax, and other matters more diligently. In addition, Debt Collection Agencies, Financial Advisors and Economists see also growing demand in such times due to similar reasons.

Fast Food Franchisee and Grocery shops ‒ In general, food and beverage-related businesses tend to suffer less during crisis. Certain segments like restaurants and bars suffered during the COVID pandemic. But that was a special situation where the economic circumstances were the consequence of the stagnation of the society. But in general, as the spending power on more costly items reduces, the spending on food and similar items goes the other way. The same applies to Grocery Stores. In fact, they were the only businesses that stayed open even during the hardest lockdowns in 2020.

Low-cost offerings ‒ Economic crisis impacts spending willingness and power among consumers. Hence businesses such as Retail Consignment Stores, Bargain and Discount Stores, Home Maintenance Stores, Electronic Device Refurbishment, Auto Repair and Maintenance, and other Repair Services tend to see growth in these times as consumers look for ways to extend the use of their current assets.

Healthcare Service Providers ‒ Healthcare is a sector which does not always follow the same economic cycles as other sectors. People tend to spend more on healthcare during difficult times in order to keep themselves healthy and fit. That is why many new businesses were established in this sector during the corona crisis.

Rental Agents and Property Management Companies ‒ People need a place to live in. Changing economies can trigger more moves in the market as people need to adjust their finances. This can create opportunities for certain segments in the property-related businesses. On the investment side, businesses investing in HMOs (Homes with multiple occupants) may also see increase in demand due to the economic circumstances impacting consumers.

A word of caution ‒ There are also disadvantages of starting a business during a recession or other forms of economic crisis. Be realistic about the situation in the market and the chances to succeed. Seek advise from business experts to ensure you have a comprehensive view on your next venture before committing to any investment.

Worst Businesses to Start During Bad Economy

Economy is a complicated system. Various circumstances can result in unfavorable results even if the indicators seem favorable. It is important to be vigilant and do necessary due diligence when considering starting a new business or a new business line. Here are some of the businesses which may not be the best to start during bad economy.

Retail ‒ The retail industry is one of the largest employers globally. An estimated 15.6 million employees work in the retail sector in US alone. Recessions hit retail trade the hardest once consumers begin losing jobs. Hence despite its potential especially in the low-cost segment, retail can be hit the hardest during the recession.

Restaurants and Bars ‒ Strained wallets and risk of unemployment pushes consumers to visit supermarkets more often than restaurants and bars. As a result, starting a business in this sector from scratch during an economic crisis needs to be well thought through.

Leisure and Hospitality ‒ This is another area where consumers will cut their spending. Businesses in this sector will first feel this in the lower spending-power segment followed by the middle-range spending customers. The high-end segment may not see any impact from the economic crisis or on the contrary, see an increased demand.

Other sectors ‒ There are sectors where the purchase decision of the consumers is more based on emotions and wants than their necessities and needs. Such sectors tend to also get hit hard during crisis. Industries such as automotive, sports, and real estate may see heavy declines during tough times.

Digitalized businesses are not immune ‒ Despite lots of advantages of online businesses, they are also not immune to economic crisis. Netflix has seen growth in its subscription base over years and well into the COVID pandemic. With the opening of the society, more pressure on the wallets as a result of the economic crisis, and also competition to what Netflix has to offer, subscribers have been cancelling their subscription more and more. Many online grocery delivery services are shut down or in difficulty. Thousands of coaches, physiotherapists, beauty specialist who have benefited from the flexibility and power of their online marketing, are seeing declining business pushing them close their business. Hence digitalization, digital transformation, or building a digitally born business do not guarantee success unless these digital enablers are part of a more comprehensive business strategy.

Strategies to Prepare for Economic Recovery

Economy like many other phenomena in this world goes in cycles. History shows that the periods of growth and thriving of the economy is usually followed by some form of economic downturn and eventually crisis. These sequences of economic expansions and recessions shape the reality of how the economy develops. As a result of this, long lasting businesses may experience few cycles of good and bad economy during their existence. Preparedness for what is coming next is necessary, should one want their business to exist and thrive over a longer period. Moreover, despite the cycles of global economy impacting all geographies, there are variances among different regions given different circumstances. For example, while a continent can be in a huge difficulty with high inflation, another one can experience lower rates of price increases and a more stable economy. It is crucial that business owners consider both global as well as local economic cycles when selecting their business strategies.

One of the main observations of these days when this article is being written is the fact that many online businesses which were established and thrived during the COVID outbreak, are facing difficulties pushing them to shrink their operations or even close their doors. One of such examples are various forms of online shops selling grocery or many other items. With people getting back to a (new) normal life and not needing to stay home as before, the old habits of purchasing at the store are coming partially back. As a result, the oversupply of online delivery of any sort is resulting in difficult competitive landscape for these businesses. In addition, some authorities are challenging the impact of these businesses on their societies. For example, the city of Amsterdam has been taking measures to reduce the inconvenience caused by delivery bikes and cars of these business.

As mentioned before, Netflix has seen a dramatic decrease in their subscribers. But they are not the only tech business facing such challenges. Many other businesses in the tech industry have seen challenges and have been shrinking post COVID. As a result, it is crucial for businesses to think and reflect about the circumstances in which they operate, but also the have foresight on what is on the horizon. Using the knowledge of experts can help businesses have a structured approach in foreseeing what is on the horizon and do scenario planning for how the reality may eventually evolve.

Four people inside the office having a meeting about  business strategy measures.


History has shown that the economy goes in cycles. The global economy impacts the regional and local economies in the geographies that a business operates. Taking action to address an unforeseen situation caused by an economic or social crisis is a given, but is not enough. Scenario planning and preparedness for how the economy may develop in less cloudy times, is also as important and distinguishes leadership with foresight from short-termism. Learning about various strategies as potential solutions to a particular situation impacting the business, is one of the top skills of successful business owners and leaders. Larger companies have the capacity and the resources to structure a process for such business studies and strategic planning. Small or medium-sized businesses are the ones that may not be able to afford having a separate function to take care of their strategic planning and response to a changing economy and market. But with the social, economic, and technological complexities in today's world, having a process for strategic planning is inevitable. This is to be able to study how the economy and the business environment is developing. How do businesses respond when the economy is growing? and how do they respond when in a bad economy? Defining a structured approach to strategic planning helps learning from them.

In addition, it is important to be vigilant. Know your domain, but study the latest developments in it, but also in your adjacent domains. It is important to learn about the value chain in which your business operates and learn more about the players higher or lower in the value chain. Read a lot of news, articles, industry trends, and information about your competitors. Research alternative spending possibilities for your customers (lipstick principle). Reflect on where they would be spending their money, when they are not able or want to spend it with you anymore. Stay firm and do not jump from one branch to another frequently but be alert on when is the time to pivot or quit your business.

It is also important to remember that online businesses are (fairly) recession resistant. But they are also not immune to various trends in the economic cycles. It is crucial to learn about possibilities that a digital solution can offer you and to use them to create efficiency, enhanced customer experience, or to create new value propositions. To do that, it is crucial to constantly look for ways to simplify your business processes. Digitalization should follow a simplification in business processes to deliver on its promises. Outsourcing or other moves across your value chain is the next step, after you have simplified your business processes and digitalized what is possible. Only then think of outsourcing or other changes in your operating or business model.

Look into the developments in various technologies. What you know is possible in your domain is not enough. There are developments in other areas, sometimes far away from your domain that can give you opportunities you may not see if you do not stay informed. Change the technologies you use to bring efficiency and better customer experience. But be sure you do see technology application as part of your overall business strategy and not a cure for every pain.

Do not take high stake decisions without enough research and advice from experts. The changes in society, economy, technology, and business are happening so fast that no-one can stay sharp without daily research and learning in their own subject matter. The use of proper expertise helps you learn more about new possibilities and risks, before committing into any investment or change.

Be sure to make the process and the strategies explain in this article as part of your business management practice. Despite the intention of these strategies to make your organization stronger during an economic crisis, you have nothing to lose creating a more robust business, even if the economy recovers faster.

“While economic output contracted for two consecutive quarters in the first half of 2022, a strong labor market means that currently we are likely not in recession,” said Frank Steemers, a senior economist. 'Ugly' inflation numbers make a recession more likely in 2022, economist says. US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell speaks during a news conference at the Federal Reserve Building in Washington, DC, on June 15, 2022. As you see, nobody can be truly sure which turn the economy takes next. Do your scenario planning and be prepared for the next turn in the economy and the market.


Building an Online Business is a wonderful way to create a side hustle, which may eventually become your primary occupation. The side hustle has traditionally been used to create additional income. Today, side hustle has evolved to serve more purposes such as mitigation of risk, diversification of your skills, and, higher intellectual satisfaction by creating a greater impact.

This book aims to inspire and provide you with a roadmap on how to build an online business from scratch or to bring your existing business online in a short period of time. This process for solopreneurs and very small businesses can be as short as a few days. The recommended blueprints and available off-the-shelf solutions can enable you to create and bring your business online sometimes in literally 24 hours.

Building online businesses have become even more important since the current crisis when the first and second editions of this book are being published. More and more individuals and businesses are in need of quick but robust ways to ensure the survival of their careers or businesses.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Dr. Shahram Maralani, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Shahram G. Maralani is a Corporate Leader with more than twenty-five years of experience in a wide range of disciplines and across multiple industries and geographies. He is also an Author, a Business Mentor, and a Professional Speaker. Shahram is currently senior vice president and chief digital officer in Nemko Group A/S. In addition, he helps entrepreneurs to establish and develop Online Businesses. He is author of the book “Build an online business in 24 hours”.

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