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The Power of Vision and Perseverance

Written by: Sandra Daniele, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The magic of flight has me in awe as I watch a passenger plane soar overhead. I was reminded of the Wright brothers and their first attempts at flight in the early 1900s. Their vision and perseverance make travel to new and exotic destinations across the globe with minimal effort possible today. If you are a fan of travel like me, you can appreciate their efforts.


Anything you can dream and envision can become your reality. That flight overhead is a reminder that dreams do come true. Is it going to happen without perseverance? Unlikely, but using the power of vision and perseverance together, you can create your magic and bring your dreams to life.

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others” – Jonathan Swift

What vision do you have for yourself and your life? Do you have an idea that you haven’t yet committed to because the idea isn’t crystal clear?

All visions start as a thought or concept, something formed by your imagination. Bring your vision to life by following at a minimum these 3 things.

  • Establish Clear Goals. Goals are a reminder to you of what you are trying to accomplish. They become the steppingstones to success and milestones to celebrate your wins. Goals also help pull you back on track if you start to wander.

  • Be Realistic. This isn’t to encourage you to think small but is a reminder to start small. I doubt the Wright Brothers dreamed of flying around the world. Well, maybe they did, but that isn’t where they started. They were thrilled to fly 120 feet. Get the basics of your vision first. There will be opportunities to expand on your initial success.

  • Adapt When Needed. The need to pivot does not equate to failure. Keep an open mind when creating and working on your vision. Be okay with adjusting.

“The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step” –Lao Tzu

Perseverance is a continued effort to achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition, as Merriam-Webster defines. Ever tried something new and felt like giving up? Then you already know that doing something new and different isn’t easy. This is where your perseverance needs to kick in to follow through on your vision.

Can you imagine if the Wright Brothers gave up after their first flight attempt failed? What would have happened if they hung up their flight wings after they flew 12 seconds and called it good enough? You don’t have to answer those questions because they didn’t give up, they persevered to improve on their invention, and with the help and innovations of many others, they reached new milestones and new possibilities.

Your vision deserves the same perseverance. It is true that some people naturally have a greater drive to persevere through tough times, but you can hone your skills as you work towards your vision. It will be worth the effort.

  • Quiet the Voice – the pesky one that whispers, “I told you so” or “I knew this was a bad idea.” That is not at all helpful, and you knew it was going to be tough. Quiet that voice and remind yourself that if it were easy, it would already be done.

  • Keep Away Naysayers - the “friends” that question your reasoning or tell you it isn’t possible. Life is full of naysayers, and they aren’t a lot of fun to be around, especially when you have a big vision. They also don’t help to quiet your internal dialogue.

  • Small Steps – remind yourself that you only need small steps to push forward and make changes. If something isn’t working, go back to your vision, keep working, and change or update what isn’t.

  • Remove Emotion – decisions shouldn’t be made based on your emotional state. Facts, data, truth in black and white is always a better guidance system than your emotions.

  • Celebrate Wins – keep the things that are working at the forefront. Don’t allow yourself to forget how far you have come. Everything you do towards your vision counts as success. Treat it as such.

  • Reframe Thoughts – the definition of perseverance sets the idea that success must be painful. What if you reframe your thinking? Perseverance becomes the doorway to success.

The Wright Brothers didn’t give up. They had a vision, and they persevered. The same opportunity exists for you to follow your dreams and bring your vision to life. Remember, when things feel tough, that doorway of perseverance is wide open, waiting to meet you and your vision on the other side.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Sandra Daniele, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sandra Daniele is a certified life coach who has helped numerous women break through limiting beliefs that held them back from relationships, jobs, and the life they desired to live. Sandra is passionate about joining women on their journey to self-love and acceptance while guiding them to confidently show up as who they are, not who they think they need to be. She has discovered the secrets to identifying what is most important in life and how to live authentically. She gladly shares these secrets with her clients. In her free time, Sandra enjoys beach yoga, reading, and time with family and friends.


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