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The Many Forms Of Modern Witch – Embracing The Path That Chooses You

Priestess Alissandra Moon is a Spiritual Alchemist, Soul Coach & Mentor for Witches. She has co-authored an international best seller and is a regular guest on Radio, TV and Podcasts. Founder of Raven Moon Academy of Magick, she is on a mission to heal the world.

Executive Contributor Alissandra Moon

In the realm of the mystical and magickal, there lies a truth that resonates deeply with many: sometimes, the Witch does not choose the path, but rather, the path chooses the Witch. And when Magick calls, you have a better answer!

Modern day witch holding smartphone

No matter how hard you try to resist the calling, it will always find ways to get your attention and until you accept your soul's truth, that you are a magickal being with a greater purpose, you will always feel the void and end up chasing external things to try to find fulfilment.


But you never will.


Be it drugs, adrenalin, relationships, sex, money, success, material things, diagnoses and labels, drama, attention, or anything else besides, you will just keep on searching and identity seeking, but nothing will fill that soul-hole until you accept that you are ‘Witch,’ and the spiritual world is your home.


If your soul is pulling you toward the path of a Witch, the magickal, mystical way of life, you will never be fulfilled or truly happy until you embrace it!

Until you learn the ways of modern Witchcraft and discover how to weave them through your daily life, you will be missing something, a part of yourself. It will eat at you because you will be subconsciously and spiritually aware that you are not living in alignment with your purpose or being true to yourself!


Being a Witch and following your soul calling does not mean that you have to be doing elaborate rituals and spells every day, week or even month! Not at all! Unless you want to, of course.


It is so much more than that. It’s a way of life, a way of being, and most importantly, it is a ‘remembering.’ When you are learning the ways of the Witch and opening yourself up to the deeper mysteries of life and beyond, you are actually reactivating and remembering the universal truths and the immortal part of yourself and bringing together the pieces of your soul from other lifetimes. (A well as those parts of your ancestors who could not answer the call or were brutally murdered for it) You are healing your whole line and changing things for not only yourself but also your descendants.

This journey can manifest in a myriad of ways, each unique and profound in its own right. From healers and musicians to psychics, herbalists, open-minded/ quantum physicists and beyond, the essence of the Witch can be found in diverse practices and vocations. Even if you find yourself drawn to the natural, magickal, and mystical ways without the label of "Witch," the truth is that it still runs in your veins, and the Witch Fire burns within your soul. If you don't identify with being a Witch though, know that this is perfectly okay. Your path is your own, and it is beautiful.So long as it is your truth.


The many faces of the witch

Witches come in many shapes, sizes, ages and forms, and most Witches will actually tick multiple boxes. In days long gone, they were the healers, midwives, counselors, teachers, village experts, royal advisors, celebrants, Priests and Priestesses, Oracles and more. Whether known as a Wise Woman/Man, Shaman, Medicine Woman/Man, Witch, Folk Magician, Sorcerer, Sage or by any other name, they were vital to the lives and well-being of the people.



Often seen as the heart of the community, healers use their intuitive abilities and knowledge to heal body, mind and soul. Whether through energy work, Reiki, various Therapies, modern medicine or traditional folk remedies, healers channel the ancient wisdom of the earth to bring about balance and well-being.



The power of sound is undeniable, and musicians who ‘enchant’ us through song are tapping into an ancient form of magick. Their music can heal, inspire, and transform, weaving ‘spells’ through melody and rhythm. The intentions behind their music create ripples of energy that can change the world around them.



Those with the gift of sight (or other Claires) often find themselves on the Witch’s path without even realising it. Psychics connect with the unseen realms, providing insights and guidance through their heightened intuition. They are the bridges between worlds, offering wisdom from beyond the veil.


Naturopaths, integrative doctors, and chiropractors

Blending ancient wisdom with contemporary knowledge to heal and empower. They harness the natural forces of the body and mind, using holistic approaches to restore balance and wellness. Just as witches use herbs, energy, and intention, these practitioners combine natural remedies, nutritional guidance, and physical adjustments to address the root causes of ailments. They trust in the body's innate ability to heal and know nature wants to aid healing. By integrating various healing modalities, they create a tapestry of care that honours the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit.


Herbalists and aromatherapists

The Green Witches of the modern world, herbalists and aromatherapists work with the natural world to create potions, tinctures, and oils that heal and empower. They have a deep connection with plants and understand the intricate energies that each herb, root and flower holds.

Gardeners and botanists

The earth itself is their altar, and through their work, gardeners and botanists cultivate life and beauty. Their hands in the soil connect them to the cycles of nature, making them stewards of the earth’s magick and custodians of the gift that is nature.



Weaving ‘spells’ with paint, words, music, and movement. They conjure emotions, transform perceptions, and manifest visions into reality. Through their creative process, they tap into the collective unconscious, channelling energies and ideas from the ether into tangible forms. Harnessing the power of symbols and archetypes to communicate profound truths. Just as Witches use rituals, artists immerse themselves in their work, entering a trance-like state where magick happens. Whether through a brushstroke, a melody, or a written word, artists enchant the world, making the invisible visible and the impossible possible.


You are more than a label

You may feel a pull towards these practices, a whisper from the natural and mystical realms, yet hesitate to call yourself a Witch. In fact, many of my students were not “Witches” when they first came to me. They only started to connect with the word after a few months of really getting to know themselves and learning the true meaning and power of the word Witch.


The label is not what defines you or your connection to the magickal world though; your actions, intentions, wisdom and the energy you cultivate are what truly matter. Embrace your path, however it manifests, find a well-respected mentor and trust in the journey you are called to embark upon.


Exploring lesser-known types of witches

The world of Witchcraft is vast and varied, with many paths, most being eclectic in nature, including these lesser-known paths that offer rich and diverse practices:



In the digital age, Tech-Witches use technology as magickal tools. From coding spells to creating digital sigils and conducting online rituals, they blend modern technology with ancient wisdom. For more on Tech-Witchery, check out my upcoming interview: “Exploring Modern Witchcraft, Interview with The Tech-Witch”, with The Tech-Witch, Priestess DeRainbow.


Cosmic witches

These witches look to the stars for guidance, working with astrological charts, lunar cycles, and the energies of celestial bodies. They understand that the cosmos is a vast network of energy that influences our lives and use this knowledge to guide their magick.


Secular witches

Not all witches follow a spiritual or religious path. Secular witches focus on the practical and tangible aspects of magick, using rituals and spells in a way that is grounded in the physical world without invoking deities or spirits.


Hedge witches

Walking the line between the mundane and the spiritual, hedge witches practice hedge riding, which involves journeying into the otherworld or spirit realm. They are often solitary practitioners who work with spirits, ancestors, and the natural world.

Urban witches

Living in cities and urban environments, these witches adapt their practices to the hustle and bustle of modern life. They find magick in the concrete jungle, using the energy of the city to fuel their spells and rituals.


Shamanic witches

Healers who journey to other worlds and are one with nature. They connect with animals and nature on a level that cannot be imagined by most people and they communicate with the spirit and souls of all things. Shamanic Witches see the world very differently and feel the pain of plants and animals. They are generally chosen by the Ancestors, like Shamans are and this path is part of their soul's purpose. (I am a Shamanic Mind Witch. My maternal line were Siberian Shamans and Buryats. Although I was chosen by Spirit and the Ancestors to continue the line, I was not disciplined enough or aware of what was happening until much later. My practices and beliefs are very Shamanic but I am not a Shaman)


Mind witches

This is me. We work with the mind and many psycho-spiritual practices, combining the Science with the “Woo”. We are intellectuals and need to know how and why things are as they are. We use sigils and the written word amongst other things to cast spells and are often shadow workers, transpersonal and psycho-spiritual therapists.


A Mind-Witch is a master of the mental realms, blending the power of thought with the art and science of magick. We dive deep into study and learning, exploring the vast landscapes of psychology, spirituality, and the subconscious. With a keen understanding of visualisation, meditation, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Mind-Witches shape our own reality and manifest our desires. We often engage in astral travel and journeying through the unseen worlds to gather wisdom and insight. Through psycho-spiritual practices, we harness our mental energy, transforming thoughts and emotions into potent tools for magickal transformation. A Mind-Witch is a seeker, a scholar, and a mystical practitioner, weaving the threads of mind and spirit into a tapestry of powerful, intentional change.


Embrace your unique path

Ultimately, the path of the Witch is as individual as the person walking it. Whether you call yourself a Witch or not, if you feel drawn to the mystical, the natural, and the magickal things in life, honour that calling. Explore the practices that resonate with you, and let the path unfold naturally. Trust in the journey, for it is uniquely yours.


Remember, the magick is in you and it will find its way out into the world in the most beautiful and unexpected ways. Embrace your path, whatever it may be, and know that you are a part of a vast, ancient, and wondrous tradition.


If you wish to learn the ways of the Witch whilst healing and empowering yourself to be the best version of you, get in touch via email and mention this article for 20% off.

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Alissandra Moon, Priestess, Spiritual Alchemist, Soul Coach

Priestess Alissandra Moon is a world-renowned Healer, Coach, and witch who specialises in Shadow Work, Magickal Mentorship, and transformational Coaching. Obsessed with personal and spiritual development, she has more qualifications than any one human needs! Alissandra is extremely passionate about Animal Welfare & Raven Moon Academy is the official Supporter of Animals in Australia. Determined to make Magick & Paganism mainstream, with self-awareness, empowerment, healing, and compassion becoming the new normal. Alissandra calls for the lightworkers to unite for a common cause- To make the world a better place!

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