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The Seven Mindset Transformation Questions Revitalizing Dreams Again

Written by: Ranya AlHusaini, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Ranya Alhusaini

A dream is a wish burning with a great desire toward fulfilment. A dream without strong bones collapses in front of reality. Dreams are bubble like thoughts you catch them as you grow and learn. People’s wishes and dreams are often a reflection of all their childhood’s unmet needs. Hence, the four pillars of a dream is: the dreamer[yourself], the dream [the concept, idea], the fantasy [visualization], and the obstacles.

A photo of two ladies.

How your mind can sabotage the birth of your dreams? By allowing internal negative unconscious understating about yourself blocking the free flowing of positive creation. Repeating “I can’t”, I can’t do it”,” Is this even possible” takes you swimming inside an endless pond of stagnation. But what if those dreams grew healthier in perspective while irrigating them with ambition, desire, willingness, and passion. Remember, no one can distract your dream flow without your own consent. The huge bucket holding your dreams is residing inside your heart that’s how emotions win over the mind. Those dreams were brewing for so long inspiring and influencing your mission to meet reality. Your heart is a metaphor for all your emotions and intuition voice. If your mind produces thoughts within a glimpse, your heart pump desire to those thoughts until they become a reality. However, the following factors can delay the progress of your dreams: Having no valid link with a purpose 2. Repenting the slow progress 3. Low confidence in achievement 4. Unrealistic dreams 5. No contentment in your current state.

Therefore, in today’s article we demonstrate the seven mindset transformation questions revitalizing dreams again.

  1. How to bring those dreams into reality? For any dream left unattended or swimming at a shallow speed reminding you, what about me? Questions like: How to revive those dreams again? Is there any alternative tool to revive those dreams again? At the midst of chaos, reviewing how efficient your methods of fulfilment are a winning trade. Having this on mind, a small step everyday toward a dream counts at the end of the journey. Flexing your cognitive ability as you dream is a midway intersection toward realization. Research have shown that cognitive flexibility is a crucial skill toward solving problems, adapting to new situations, and achieving your dreams. In here realizing the end result is what you are looking for. Therefore, questions like: What other dreams are sharing the same end result?

  2. What other alternatives reviving greater possibilities? At this corner you are adapting to newer possibilities, finding alternatives and replacing the ordinary with uncommon solutions. Flexing your way of thinking is an alternative solution toward a growth mindset. Cognitive flexibility is often associated with mental ability adjusting its activity, capacity, and content to switch with ease between different tasks. The next question here: How to master cognitive flexibility? By Pursuing newer challenges, experiences, and performing daily tasks differently. Stretching your mind’s capacity can leave space for more alternatives. Hence, what you call your daily struggle, misfortunate, or even stagnant period can pick solution, elegantly. Through cognitive flexibility understanding your mind’s ability can unlock all doors as you step closer toward your dreams. In here, your flexible methods of Learning can invigorate creative spark of solutions. Flexing different opportunities, alternatives, and solutions can fasten manifestation. 

  3. What to do when effort don’t win? Wasting effort into a clumsy dream can delay the progress of manifestation. How to win efficiently? Reviewing every condition, factor, and environment surrounding that subject can clarify the main reason of waste. Questions like: What’s stopping your dreams? Is there any other way you can do to unblock the obstacles? How much is too much on wasting your effort, time, energy, age, and happiness? What is one word you keep repeating while facing your unfulfilled dreams? And what makes you repeat this word? What is your feeling as you repeat this word? What is your body’s sensation as you repeat this word? How do you feel about yourself? What’s your feeling while wasting important resources? Have you ever labelled yourself after failure? What makes you repeating this label? Have you heard someone from your past repeating those labels to you? Do you believe those labels… and so on. Exerting effort in unrealistic dreams waste your essence.

  4. When stubbornness is downright unhealthy? Persisting with an unrealistic dream is unhealthy. When can you tell if your persistence toward a dream is unhealthy: If you are feeling bored, lacking the right commitment, and disinterested. If one dream couldn’t revive its vitality into reality then progressing with a new goal is possible. Bringing newer dreams into perspective requires flexibility, cognitive acceptance, and ample of alternatives. When you broaden the horizon to more opportunities you leave a good place for abundance to come your direction. Questions like what other goals can produce the same end result? If your dream to become a doctor was not attainable during youth, then finding a similar degree in alternative medicine serve the purpose to humanity.

  5. When your timeline is realistically flexible? Dreams are sparkles of passion, and aspiration toward a newer possibility. A dream can fill your heart with creative passion. When Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC wanted to serve his scrumptious chicken to the public he had a strong belief that his chicken can be definitely tempting. With a strong belief, the Colonel kept his dream close to heart no matter how challenging the journey was. “I’ve only had two rules: Do all you can and do it the best you can. It’s the only way you ever get that feeling of accomplishing something” Colonel Sanders. At the age of 62 the colonel inaugurated the first branch of KFC serving mouth-watering chicken recipe to the public. The colonel’s long burning passion urged him to battle numerous challenges without losing faith. Sometimes, bigger dreams need bigger space in your life. These bigger sized dreams are demanding more quality, effort, passion and a stretchable timeline.

  6. When quitting might be a good idea? There are certain situations when holding into the robes of your dreams can break through your skin and cause you harm. A question like – How many times you have to fail to quit? Or how to decide when it is the best time to quit? With these questions on mind, it is important to reconsider certain factors into the perspective of quitting. Have you given your best effort? Is pursuing your dreams impacting your general health, wellbeing and other opportunities? Re-evaluating a dream can bring more clarity and value toward progressing. Only when pressure is piling a heavy burden on your general wellbeing: mentally, emotionally and financially then quitting can advance your progress somewhere else. 

  7. When failure is not a bad factor in your progress? Failure, is the trade of fairly learning. You learn a lot about yourself, situation, environments and different factors. Without failure you wouldn’t know what is right or wrong. You wouldn’t understand the depth of yourself. You wouldn’t gain an insight on the main factor leading to failure. Failure can reflect on deep self-awareness, knowledge, and stretching your capacity in starting all over again. Remember, being stuck and stubborn is failure. Hence, re-evaluating the main purpose behind failure may draw the next path toward success. While reviewing you gain a perspective on the contributing factors leading to failure. 

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Ranya Alhusaini Brainz Magazine

Ranya AlHusaini, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

This is Ranya AlHusaini – a mindset transformation guru. My mission is to motivate professional women to unlock their self-worth and live a balanced life. With so much curiosity, and self-awareness I have developed my way with strength and determination. My expertise was well maintained as I took years to understand and develop my own through different modalities, and from there I understood human's nature and reaction. The modalities I use and consult throughout the session are NLP, Rapid transformation Therapy technique, and Hypnosis. So if you want a switch, or a makeover in your life hop in for a mindset transformation session! I have attached a photo of myself as well!

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